If you can't barbell row what you bench press, you have a muscle imbalance
Only if you do pleb shit like the Yates row.
I can row 250 for reps, but bench pr is only 205. Umad?
i can only row 115 but can bench 240 lmaoo
Wait what kind of form is that for rowing?
snap rows
>If you can't barbell row what you bench press, you have a muscle imbalance
Pendlay rows.
No, but you might consider doing the hangman's jig for your next cardio with those lifts.
it's called a barbell row. that exercise is the original barbell row, and was called barbell row long before pendlay ever did one.
been wondering about this, i currently bench press 110kg / 242.5 lbs for 3x5
but my pendlay's are only 80kg / 176.3 lbs 3x5
now i'm reasonably new to pendlay's so i've been ramping the weight up slowly and feel like i could do more, at the same time, there's no chance in hell i could do the explosive pull movement the pendlay is supposed to have at 110kg
It's not a meme. Too many faggots think benching is special because powerlifters
b-but I row m-more than I bench senpai
375 bench
275 barbell row
Feels good man
that's 99% of the population.
If you can't OHP what you lat-pull, have have a muscle imbalance
That's stupid, you can significantly vary the amount of weight you do on rows by changing the torso angle.
If you bench more than curl you are quad dominant and you should jelq
That's like saying the incline bench was called the bench long before the incline.
The Pendlay row is a type of barbell row where you must row it from dead each rep. Don't you remember your sets and Venn diagrams from school user?!
I do seal row, how much more should I seal row compared to bench press?
So is it alright to put the bar on the floor during each rep or do I need to pull it while it's in the air?
My faggot dyel friend thinks he's an expert and keeps bugging me about it.
I db row a bit more than I bench, was considering benching every session, alternating between rows on one with reverse flies as an accessory, with the other lift having light OHP until my bench increases.
Is this a good idea given my back is somewhat more muscular than my chest/shoulders?
Working on it.
Focused on getting a 3pl8 bench press, went up to 150kg by accident.
Now my 1RM pendley row is 130kg and my 1RM benc his 150kg.
Right now my monday routine is supersetting rows with bench press (same bar, same weight), for the same amount of reps.
Up to 5x7 with 110kg.
For pendlay rows you're meant to put the bar on the floor and explode up.
For most other rows just leave it hanging.
You cant really compare rows with bench since a lot of different techniques are used and some are more deadlift orientated.
>seal row,
Same thing.
Unless you cheat at barbell rows or have very weak legs and lower back, the movement is identical.
Bench 290 lbs for 5x5, but only row 225 for 5x5. I can't seem to increase pass 225. What do Veeky Forums
Barbell row? More like cheat row lmao
What is an appropriate ratio of reverse fly to chest fly?
Arnold is doing barbell rows. Pendlay Rows -- doing them stop 'dead' each rep -- weren't done until years after OP's picture.
>that rounded back
Never tried heavy standard barbell rows as I feel I'll break my back and the pozich is uncomfortable, but I reckon I'd get less weight up that way even if I cheated.
I do almost the same numbers on seal row as bench, even though I'm pretty sure my muscle imbalance is severe. You can't "cheat" on seal row, right? If the bar touches the bench it's good, and you're allowed to move your legs and your chest?
ofcourse you can "cheat" on seal rows.
spinal (hyper)extension is usually not what you want to target on rows.
I used to go heavier on DB bench press than barbell bench press, however I was doing DB press exclusively at that time
Pendlay rows are not the same as "rows". P rows are done with a more horizontal back. A rule of thumb is that your p row should match your incline bench
Do 230. Work way up to 250 using a little cheaty form. Deload to 225 and perform more reps with stricter form.
132lbs rows 132lbs bench
just kill me already
cool, thanks
Always preferred seated t-bar rows to barbell rows.
After deadlift and squat, my lower back really needs a break.
Keep a straight back during squats and deadlifts.
It'll make it way less tired.
If you bench press, you probably have a muscle imbalance.
I can row far more weight than I can bench.
And I do push lifts twice as often as I do pulls every week
I used to believe that keeping a neutral spine was enough but as I get older I find that I'd have to go 30% lighter on barbell rows to put the same training stimulus on my lats, upper back, and arms as I get on seated/supported rowing variations.
guess I'm not strong enough to notice that too then.
>he lies on 4chin