Can someone explain to me what it feels like to be on steroids? Do you actually feel stronger instantly?
Generally it typically takes a few weeks 3-5 weeks to even see or "feel" any results
>Can someone explain to me what it feels like to be on steroids?
>thinking that steroids just magically make you look good or just gives you crazy amounts of muscle.
Let me see these studies. Also, if you have shit genetics, steroids won't fix that for you. You'll always look like shit
Feels about the same desu, At first I got really emotional and would tear up watching movies but I fixed that with proper AI dosage. The biggest difference you notice really is strength gains and the pump is intense, your muscles feel extremely tight under the skin and you have more endurance. It's still just as hard as it is to train natty , doesn't make lifting any easier because you're lifting heavier to compensate.
Makes your boners harder and sex feels better.
The progress is obviously faster but it's not a miracle drug, after your first or second cycle you quickly realise that you're going to need to do dozens more to get where you want to be. Then you realise you will probably never be able to stop using steroids to maintain.
It's really a life long commitment. Doesn't make you feel like superman or anything but the gains are nice, the first cycle you feel like you have a cheat code and you're smarter than other people but that fades quickly.
It's quite a big responsibility and a burden, can be stressful especially during PCT when you're losing weight and strength while feeling like a depressed bitch, and if you choose to Blast and Cruise you're always worrying about your future fertility.
I used to laugh at people who told me to train natty for however many years but now I realise they were right, now that I've started I feel like I can't stop since my natural test is fucked.
Unless you're cool with staying on and training for life I wouldn't recommend it desu.
Real talk is it safe to cruise on 500mg/week test? I have a buddy that does that and he's in his early 20's. Once you take test you're gearing for life, right?
Thinking about this makes me wonder, isn't there a drug that reduces the effects of test, so that the body makes more naturally to compensate, and then you can just stop taking and enjoy natural high test?
im 22. been training for 4 years. gonna run my first cycle at the end of this bulk (should be sitting at ~80kg lean @ 5'7 manlet) by the end of it. Currently @ 78kg.
gonna be hitting test e @ 500mg p/w for 16 weeks or so. Any recommendations Veeky Forums?
>pic related what a few years of training has got me
Why? Doesn't look like you need to get much bigger.
this goes in /fraud/, gimli
just do it man, youll look massive on the gear
The biggest recommendation I can give you as someone with 6 cycles under my belt is that most people underdose AI. In studies young healthy males not on steroids havn't crashed their estrogen even at doses of 50mg of Aromasin ED.
Most people recommend tiny doses of AI like 12.5mg of asin E3D which leads to lower free test (the test that your body actually uses).
To keep my e2 in a good range and my free test high I dose at 25MG asin EOD which I would STILL consider a low dosage.
Running HCG on cycle is also a good idea.
Also if you have any visual symptoms from a clomid PCT supplement with astaxanthin, it was a godsend for my visual acuity during PCT.
>dont need to get much bigger
Im not sure how to answer this one honestly. I just want to be bigger and I'd really like to see what I look like sitting ~90kg at my height. That's the main point.
haha im not sure wtf u thinkin bro but this aint no fraud physique.
Ty. I'd like to get to ~lean 90kg and see how I look. That's what I got in mind.
Thanks for the advice bro. I am looking at HCG and Clomid for PCT and using arimedex for AI. Any recommendations on specific drugs to use for PCT/AI?
im trying to compensate as much as I can bro, cmon
>Let me see these studies
>implying you would read it
Nah, don't expect it to make you feel like a God either.
Takes a while for good effects, and for real good effects, you're putting yourself at risk.
Tren makes you feel like a sickunt though, but it can also make you a sick cunt
If you want to see yourself on 90kg just start eating.
Seriously i know that you want "LEAN 90kg" but test alone isnt gonna do that.
To realy look like a sickcunt you need use multiple roids.. thats what made me not start to roid.
I wanted to do 500mg of test per week for 12 week till a competitor i met at the gym told me that to look like him i need to use test, tren, deca, clen, var etc. for at least 3 years dedicated....
Test alone will not fuck your shit up if your IQ is higher then 50, but test alone will not give you that photoshopped jeff seid look either...
steroid advice goes in /fraud/.
u know that your body is supposed to recover your natural test production if you werent doing ridiculously stupid shit like crusing 1g test for 3 years?
It might take a few months or up to a year but its perfectly reversible in most cases
I geddit bro.
Cool, thanks. I understand that it will be an on going thing and it wont just be test that gets me there. Happy to do what it takes to get there.
lol bro i cycle with 500mg/w
>doubt my own judgement less
>spend less time analysing my own behaviour
>actively want to work out rather than being reluctant
>truly have an appetite rather than feeling like i have to force-feed
however im on a mild oral-only cycle and its hard to say whether id have had the same gains if i just worked out, ate and slept as consistently as I'm now doing
If you take high dose orals or a no Ester inj you can feel it within a few minutes
no because the way it works is your body realises you have shittons of test already so it stops producing itself. and once it stops producing for a longer time it makes the "factory" smaller.
you are currently above my goal body. if you do roids your size will terrify everyone at the gym and theyll kick you out
>>thinking that steroids just magically make you look good or just gives you crazy amounts of muscle.
Yes with the right dosage
Roided guy who sits on his ass>>>>>>natural who busts his ass in the gym 5x week in terms of gains
a roided guy who sits on his ass will gain more lean mass but he will look fucking disgusting, everything will be disproportionate.
Implying anybody should give a shit what you autists think
i love all the conflicting information in this thread. and the fact steroids are illegal for 90% of the people on this board. and that you can't get them from anywhere but some place that can't be held responsible for what they sell you. you gotta be retarded as shit to listen to anything /fraud/ says.
Only if you're a faggot doing a test e only cycle
This. Also needles.. EW
I don't like the idea of getting my drugs from some guy who made them in his bathtub but this idea of 'cruising' sounds pretty neat. I wouldn't mind the extra 'kick'
body dysmorphia
yeah i like all the buzzwords roiders use to make it sound fun just like a drug dealer
>he's blasting and cruising, breh
>I bet he just hopped on that shit real quick :)
Sounds so fun and convenient too bad it's not.
Why is everything a competition
What if im not racing anyone, and im just doing it for fun
Why are natties so insecure
oldfag here. i've done ~5 cycles. at my largest, i was 5'9" 220 @ 16% bf
oral steroids and short-ester injectables will give you a very quick "awareness" of size and strength increase.
longer ester injectables usually take a few weeks at least before you notice strength to increase and it is a much more gradual feeling.
in general though, i tend to feel more confident, a little bit more irritable, and way more horny.
if you're an asshole when you're natty, then you're probably going to be a bigger asshole when you're juicing.
the pumps you get when you're juiced feel pretty amazing, i must say.
juicing ain't worth it unless you're devoted to bodybuilding. most people lose all their gains cause they lose their will and energy once their cycle ends.
Don't do it.
You already have a sick natty body.
Get too wide and you'll look like a really short, wide, overcompensating manlet.
Plus grils don't even like ultra huge. Unless you are a homo?
I promise I'll laugh at you if you become fridgemode manlet