Low T

I'm 22. People say I look 30. I still have acne. I have been balding from 18 on. Currently between 2 and 3 on the Norwood scale. I have no real drive to do anything but lifting. I am constantly in depression.
But my gains are good. I have a 5pl8 DL and I like my body. I just tend to develop slight moobs when bulking.

Do I have low T? Should I seek a doctor?


im 23 and still get acne

if you can, get laser acne scar removal at a dermatologist (but only a derm, you can't trust those random clinics). also get a skincare routine from them if you tried all the over the counter cleansers, creams, wipes, etc and you still get acne. it helps a lot.

im not balding though

although i have a super small frame because of genetics and im short (5'7) i still have an above average dick (6 inches)

im also pretty hairy all over. i dont think i have low test.

19 years old here and Im balding.
My grandfather on my fathers side is bald but my dad, mom and her parents have full head of hair.

Is my balding genetic or is something wrong?

balding genetics comes from your mother's father

i think you need to sit your grandpa and grandma down and have a talk...

>balding genetics comes from your mother's father
I remember hearing thats a myth?

>balding genetics comes from your mother's father

That has been proven wrong.

Baldness can come from the father's side too.

That's a myth. Balding genes can actually come from both sides of the family, there is just a larger influence from the mother's side.

so my balding is most likely genetic then from my grandpa?

I've noticed that my brother has a receding hairline too. But I think mine is more "extreme" than his.

look at your grandparents old vacation photos from when they went to mexico as young 20 somethings and see if there are any "extreme" receding hairline guys you see in the pictures.

Some people are just different, if your brother doesnt train he wont be producing as much T and wont bald as quickly.

Cut your hair short, use some nizoral a couple times a week and get on minox if you want to maintain your hair a bit. Could go full finasteride mode, but that depends on you.

if you have a good body you don't have low t, i have low t and i look dyel, i lift for two years and ik barely had any results, my lifts aren't that good too, 2pl8 bench (my best) 3pl8 deadlift, 2,5pl8 squat and 1pl8 ohp (1 rep with bad form)

>23 with an atrocious hair line and super thin on top


Bald genes are recessive. If your dad isn't bald but you are then your mother has something to do with it

I recall reading that testosteron causes "sexual" hair to grow, as well as cause balding later on.

tfw was basically a 7 at 20.

At least I have a face that looks ok without hair. Growing a beard helped too.

It's a big turn off to women my age though.

>Cut your hair short
hm, I have pretty long hair.
almost down to my armpits. Does having longer hair make you go bald faster?

>if your brother doesnt train he wont be producing as much T and wont bald as quickly.
Life is pain. I dont wanna choose between my beautiful locks and my gains ;(

i'm balding, am a 2 on the scale, 22 y, mom's father was bald, as is her twin brother, while father and granpa both have full hair

starded at 18, starded taking finasteride at 19 and a half, dick still works fine, but i'm cumming a bit less than i used to tho

Tested Test, is close to max actually, 670 ng/dL when optimal max is 781, still can't grow a fucking beard, not a single hair on back or abdomem, but my chest is a carpet that needs constant trimming. Also stopped growing at 15 with 5'5''

it's all genetics man, you can't win at everything

Bullshit, my grandfather died with a full head of hair. I'm balding in pretty much the same pattern as my father.

Yeah it sounds like bs. My moms father was bald and I am 25 and have full set of hair. Although I do have low test (342)

>starded taking finasteride at 19 and a half, dick still works fine

I assume it's working then?

Just get it tested.

What's dr Goldstein going to charge me for that

do you have a tiny dick too?