Diet pills

Hey Veeky Forums, I've become a bit of a fat fuck after the first 2 years. Over 200 pounds. I'm 23, eating like crazy out of depression atm, taking care of a dying family member, it's a mess, keep getting bigger. Not sure how to get things under control.

Can you recommend a diet pill that I can order online that will get rid of my hunger while I get my shit under control. Maybe just something I could take long enough to re-form some healthy habits. Ty

Don't blame your dying family member for your own weakness. That's really really fucked up.

Oh and diet pills are snake oil bro. You want a sup that sheds pounds quick get on a heroin/withdrawal cycle. It'll dull the grief too.

Help guys I took 10 grams of dnp accidentally, im in a cold water bath, it's currently filling but I'm afraid, my skin in contact with the water creates steam, what do, I can't call a medic, I'm broke as fuck
I thought the pills said 100mg but they said 1000mg each
help guys please

Reports of DNP poisoning related to weight loss appear to be becoming more common. McFee et al. (13) reported the death of a 22-year-old male 16 h after his last DNP dose, estimated at 600 mg/day over four days for weight loss.

ur ded sry

Put plates and stuff out on the table so your family can eat you after you cook yourself

A healthy diet will help you deal with your life stress better and using a little time to take care of your own fitness and health will give you a much needed distraction.

There is no magic pill.

call 911 dumbfuck

Its not fucked up, its definitely related. I was just being honest. my surroundings are totally out of control

I know there's not a magic pill, I thought maybe there would be something to just turn my off eating while I get my habits together.

*sob* I'm just so *mmfh* STRESSED. I need another sugars hit. It's all my *gobble* sick families fault *swallows fatly*. If only there was *gulp* way I could eat less food?! *brrrrt*
*sobs obesely*

You're selling that to yourself. Shit may be falling down around you, but if you wanted pills to help you can just ask for the pills. You wouldn't need to expound on your dying family. You're doing that to justify needing pills to strangers on the internet so they don't just think you're lazy. That's what is fucked up.

Fuck diet pills, just take """"natural""" appetite suppressants. Common ones are nicotine/caffeine. Perhaps use these to fast for a day. I find that after a one day fast, adopting healthy eating habits is much easier. Eating a lot of proteins is great because 100 kcals of protein takes 30 kcals to digest AND they fill you up.

Just stick to the rule of calories in/calories out. At over 200 pounds you can eat 1,500 kcals a day and have a 7000 weekly calorie defecit as long as you do 200 kcals worth of activity (incredibly easy). 1 pound of fat=3,500 kcals so congrats, you are now losing two pounds a week.

Throw in some lifting and cardio if you dont want to be skinny-fat.

If there was something to turn off hunger, every fatty in the land would have it and some besides. You don't overeat from being hungry or needing the food.

There are no shortcuts.

Reduce calories, choose filling and healthy food. I'm eating 1200 calories per day in mostly protein and veggies, I'm rarely actually honestly hungry but cravings? Always there.

You get things under control by accepting that there are no shortcuts.
Losing weight is difficult. It just is.


kinda, but it's more like I just keep eating to change my mental focus off of the bad things. Like a quick subject change

That's kind of a stupid theory because it's an anonymous board. I'm not making an excuse, I know for a fact it's why Ive been eating enormous amounts of food so Im giving that info.

*psshtbrrrrrt* I know why I want nummies for my *huff huff* tummy but I just can't do *buurp* track my calories with *sip* free mobile apps and because of muh dying *wobble wobble* family who make me fat by *turns red and pulls down shirt* getting sick. Are you gonna eat that? *pupils dialate, focusing on food*

Bro, you think you're the first person who had to go through shit like this? Everyone does. When times get hard you need to get hard too. You're getting soft instead. That's your own fault. You have more to worry about right now than food.

This might sound harsh, but its true. You are displaying a massive indicator that you are a worthless piece of shit of a person that is completely unreliable, pathetic, and a burden waiting to happen. Get your shit together you fat fuck. Somebody you love is fucking dying. Think about that.

God damnit. Fuck you.

I'm still mad. Stop thinking about yourself for five fucking seconds you selfish pig. Waaaahhh I'm getting fat!! Meanwhile someone is dying. Holy shit I hate you.

And of course. And of fucking course! Its not "Hey guys, how can I eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle under difficult circumstances?" Its "Hey guys, recommend me some magical pills that will do the work for me."

You do not deserve life. You do not have what it takes to survive. Kys. Do the world a favor.

you're right but ur getting way too emotional over this lmao what the fuck is wrong with u bro hahaha

Idk. I started out calm but I got carried away. Fucker touched a nerve I guess.

>Fucker touched a nerve I guess

We almost didn't noticed.

Nothing wrong with a little passion.

However you have to sell your ego to yourself bud

call 911 and so they can remove your stupid ass body

Take another 10g of DNP to counteract the first 10g.

>10 grams
''Lemmi get this 1 gram dnp scoop''
''Oh fuck its 10 grams''
>mfw you're leaving humanity behind
>mfw you can join 5% nutrition team now