Is it true that one cheat day won't cause any fat storage?

Is it true that one cheat day won't cause any fat storage?

If I have a cheat day what is the best thing to do afterwards, continue as normal or have lower calories to compensate?

Cheat day is a meme, user.

It won't cause any fat storage because your body is still in a general caloric deficit over time, it will just reduce the amount of fat burned during that time period

Every day is a cheat day for me

My heart is dying

There's no fat management mechanism in the cheat day itself. A cheat day is just a motivational tool to slightly raise your caloric intake in an organized way.

I have a weekly cheat day with a full day but water fast the next day.
If there's a special occasion like a birthday party or restaurant I'm going to, I might do a water fast the day before.

Doesn't quite effect my progress from what I can tell.
That's just me though.

you should do IF on cheat "days"
just have one bad meal so it doesn't fuck up your progress

I should also add that when I do have my cheat days, I don't really pig out that hard. I'm not going thousands of calories above my deficit or anything. It's more of a day where I don't care about my macros that day and eat whatever. I still take my supplements though.

It's better imo to have a cheat meal as opposed to a cheat day. A cheat meal really can't set you back too far, but a cheat day can undo like 4 days of progress.

No, not at all.
As long as you're not pigging out crazily and eating well above your macros and your calorie budget.

And it can even HELP you lose weight.

1.Because many people WILL cheat and then just be so disgusted with themselves that they just give up and gorge. Both because their body desperately wanted/needed some macro that their diet wasn't giving them and their low impulse control and massive amounts of fat PUSHED them towards that fuck up.

2.There's nothing as dreary and painful as a long term eating plan where you can't indulge in some meal or small snack here and there.

3.Most people don't have the drive or fortitude to go completely clean for a while and will just give up.

4.The woosh effect.

Starting a long term change of eating while including and budgeting for cheat meals and days is the best for people who want to change how they live.

But for a short hardcore diet? Cheating is basically vital to your success.
It tells your body that everything is okay so that it can keep burning and drop any excess water weight and keeps you sane.

I've been cutting for two months and i gave in and ate pizza once last week. I put on half a kg and 0.3% bf from that one meal. Took me a week to get my weight back to where it was and then another week to lose more weight.
Completely not worth putting my cut two weeks behind for one meal.

You gained a half kg of water.



personal pan pizza bitch

Intermittent Fasting, newfegs

>eating a pizza fucked him up this bad

You cutting at a 200 calorie deficit r something?

Smaller people have to be a HELL of a lot more strict when it comes to dieting.
A fuck up like a particularly large and topping heavy and sodium filled slice of pizza can really fuck things up.

HOWEVER if they were dieting intelligently and learned how to eat around said things and allow for said fuck ups and realize that they don't automagically gain a pound of fat from one slice of pizza and probably just gained a bit of water weight.

it's a good feel

i've tried

a) cheat days (eat clean 6 days, go nuts on day 7, and

b) eating one "bad" thing a day every day (still within my calorie plan)

option B works a MILLION times better.

say you're eating 1500 calories a day 6 days. so you have a 3000 (500 x 6) calorie deficit that you worked hard for. then on day 7 you eat whatevr you want. hell, you can destroy 3000 calories in two, even one meal if you're going nuts on ice-cream or pizza or whatever. so all you're doing is at best going to square one.

option B, on the other hand, means you eat 900, 1000 calories of clean food, then you eat a little ice-cream, or a slice of pizza, or some chocolate cookies... and still get within your 1500 calories plan.

you eat something tasty once a day instead of pigging out once a week. works much better for me. every day I have something to look forward to, meal-wise.

>Have to cut through bulking season
>Eating low amounts and being cold through winter

That's actually how many people in other countries stay slim.
They snack on little bits of unhealthy yet tasty food during the day, while being fairly active, and eat satiating and healthy meals at night.

Just ask Eric
>inb4 hurr durr he's fat!!

cheat days/meals only work if you are ON FUCKING POINT throughout the week. if you have small cheats/go over your calories a little every few days, dont even think about it.

use your head. 1 cheat day / 151 days = 0.66% so your body will be 0.66% worse than if you hadn't had the cheat day, barely noticeable.

The human body needs rest, but everyday you don't push yourself you lose 1/365 = 0.27% of gains in a year so you have to keep a balance.

>Is it true that one cheat day won't cause any fat storage?

no, eating raises blood glucose levels, which causes insulin to be released into the blood which promotes fat storage