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Health #393
How bout a facial gains thread? Im still a fat piece of shit, but I feel good that Im not THAT fat anymore
What are some youtube videos that motivate you?
Has anyone dated a fit/instagram girl ?
Bad genetics
Tfw I'm a twink top and love bottom muscle fags
What do you think, Veeky Forums?
How do I get godly shits? Shits that just leave my body clean and fast
Well, I'm some sort of gay now. Got my ass fucked by a tranny last night...
Hey is this supposed to happen when lifting?
So how does Veeky Forums like to train abs?
Are these good?
Girlfriend broke up with me cause i sent her selfies of my progress in the gym
Which flavour do I get boys
After four years of lifting I finally tried to deadlift with one of these goofy bars and it feels fucking awesome...
What age did you start?
You work out user?
High test thread
/fraud/ - Steroids generally
Why does Veeky Forums idolize Zyzz?
How to get manlier fit?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
A big ass on a woman for men is like *blank* on a man for women
Things Normies Say
That first scoop of the shake
December 2015
Why do UFC fighters rarely work on their pecs and obliques?
The only reason most of you can diet and lift is because you are either neets or underage...
If you eat 30% less you live 30% longer. It's that simple
What is Veeky Forums opinion on descending inward press (D.I.P.)s?
What is the best flavor?
U mirin brah?
Why do you guys like big fat asses? Women that have big fat asses like this are disproportionate...
Who here is /attractingays/ only
User do you still believe that I will stop loving you if you stop being Veeky Forums?
Goal Bodies Thread
How desperate are you for a girl?
Why are we so obsessed with face...
H-hi. the lady accidentally gave me two of these and well...
ITT: We pretend like it's 2011 still
You're taking a shower at Planet Fitness when this man opens the curtain and calls you a fat pathetic tub of lard; what...
Fit ass buff guys
Gf says she had sex with two guys, blew two
/plg/ Powerlifting general
Pee l g
Do women approach and try to pick up attractive men the same way men go out and try to pick up women?
Someone can explain why Jason Blaha have such a shitty body?
Veeky Forums, have you ever been eyephucked/mirin' by a teen?
Veni Vidi Vici
How much should I be eating/lifting for this kind of physique?
Cheating /fraud/s who sometimes discuss steroids
Whats your method on cooking this ultimate protein? Stovetop with lid on low heat for 10 minutes/rest...
Why did you start lifting?
Name something more refreshing than a cigarette after your routine
You lift HOW much?!
Mfw the sticky literally says "You can't get big if you don't eat big." under diet section
Lean/Slow bulk?
That moment when you realize you have zero hobbies besides working out and barley have any friends...
Tell me again why Veeky Forums likes to lift for girls?
Cbt: recovering fatties edition
My university's Womyn's centre and Muslim Association has gotten bored so they've decided to bandwagon onto the idea of...
So besides pinning more tren how can I get over a girl...
500 word essay due monday
Anyone else really really shit at pullups?
What is this mode called?
Be me
Saturday night feels
Daily reminder you will fuck up your lower back
What kind of workout do you need to do to get arms like these?
Friends at the gym
Who has pets here?
Finally hit 100kg deadlift for reps
Anyone else /failed in life/?
When is it too late to fuck 18-19 year old prime aged women?
Where you Veeky Forums when you were younger?
So Veeky Forums, what are you eating today? r8 my meal
This guys has the most superb genetics ive seen since zyzz left us
How long?
Lifting in gym
body making in gym
God-Tier Transformations thread
Cursed Shoulders: Snap City Stories IV
Be me 18
Barron Trump is 5'7 at 10 years old
Does being aesthetic matter if you can't fight?
/plg/ powerlifting general
OK Veeky Forums, it's time:
Almonds didn't activate
How much can you The Press?
"why does he squat all the time? his ass is huge HAHAHA"
Is there any kind of "fit" clothing that i can wear when i have gyno?
How do women do this?
Anyone near London? I need a gym buddy/PT :3
Hey user, have you been hitting the gym recently?
Tfw you see fat people at the gym
Me eet lasnaga eevry dai whhne bluknig
What do you do when you feel lonely, Veeky Forums?
What routine does it take to get thicc glutes like this?
After punching for a bit on a bag, this happens to the 'pits' on my little finger...
