Has anyone had any experience with Muay Thai?
I'm a skinnyfat (5'10, 79kg) and I can't stand working out at a gym, it just feels so sterile and boring to me.
Has anyone had any experience with Muay Thai?
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Go for boxing.
Muy Thai is good now u young n can kick high.
If u get old, ur leg flexibility will disappear.
Same thing if u lift.
I used to practice all that kind of stuff, may Thai, kick boxing, full contact, karate, even capoeira. Then I started athletism and lifting. Now my legs are like two iron bars, stronger, faster but I have no flexibility.
Boxing is nice and effective on the streets.
Boxing is a less expensive way to get the brane damage.
Striking martial arts are fun obviously, but they dont even compare to grappling, take up bjj
With spelling like that you probably already have it
Nice dubs
>If u get old, ur leg flexibility will disappear.
>Now my legs are like two iron bars, stronger, faster but I have no flexibility.
implying it has anything to do with age and not the fact that you just haven't stretched in years
implying low-kicks, knee strikes and elbows aren't effective even if you aren't limber
implying you should give anyone advice
>dont even compare
what are multiple opponents
you are not a skinnyfat, you are fat
something nobody can win in a fight against and which only bjj will teach you to deal with effectively
I found boxing such bullshit. Breaking people up, all those restrictions.
Wrestling/BJJ/MMA/Kickboxing was much more fun. Plus less brain damage.
>skinnyfat (5'10, 79kg)
I'm skinnyfat 5'9 66kg, you must be just fat
only retards train combat sports for self defense, its all about growth and fun m8
I can tell that you'll go to twice then give up, using some bullshit excuse like you did for lifting. You should focus on not being a loser for a start
>something nobody can win in a fight against
I have literally done that, when I was only trained in rigid ass kyokushin karate, and I wasn't even that good.
Anyone with anything over a year in muay thai could give three untrained a attackers a serious run for their money.
never said i do
you just got lucky
Not that guy but that's not the case. You vastly overestimate how good regular people are at fighting. No head movement, shitty punches, shitty cardio, shitty everything. A guy with training and competition under his belt could put three guys away with his left and a cool head, for sure.
Now if you're dealing with big guys from rugby, that's another matter. But just three regular dudes wouldn't be an issue.
k buddy
I just find more appropriate using upper body for older people. But you are right. There are a lot of 40-60 men doing capoeira and muay Thai out there.
Look! That 65 yo man breakdancing!
U butthurt cos u kno I'm right n u gotten change the shitty martial art u practicing inspired by Naruto or som other faggot bullshit.
>Getting older doesn't make you less flexible.
>Building up muscle doesn't make you less flexible.
Of course not motherfuker. Stay delusional. Continue fapping to jet Lee fantasy movies, fag.
I did muay Thai. you don't ever want to kick higher than the waist. if you want to be flashy and kick people in the head just break their knee and then kick them. or do Tai Kwon Do.
Not that guy but a requirement for getting my black belt in kyokushin karate was to take on 2 trained opponents and win in sparring its serious shit and on multiple occasions I've done 3v1 and come out on top in street/bar fights the speed and accuracy of trained vs untrained is ridiculous
muay thai is the greatest work out you can get if you go to a decent gym
True if you're a manlet
Break your shins.
Over and over again.
not this faggot but hes right, only time ive fought with un trained opponent i felt like jackie chan, spinning away from retarded overhands and shit
seems like MT with boxing would be good as boxing would make your MT tighter hand wise
then add wrestling, bjj
I'm 40 , can i do MT
oh and boxing/wrestling >> unless you can find an incredible mma gym (like they train pros). at a certain level youre gonna want to be bjj competent. despite my disdain for eastern combat sports, only street fight ive been in i tapped him with a knee to the head and he pussied out real fast lol
Most effective striking martial art
There's a reason every single ufc fighter practices it
Look at that guy on the current season of ultimate fighter, did a camp in Thailand won his first fight by ko in the first
Yes. Most people over forty do judo or bjj. Judo is known in the East as the gentle art, and you can even do kata tournaments if you want to minimize injury risk. Bjj has less takedown risk, but since judo is the mother art of bjj, it is also gentle for a combat sport.
Fucking this.
nah nigga, I agree that high kicks are not as effective out of the ring, even though I fucking love them. i don't deny it.
I'm just saying that you're a pussy for not doing any mobility work and blaming it on your age and strength.
I made massive strength gains this past year, and all I had to keep my flexibility was a high kick routine twice a week. literally, that was all, and I can effortlessly kick way above head height. my father is exactly the same way, and he is 67 years old. kicks over head height no problem.
you don't have to be flexible if you don't want to, just don't make excuses.
these. after a year dodging actual fast punches, the 'normie's swing is so obvious for a moment you think they aren't even trying. they don't even put up anything between you and their face.
they don't even come at you from all sides because they don't expect you to fight back. they expect you to curl on the floor while they take turns stomping your head. After you drop the first one on his ass, you see the look in their eyes change.
serious question - in the MMA gym I go to every time someone is injured it's from an uncontrolled sparring in jujitsu. ligament and tendon stretches that take months to fully heal.
I striking class the worst injury I saw was a shin-to-shin that ended with two swollen calves, but was fully healed in a week.
for a 40 year old, who's obviously more prone to injury and takes longer to recover, wouldn't striking be far better than grappling?
>it's a martial artists sitting down doing a boring video speech
>for a 40 year old, who's obviously more prone to injury and takes longer to recover, wouldn't striking be far better than grappling?
yes. generally, unless you are sparring with some insecure douche bag, the person you are against will notice your age and experience level and go easy on you
Depends how serious you want to take the class. At that age you can do BJJ without gassing, but striking requires a lot more cardio.
thanks satan
If you find a dojo that practices (even informally) the Boyd belt system, you don't have to worry. Sounds like that mma gym is full of meatheads with something to prove. I would steer clear of a gym where the instructor doesn't make everyone train safe.
Judo is not gentle, kek.