TFW Hoodie Season

Feels fuckin good men

Tfw all my white friends want me to cut holes in my hoodie

Fucking luke cage.

> tfw ausfag
> tfw i still wanna wear hoodies

hoodie life

Yeah, man!

I use the hoodies from gymshark, perfect form around my back and chest. I'm not even that huge, but the hoodie makes me look sexy af.


>tfw live in a cold climate and hoodie season is all year
every single day

I don't get guys who wear hoodies to the gym. I overheat like a mf in just a vest.

Do fat people run cooler or something? Or is all the sweat a fetish thing?

>tfw no one can see my noodle arms

Love hoodies.

>mfw Missouri
>still over 80 degrees out
Feels like hoodie season will never get here man


>That guy in my gym that actually works out in a hoodie
>He also drinks water from a milk jug

My sides

I go into a zone kind of when I use hoodies, also helps when I'm warming up to get warm.

I'll take it off after my squats, usually.

What can I say, the hoodies are great.
Stop being such a faggot about it, fucking neet.

>Do fat people run cooler or something?
the opposite usually. sweating even when it's slightly too warm
>I don't get guys who wear hoodies to the gym
comfy af and keeps the muscles warm. I don't think I'll every workout without a hoodie again after discovering hoodie master race

>the hoodies are great.
I've never even heard of this brand but they look like absolute shit
I just use my old adidas/nike/whatever goodies and cut the sleeves shorter so they don't get in the way. when it's starting to look too used for regular use it becomes a gym hoodie. still looks good in that environment and you avoid looking like a faggot who bought a new hoodie just to wear at a gym.

also no zippers, ever.

Is there anything more faggy than a sleeveless hoodie? I can't think of anything more impractical or stupid, except for maybe leaving the sticker on your hat brim like some shitlords do.


I didn't say sleeveless. I cut them up at about elbow height, where the sleeves would be if I rolled them up without having to roll them up

Look at that image again. They actually sell them that way.

What's you Brad's opinions on ripping/cutting the neck? I feel like it depends on the individual sweatshirt but it's always an improvement when I do it.

oh yeah those things are atrocious. I thought you were commenting my dedicated gym hoodies

No, DIY chop-shop gym attire is fine, famalam

Jesus Christ that is horrendous

i only ever wear "plastic" shirts and shorts to the gym. i don't have a washing machine and i can wash that stuff in the sink and it'll dry in my shower.

how do you wash your regular everyday clothing?

would be to expensive for gym stuff though, since i either went to the gym or to muaythai everyday for the last months

>Hoodie weather is GOAT

Honestly look forward to this time of year more than any holiday or shit. Now i can be the ultra comfy in lectures