Getting a vasectomy in 2 weeks. am i gonna lose my gains
Why do I feel at my most energetic late at night?
Turned 18 a couple of months ago and going for a girl with glorious personality which I have emotions for...
Whats your breakfast today?
How do i a gf?
Why does Veeky Forums have a problem with crossfit?
Um?????????? theres no way shes 63kg right?
Importance of sleeping in Darkness for Gains
Can we get a recipe thread going...
She still hasn't texted back
When was the last time you had sex?
This guy is 7'2. When will you manlets realise, that there is no such thing as being too tall for a man...
He counts the bar
Who here /Hot Pockets/ everyday?
Want to get Veeky Forums
I saw Trappy-Chan at a grocery store in Sao Paolo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person...
Match a Trans by accident on Tinder
Are bodybuilders stronger than powerlifters overall?
How to be more mature?
Fit /grill/ general
How does this make you feel, Veeky Forums?
People say Jesus isn't black
So. I'm well aware you guys are not nutritionists. But I've been thinking...
With all the amounts of hormones in milk, and how they get cows to create it - is drinking milk stupid?
Why lift when its all about the face?
Broscience momscience memes
How many of you guys went from FAT 2 FIT (sub 15% fb) and stayed there? What did you do that helped you...
What's the deal with people who call it weight lifting? I mean, you gotta put them down sometime, right?
Veeky Forums friday feels
I work as a paramedic
Veeky Forums Winter Ball
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
How do I age gracefully?
That guy that spends hundreds of dollars on buying gym fashion clothes
How does your Veeky Forumsness protect you from a blade?
Like girl from work
How much does a 45 lb plate weigh after the holes are cut out?
Ignoring personality and wealth, what would get you more pussy, francisco lachowski's face or zyzz's body?
Is there a better breakfast out there? I could eat this for the remainder of my life and never get sick of it
How often does Veeky Forums masturbate
I broke up with my girlfriend about 2 months ago...
How can white men even compete? LMAO
Is there a female version of this?
Can someone tell me what the point of pole dancing is? Is it a workout or stripper bait or something like ballet?
Was he /ourguy/?
Has anyone here actually achieved the "food is just fuel" mindset?
Has anyone dated an high test woman?
People starting to nod at me, say hi/what's up/hey to me at the gym
Marijuana and Fitness
Your Parents' face when they find your workout playlist
Veeky Forums
Tfw to tired to lift
I just ate an entire hot and ready little ceasers pizza while I was stoned with my friends...
Any of you squat rack hogs here? I'm going to kick your asses
Where are the DNPs threads?
So, when are you going to do some cardio with me, idiot?
Why is this allowed?
Walk into gym
Roiding for this
How many push-ups can you do in a row?
Exercise is called skullcrushers
Feeling down as fuck.. could i get a feel thread my Veeky Forumsbros?
Body fat cutting repost
Is this achievable natty?
What's the fastest and easiest way to get rid of this shit?
Tfw just got out of Ranger school
Tfw drunk every Friday until
Daily reminder that these are the people giving you advice, or even worse, trying to insult your manhood...
Feel urge to smoke weed
Routine thread
Remember to rest
TFW Massive Varicocele
How will you stay fit in the concentration camps Veeky Forums?
Fags think I'm bottom cause I'm a babyfaced 5'9 138 lbs twink...
Chart time!
All these these losers who think they're masculine
High test thread - instagram baddies edition
I'm gonna get a Rottweiler this weekend, what are some sick manly names i can give it...
Whats the best ab exercise? I have never found any that I liked...
Who else here /2scoopswithwater/?
I'm so lonely
Are there any tattoos that are Veeky Forums approved?
Memes aside, how do you balance Veeky Forums philosophy with your fat fetish? Can they ever exist in harmony?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Weight no longer starts with a 3
Why do you lift? To get better at a sport, for aesthetics? Not memeing...
Why do we have so many high test threads?
How can i get Veeky Forums if i have severe depression with even more severe social anxiety?
How am I supposed to bulk if I'm poor?
Reminder that girls don't care about legs
Running for 500 meters
Bros please be honest with me
What the fuck, fit!? I've been back on taking L-arginine, soya lecithin, and zinc for the past 2 weeks...
