Since last one died

Since last one died.
smart answers for stupid questions
I have one.
Best way to workout and gain muscles at home and with no equipment?

Other urls found in this thread:

also, best apps for keeping tabs on your workout?

i have a really hard time gaining weight eating clean. is it okay to dirty bulk and just eat pizza all day as long as i hit my protein and calorie goal for the day?

From the last one before it died. Two questions about bench pressing...

1) Sometimes I have a hard time of unracking the bar on my first rep but can do the reps with ease afterwards. Any tips to fix this?

2) I feel like majority of the weight is pressing against my wrist and they ache afterwards. Any tips on that?

Fatty fuck here, at 5'9" and 260lbs. I want to lose 10-20 more pounds before hitting the gym, I'm doing cardio but I want to get into bodyweight for these few lbs. Anyone got a decent bodyweight sort of routine for this?

Put down big macs xF

You fat sack

Least I can lift one up you weak lil bitch, don't talk to me again or I'll fuck you up irl.

>never gonna make it.

Why do I have the feeling that I need to fap all the time? I'm trying to no fap because i was jerking 1-2 times a day but I keep failing after a few days.

Do I just have high test causing me to want to fap all the time?

At your weight I'd suggest just continuing on with cardio for a routine. You still have a lot before you stop cutting.