What would happen if I dropped squats from my routine and only did sumo deadlifts for my legs...

What would happen if I dropped squats from my routine and only did sumo deadlifts for my legs? Keep in mind sumo works quads more than conventional.

Also why do sumo deadlifters always have way better looking legs than anybody else?

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your quads would be non existant and your ass and hamstrings would be out of proportion

I squat 140kg and dl 220kg so I already have this look, and i can tell you it does not look good or ideal

>sumo works quads more than conventional

what is this stupid shit i'm reading
are you actually this retarded

sumo works quads more than conventional. don't respond if you don't know your basic anatomy. you already outed yourself as a retard in your first reply. the next step is for you to end it all. buh bye.

Jesus christ the bro science is hard.

Just because it works the quads more relatively doesnt mean that your quads wont be non existant

Sumo hits your adductors hard which will increase the width of your thighs. Cant reallt say that this looks good

ESCAMILLA, R. F., A. C. FRANCISCO, A. V. KAYES, K. P. SPEER, and C. T. MOORMAN, III. An electromyographic analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 682–688, 2002.
"Escamilla et al. (6,7) reported significantly greater knee extensor moments during the sumo deadlift compared to the conventional deadlift during a 3-D analysis of the deadlift. These kinetic results are consistent with our EMG findings. The significantly greater vasti activity in the sumo deadlift compared to the conventional deadlift support our original hypothesis that knee extensor activity would be greater in the sumo deadlift."

6. ESCAMILLA, R. F., A. C. FRANCISCO, G. S. FLEISIG, et al. A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32:1265–1275, 2000.
7. ESCAMILLA, R. F., T. M. LOWRY, D. C. OSBAHR, and K. W. SPEER. Biomechanical analysis of the deadlift during the 1999 Special Olympics World Games. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 33:1345–1353, 2001.

also olympic weightlifters have the best looking legs

Pl'ers just have wide tumor looking legs

Conventional is quite literally better in every single way, the one exception being that conventional doesn't help ma let's cheat their rom down to half a fucking centimeter.



now go off yourself you shit eating moron

you have shit taste tbqh

study quoted in shows that there isn't a signficant differences in adductor activation between sumo and convetional deadlifts.

I'm 6'2" and sumo deadlift is better in literally every single way except muh low back

>i can tell you it does not look good or ideal
sounds aesthetic desu

grossly enlarged ronie coleman quads look like fucking shit.

why is there such a discrepancy between your squat and DL?

>Overall EMG activity from the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and tibialis anterior were significantly greater in the sumo deadlift


That's exactly what I posted above.
What do you think you're disagreeing with?

my bad thought you were the guy saying it's not better for quads

Knee extensor activity. Not quadriceps. Re-read your question and rephrase. Youre making yourself look like an idiot

Ronnie coleman had huge adductors m8

Good comparison is any bodybuilder from arnolds era. They had small adductors and big quads

My deadlift is big because I have been squatting wrong. I basicly was relying on hip strength instead of majorily knee extension

My hips were naturally stronger since the beginning for some reason

Are you implying the quadriceps are not knee extensors?
What the fuck are you saying, man?

sumo lowers relative height of your torso therefore shortening the ROM, it doesn't work your quads more.

yeah, it does

>hip adductor, gluteus maximus, L3 and T12 paraspinal, and middle trapezius activity were significantly greater in higher knee flexion intervals compared with lower knee flexion intervals,

Read your study again

this. i'd rather have big hams than quads. hams make you fast af

fuck off and try your shitty routine then, and when it fails come back and show us your tiny quads.

That doesn't mean there's a significant difference between sumo and conventional when it comes to adductor activity.

I'm not even OP, and I do squats.
Instead of telling people to fuck off without any good argument, you could've said that while sumo deadlifts have a greater quad activation than conventional deadlifts, squats are even better and take the knees through a larger range of motion.

I love how there are so many uneducated amerifags on fit who think linking an abstract of an article you cant even see means you understand the article. You probably haven't even checked the peer reviews, and probably can't even explain how to article may or may not be credible.
You seem to do well with your community college degree. Lol.

squats are obviously better for quads but what if i don't care or don't want big quads

Big hams with no quads look like shit m8 im the example

Also ronnie coleman does not have huge quads(relatively) he has huge adductors. Compare him to arnolds legs

Also my squat is shit because i have been basicly doing goodmornings with some knee extension. Dont do this

i disagree i prefer big hams and normal looking quads

That's a quote directly out of the study itself, not the abstract.
Fuck off.

If you don't care or don't want big quads, then doing deadlifts and deadlift variations is fine.
Once in a while doing (light) squats with full range of motion (highbar) is probably a good idea to work the muscle through, and retain, full range of motion.

It's an abstract you uneducated mongoloid. You linked to an abstract with a 13 person sample size and think you have some credible argument for your shit bro-science. Can anyone think anymore? What do they teach in amerifat schools?

Shit bait.

Do you think that your knee extensors are your quadriceps?

Bait, but still fact.

this isn't even funny.

What do YOU use to extend your leg?

>durrr hurrr durr oh god im retarded
the knee extensor involves the quads so more knee extensor literally = more quads and it has already been shown the quads specifically are recruited significantly more in sumo than conventional.

If you're seriously too retarded to take one second to see that what I've quoted isn't even in the abstract, and that the full text link is right next to the pubmed page, I feel sorry for you.

If you're too retarded to think a 300 word abstract with an actual reference to the real article is the real thing I feel sorry for you.

I already feel sorry for you for taking anything with a 13 person sample size at face value. Good luck though with quoting non-peer reviewed abstracts with small sample sizes in the future. Hopefully no one will call out your stupidity in the future. I mean, no one probably will because most amerifats on fit see a pubmed article and accept what OP says regardless of whats actually written.

You fucking idiot, I read the full text.
I quoted from the full text.
My quote isn't in the abstract.

How difficult is it to get this through your thick skull?

Holy shit dude, firstly the whole page is the abstract. Pubmed only offers this shit study as an abstract. I know you've never seen a written research article before but the actual article is probably between 20-50 pages long. It even says abstract at the very top of the page.
I thought they at least showed you how do to do basic research and analysis in shit ameripoor community colleges. But I guess you haven't even graduated high-school yet.
I like how you totally ignored the 13 person sample size yet again, cause you know this article is shit.
Get some reading comprehension and basic logic and analysis skills please. Read a book. Go to school fuck.

Thata because you're really just a manlet in a real mans body

Sumo is for lazy bitches and for cheaters

You're so fucking stupid, holy shit.
Click the fucking button under "Full text links".

>I quoted from the full text.
>My quote isn't in the abstract.

Also, the full study is 7 pages long, incl references, ~6 pages without references and abstract.

t. rippletits

But it is.
Nobody's gonna die from doing a bunch of squats and deadlifts. It's not preventing you from gaining aesthetics. Hell all the bodybuilding magazines at my gym have articles how you gotta squat and deadlift if you wanna look good.

Actually not. If I don't squat I can deadlift with far, far, FAR more volume and be less fatigued on all subsequent lifts and thus crank out more volume and heavier weight.

try front squats to let your quads catch up maybe?