Go to gym
Is there a more beta country than Sweden?
Veeky Forums names
Do body weight work outs produce results?
Which of your bodyparts do you guys shave?
Push Up thread
Cut ou clean bulk ?
Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on /filteredwater/?
That jigaboo that comes up and gives you terrible advice then doesn't fuck off
How to increase my OHP?
TFW have been cutting almost two months but struggling to see any progress
Tfw kind of want to post my cut progress and ask for feedback but scared of bullying responses
How do I get legs like these
Mk677 just came, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening? Should i pair it with something?
Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views
Tfw literally to intelligent to exercise
Does Veeky Forums have a drug problem?
I've been trying to lose weight for 3 months and am not winning. I need a diet and exercise plan...
Grappling Lessons or Lifting?
Tfw did more pullups than a marine today
My 17 year old sister wants me to take her to the gym
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Check time
Veeky Forums tinder thread
Besides Veeky Forums, what other boards do you boyos browse?
Craigslist gym buy?
Finish workout
How many pullups can you do Veeky Forums?
Aesthetic brahs, do you ever catch Girls taking pictures of you? Is this shit normal?
Minutely reminder that this guy is knocking on deaths door and even HE is more fit than you. what excuse do you have?
Size and strength dont matter
Tfw first sip of the day
Turns out 100% of professional athletes roid
Dumbbells or barbell bench?
What do you like about going to the gym besides lifting?
What's the deal with these shoulder veins?
So how exactly does Veeky Forums get girls?
Voluntarily celibate
Brahs, do you catch girls/women mirin? Seriously
Lift object
/totals/ thread
Stronger feet?
Newbie here, trying to throw together an ab routine to do on my cardio days. I tried alternating upper/lower/all-over...
That guy at the gym who exhales during every rep
Guys who roid are like chicks with fake tits:
Its shoulder day today
Fictional Goal Body Thread
Hello Veeky Forums first time poster
/plg/ powerlifting general
What does Veeky Forums do or plan on doing for a living to support their Veeky Forums lifestyle?
I've been lifting for about 10 months now, mostly 3x5 with as much weight as I can handle...
1 do you have a bae?
Stupid questions general
Post rare paninis
Why is ATG while squatting considered bad?
Move to canada
Can you get big by doing press ups>
Anybody here have Crohn's? How do you live with it?
Hello Veeky Forums
BuzzFeed: Plus-Size Women Re-Create Fashion Ads
Body Rate Thread
Gym schedule
How do you show your gains on tinder without being douchey?
Itt: manlet shoes
Do you think she's going to make it?
Daily supplements
Bald brahs GTFIH (srs)
Hey Veeky Forums would it be fucked up of me to wear my MAGA hat in the gym?
Who is your God, Veeky Forums?
Bear Mode Thread
Fit humor
Lets stop the virgin meme
Get GF
How are we all doing today Veeky Forums
Hey user, we've been seeing you here at the gym a lot lately
How to stop getting doms every time I go to the gym?
Awaiting a phone interview for a position in a warehouse
If someone asks you if you go to the gym what do you say?
Hey guys just going to be dumping my personal OC collection of fitness memes hope you enjoy feel free to save and share...
Fighters of Veeky Forums
Sup Veeky Forums I have a question
Be me, straight white male
Did you know lifting weights doesn't make you taller/more attractive to women?
Tfw you dream of the perfect girl
Be 25
Veeky Forums University thread
Dyel here. I fucking hate deadlifts
I started running on a treadmill at my local gym
This man has been squatting for three years, does his form reflect that? Keep in mind that's 195 pounds!
Have you ever been mired in real life?
Can barely deadlift 140kg for 1 rep because grip keeps failing
Navy SEAL Training
How bad is diet soda for you?
What does fit think about snus? I'm thinking of switching from vaping...
Tfw natty lifting for over 4 years and have grown tired of it
How concerned should I be that my poops have more blood than stool?
Quitting this fucking meme drink. How do I get natty energy instead?
What colognes does Veeky Forums wear to compliment their body...
Made it guys!! Nearly
/mirin/ Thread
Had to convince my own mother I'm not gay because I've never had a gf
Will this hurt my back?
What are your thoughts on Bradley Martin?
Anyone have a torrent for The Swoly Bible?
Ok Veeky Forums, I've been trying to figure what this body shape is called. Do you know?
Nasty protein
ITT : times working out regularly saved your ass
Why does my body look so "soft"?
So you're Veeky Forums, but can you fight?
After 6 years of lifting
Who /BetaFace/ here?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Running General
Who /devilish/ here?
Went against the status quo
/Fraud/ "Steroid General" and social club
How do I fucking get strong?
That tfw you're sakuma and not peco edition
Anyone here into boxing?
Pendlay Rows
/fph/ fat person hate thread
Tfw a fat person enters the gym
TFW 22 years old loser
Bad genes thread
Has anyone tried to use soy milk for GOMAD?
CBT: Everyone is dyel today
Just want a gf for christmas
What do you eat before your workout Veeky Forums?
Accidently took 1g of DMAA with 400mg caffeine
Anyone making it for Trump here?
Browsing maps for gyms around my area
Do weighted crunches help get abs faster?
Do penis exercises work?
How many eggs per day does Veeky Forums eat?
What is the male equivalent of this picture?
Does waist training actually work...
Cheap meals
Just deadlifted a new PR, but I feel like my grip strength is holding me back, pic related...
Trump is president
Alpha thread. Feel free to share stories. Try to keep the gym bully to a minimum
Oooh user, you're so swole, can I touch your muscles??
Ways to improve my sister?
Will they ever learn?
He's a douche, sure
How much to kill my appetite completely?
Lifting and Intelligence
How many officefags here?
Sexual Health Thread
Stomach Punches
Remember Veeky Forums, Chad ALWAYS wins
Take too long to cum during sex, penis losing sensitivity
No Fap/No Porn Thread
Trump won?
CBT thread?
Did you lift for the God Emperor today?
Powerlifting general /plg/
Do you ever see a bro at the gym and get an overwhelming desire to lick every inch of his body?
Be me
Tfw finally joined the >100kg bench press group
Parents: "Oh cmon user you're not fat." Anyone else know this feel?
What will you do if Trump loses? Do you think gyms will be closed? All men will be skinny or fat. I'm scared bros...
Pics apparently 12 months apart
Strength thread rate
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Guys? How do you stack up?
Always Cold
Lifting for girls
How did he so drastically become alpha?
Ohhhh shitttt
Tfw i can only biceps curl 8kg
CBT with your story? I'm 25 now...
How to deal with a bad temper?
CBT - Election edition
Is this natty achievable?
Odd snacks you eat?
So I'm gonna get surgery to remove my pilonidal cyst in a few months. I've seen threads about this before...
TFW some QT keeps calling me and leaving messages talking in Portuguese
Facial gains thread
He can't curl one plate
Who lifting tonight instead of staying home to watch the election returns...
Barbell hip thrusts, is this a meme?
Can easily fuck a nice girl tommorow...
Does this anime give anyone else extreme feels...
Got kicked out of the gym for wearing a trump hat
Post your favourite videos of aesthetic bodybuilders trolling in public:
Plg powerlifting general /plg/ lifting general power
Hey Veeky Forums
Did you guys vote today?
How can i train my pee muscle so that i can piss harder?
Tfw you won't graduate college till 26 or 27
Can Veeky Forums suck their own dick?
What did he mean by this?
Why is so hard to get a gf?
Tfw everyone is winter bulking and you're still cutting
How to increase testosterone levels as a natty?
How to tell if some uses roids?
Veeky Forums
That guy that does jumping jacks in the headphone rack
Is pic related solid progress for about a year's time?
Stop with the manlet meme, PLEASE
Why is being in shape and healthy looked down upon so much? This shit is getting ridiculous
Hey guys, I'm bulking for winter and I'm wondering how you manage to eat 60k calories per day?
Who's gonna do
Should I bulk or cut?
Deformed skeletal jew thread
Old school bodybuilding and strong men physique /thread/
There's no benefit to being natty
What clothes does Veeky Forums wear?
Tfw 6' 4
See a person who's been lifting religiously for the past 6+ years
Do i have a hormonal problem?
Aging - how to stop it?
I went through a whole tub of creatine and it didn't do shit. Thanks Veeky Forums
Hi Veeky Forums
Pseudo'ephedrineSupport Thread
Motivation Thread
So, why is calisthenics so frowned upon in here?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Is there any difference in glycemic index between chicken breasts and other parts of the chicken?
Hey Veeky Forums
Friendly reminder that Veeky Forums is a Bernie board that supports Hillary
Check it out
Femanon about to go to the gym for the first time tomorrow morning. Does Veeky Forums have any advice for me...
I just brought 3 kilos of protein powder. "How" do I take it? How many scoops, and when?
Please sip responsibly
Deadlifted 4pl8 yesterday and got a date with a qt3.14 korean girl today. She's really short too, 5'1, solid 8/10
What would you do if you woke up with my body ?
Help me /fit. What I do to get fit?
Best McDonald's bulk meal?
Do i have klinefelter's Veeky Forums? I always felt like ive had bad proportions and have barely any facial/body hair?
Getting taller
What's the ideal amount of muscle for a girl Veeky Forums ?
Dubs decides what pre workout I buy
Go to gym
Tfw have loving cute thicc cuban gf
Going to the gym for the first time tonight. I don't know what I'm doing, what do I bring...
Patrician hair cut thread
I literally cannot stop eating
Wow user! You don't drink?
Are Chinese buffets good for bulking? Unlimited rice and chicken
Why do guys squat? It's too FUCKING gay and it's a girl move
At work
Achilles' Meal
Is 5 inches too small? Not that thick either desu. Rejected 3 bitches so far because of insecurity
What's the biggest animal you reckon you could fight? I reckon i could absolutely batter a crocodile
Post your Monday routine boys
Are you thicc Veeky Forums?
Your story is getting dark user
Fat People Hate
Gym is intimidating when you're alone :(
Veeky Forums BTFO
Any dane-brahs here?
No high test thread?
Is doing just calisthenics and LSD running a good routine to generally get Veeky Forums?
Hey user! take off that shirt!
Gym idiots
Not doing Cardio
Tfw you mix your oats and milk with dulce de leche
Fuck muscle?
Why do people bow their head when walking past you
Fight Thread
Fit Girl Webm Thread
How many of you are gay? I mean actually, nonironically homosexual
Can only bench 85 lbs
What does Veeky Forums do
Be me, 18
Whats wrong with people who powerlift and focus on strength gains then are suprised when they look like pic related...
"Is he going to explode?"
Where did it go wrong, user?
Will there ever be a bigger cuck in the fitness community than pic related?
Hi Veeky Forums
On January 15, 2014...
Eternal Fat Hate Thread
Sup Veeky Forums
Walk into the gym
What kind of routine a girl with shit proportions like the ones on the right should do?
Jason Blaha "Fitness"
Kai Greene grapefruit
I'm 19 years old. How the even fuck do I lose my v-card. I'm losing weight but women still don't look at me...
Music thread
8hrs of sleep per night
Tfw too intelligent for hedonism
Tfw no tiny gf
Fictional goal body thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Is training 6 days a week as a natty retarded? Has any anons on Veeky Forums seen good results from doing so?
Love a girl with all my heart
When did you guys grow out of training for strength?
How do I into chad mode?
The MINIMUMS for a gf in 2016
Hey Veeky Forums
Tfw when I started lifting I wanted to be bigger than goku
Is this place just /r9k/ with fitness?
Today is the day to go to the gym and have the workout of your life
How do you treat the gym employees
What's you job user?
Progress thread?
/DNP General/
Yohimbine. Snake oil or legit?
Brahs i have a serious fucking problem, need someone smart to help toss me an assist on this one...
Calories required per day thread
What motivates you to go to the gym on Mondays?
Is it possible to be a casual hardcore gamer?
/mode thread/
Ask me anything brehs
Anyone had any experience with LGD-4033?
Do guys prefer THICC or model type skinny girls...
Alpha male characters only
What would u prescribe for this man?
ECA Stack
We judge each other by our fetishes
Prove to me your Test levels are adequete
How big should your arms be before you attempt to wear one of these?
Ask me questions ?
How many of you fags have daddy issues?
What mode am i?
Whats better for a beginner a 4 day split or a 6 day program
Pulling Sumo
Daily reminder that if you still regularly do drugs after your college days, you're nothing but an edgy degenerate
Post your age, then how old people think you are
How safe is starving
Welcome to the dark art of social manipulation. You get a thick, big and strong erection when you see a naked women...
/plg/ powerlifting general
Could lifting have saved him?
The week ahead
What is the biggest mistake you have made in your lifting career?
Hey Veeky Forumsizens for those of you who are actually helpful on here could you explain your teaching philosophy to...
Tfw no more SIPS
Tfw no matter how much you lift
Cheekie general
Have friend who has perfect personality for my taste, shares 99% of my interests, is kinky...
Do you guys look like lift in clothes?
How's that winter bulk going Veeky Forums?
Hey new fag here rate my body faggots!
Improving your voice
You lift how much weight?!
I guess I just have a high metabolism!
If you were me, what would you do?
Hey user, we've been seeing you here at the gym a lot lately
What is the least favorite exercise that you do ?
/k/ here, does lifting and physical strength help you out with your other hobbies?
What path would Veeky Forums take?
20+ thread
CBT: Sunday Edition
For whom do you lift? 2D edition
How long after starting gaining some muscle did people start complimenting you?
Tfw visited /pol/ for the first time
Lifters who don't follow any routine... what do you guys do? do u guys have a general plan at least...
How cultured is Veeky Forums, what is your favorite painting?
If you are not going to roid, is there any reason to supplement with anything besides whey/multi/fish oil/creatine ?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
How many of you faggots here lift for women? Be honest
Who /biological clock ticking/ here?
1. Your lifting years
Most Veeky Forums Jojo part?
Saw a man's willy in the changing room
That guy who's been in the gym for more than 3 months and still looks the same
Veeky Forums would you rather have a 6/10 traditional, loyal...
Who /bestworkout/ here?
Are tights acceptable form of workout clothes...
/Making it/ General
Body Dysmoprhia
Shit test
I just bought two 45 lb plates for $20 apiece, did I get ripped off? Pic related
Routine Thread
Omw to work
Have gf with nice tits
Even this numale has a girlfriend, while most of you lifters are forever virgins, sad
Finally slipped into the point of obesity where I'm actually embarrassed to go out in public
How do you get over the one that got away?
Tfw rely on ecstasy to talk to women
I want to make a home gym. Aside from an olympic bar, plates and dumbbells, what should I get?
No food thread
Who else here /noalcohol/?
Danberu nan kiro moteru
Has lifting actually helped any of you get girls or has it had no effect whatsoever on you sex lives?
And britfags had their test levels checked from a GP...
Meal-prep thread
Progress Thread?
High bar or low bar squat
Why aren't you doing weighted dips?
How do you people gain weight so easily?
No FPH fat hate thread?
Walk into the gym
ZMA - long term user experiences (not short term placebofags)
Is hypertrophy training just a meme for natties?
So user you are saying that you lift for me?
9 tbsp of oil a day
Dear fitness faggots, i know a lot of you weirdos do this for good health...
SSunday evening
Natty or not?
The Mighty Deer God
Why do skinny men try and fight me?
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Is it possible to attract a girl like this as a natty?
Tfw you gave up alcohol to help your gains and now you have no way to escape the crushing loneliness on Saturday night
I NEED food/snacks you can order from Amazon RIGHT NOW...
How THE FUCK do you stay on nofap
One chance in life and I've got cystic acne
Hold me Veeky Forums. I need you more than ever
/Plg powerlifting general
Tfw you ask if you're Chad yet
So Veeky Forums the new year is almost here
Want to join the military
Gonna start lifting, how do i get into 2pac mode?
How can I get my GFs boobs to get a little bit bigger? Any diet or something?
Veeky Forums ideals
Daily reminder that Chad uses a LONGSWORD while plebes use ZWEIHANDER and basically suck hollow
When do you guys take your protein?
Dont care what it takes
Confess your sins to Arnold
I need your help Veeky Forums. Over the last year or so...
Don't you guys feel like lifting is such an insignificant thing in life?
This is your weekly reminder & motivation that if you can't do at least 10 wide gripped pull ups in a set...
Is he /ourguy/?
Is the male or female body objectivvely more aesthetic?
Does anyone else hate lifting?
Been doing SS religiously for a year now, how do I look?
Fraud Steroid General
Aw yiss
Headphones thread
What's your excuse for not taking cold showers?
tfw visited /pol/ for the first time
The meme is over
you kiss her you lose your six pack
What's the difference between this (gold standard) and myprotein whey or isolate ?
Drink water faggots
2/3/4/5 for a minimum of 5 reps is what we should all be aiming for as a base strength level. How far off are you?
Uh huh
Fit humor
Friendly reminder that YOU are the Omega wolf if you need the gym for strength gains or any other form of validation or...
Whats stopping me from only consuming protein powder, vitargo, fiber powder, coconut oil and a multivitamin?
1/2/3/4 BY DECEMBER 31!
How do you know you actually need a rest day versus just being a lil bitch? Is cns fatigue real...
Who /GOENAD/ here?
Female builders
What other boards does /fit browse?
Good feels threat
Opinions on Cross Fit?
Post what you consider the ideal female physique
Men wear loose fitting clothes to the gym
Will lifting get me a Muslim gf?
If the goal is pic related, then what kind of tips would you give, Veeky Forums?
This guy is a top ranking Olympic weightlifting
Tfw I had sex for the first time and I couldn't cum
Depression and /fit
What Actually Makes A Man Attractive?
My parents think 9 tbsp of oil every day is overkill
/CGT/ - Current Glute Thread
Can somebody explain this?
Its bulk season
I wanted a gf for a long time and got one. it was cool for awhile but then i spent the next 1...
Why do men always outnumber women in gyms when there's (probably unarguably) more pressure for women to maintain a good...
Just renewed my membership
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Has a girl ever spilled her spaghetti for you?
Literally how?
Remember that cute girl who smiled to you at the library? fucked am I?
Gym Douchebag Red Flags
Transsexualism at the gym
Can you enlighten me on intermittent fasting?
Do you consider Calisthenics/Street Workout dyel meme training or not Veeky Forums ?
We've been training for years
The Rock at 15 looked better than I do at 25
I need to look like this as quickly as possible
/fraud/ general
Good times for a change
tfw visited /pol/ for the first time
How are my Veeky Forums bros looking to maximise their gains while reducing their impact on the planet?
Doing a working spree
Yea you mirin
Who is she, Veeky Forums?
New CBT thread shitty mirror edition
Just came back from the clubs, I have never been more disgusted with humanity, specifically women...
Sexsual Health Thread
Is anyone else here fit alchoholic?
Relatively fit
So my hairline is receding extremely quickly...
Foam Rollers
Pectus Excavatum
Hello Veeky Forums, I'm 185cm tall and weight 130kg, I'm not here to ask how to loose weight...
He thinks he is good with women because of muscles
I've been lifting for 3 months and my shoulders haven't gotten longer/broader...
Tfw 1.3 gpa
Why are the best ethnicities at combatitive sports the Irish, Mexicans, Russians and blacks...
ITT: We Describe Regulars at Our Gym
Haven't been to the gym in three months
Lose 6lbs because diareea
You keep liftin the feels
What do, Veeky Forums
Insecurity thread
Max'd out dip assist machine, not yet strong enough for bodyweight dips
That guy at the gym who does alternating dumbbell presses
Hey Veeky Forums
How do I gains if I hate chiken?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Im 19 and my first love ended our almost 3 years relationship today
YesFap November thread
Who would you lift for?
What are Veeky Forums's fav calf exercises?
Tinder General
I need the Chloe Moretz picture where she's shredded and she's like "come at me"
Not lifting for those who LITERALLY died for you
Chest Hair
Ok Veeky Forums, you got me into this mess. How many cans can I sip a week without fucking myself up?
What to do if your parents are gains goblins?
Dear fit
Let's have a good old fashioned
Recently started taking creatine and beta alanine (around a month ago)...
If you're bigger than this girls think you're too big
Lifting since mid june
Serious question:
TFW this is what I look like
/r/ing the pic of that routine for females
Making it general
When did your your linear progression end on ohp, sq, bp, dl?
ITT: Vegans BTFO
Do you count in the clips?
Fatty got fit gains look good in clothes now, working on it still
Gym has 9-2÷1/4+1 racks
Will quitting Veeky Forums improve my life? There's just so much negativity: sexism, racism, heightism
Tfw no gf
Is this making it f-fit?
[Serious] Creatine = manboobs?
Single mother
Estimate Bodyfat% Thread
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games