Stop with the manlet meme, PLEASE

I've just come from the hospital. A friend of mine cut his wrists for being too short (168cm, 5'5" i guess?). He was hanging in Veeky Forums and apparently in r/short (lel). I felt really sad when I saw him like that, so desperate and "broken", because he was a nice guy until he got extremely obsessed with those height memes. He didn't even know his height until he saw constant manlet threads.

Now he stopped lifting and reading Veeky Forums because he said "it's pointless". I need some advices to relax him.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tell him to kill himself

apparently, he wasnt even cut out for suicide.

Oh wow,so edgy

>taking the thoughts of ugly insecure people on the Internet serious

Lel, stupid piece of shit
>Inb4 manlet
I'm 185cm and better than everyone on Veeky Forums.

take away his internet access. he obviously can't handle it.

Tell him to cut it out

Tell him not to worry about the little things.


tell him off for being so short sighted

>Be 1,68 manlet
>Try to cut wrists down the road like the memes tell me
>Wrists are too short to inflict serious damage


obviously fake you goon

When will you ever learn?

>r/short is actually a real thing
further proving my hypothesis that reddit is one big circlejerk

looks like he tried to
>cut his life short

Cut him some slack

tell him to be more grateful for small blessings


I'm 184cm and feel incredibly short, it just gets to you, you know. At least my face and stuff is good, but it fucking sucks when almost everyone tower over you, and they do

>I'm 184cm and feel incredibly short

how's it feel to live in the netherlands?

your friend is weak OP, real men who are short accept their height

real men who are tall are above bullying other men, acting like a bunch of bitches

memes and banter is OK, although it's never easy to tell what is what in these retarded threads

this is why we need user id's

im 6'0
is it fine?
pls answer, im worry

are you joking? i am 6'3'' and i constantly get abuse from my taller co workers and friends, i suffer from anxiety and im considering surgery to correct my inferior genetics, I wish i was like 6'6'' its the perfect male height im such a manlet why is life so unfair

Shin extentions bro

this. 6'3" here, you gotta be at least 6'6" for women to look at you twice.

i'm 5'2" and i get looks all the time. you mad?

haha, manlet cuck

Although I'm only 181cm (5'11) I'm glad I'm not any shorter, I still feel human. I'd do the same at his height

those are looks of pity, not arousal

I'm 179 cm and live in the Netherlands

so nothing of value was lost?

And Veeky Forums isn't?

That's what happens when you immerse yourself in a self destructive community. Tell him to go hang out in the real world once in a while, instead of places that concentrate all the world's short jokes until it looks like that's all there is.
With all the people in the world, it's not hard to gather a weird ass minority together in large enough numbers that it doesn't look fucking weird anymore. You'll drive yourself crazy if you lose sight of that, that's how cults start.

How bad is it? I'm 182cm and I'm going there soon, will I get towered by literally everyone

It is fucked up. You can't change your bone structure. Only thing that should matter on Veeky Forums is fitness and becoming the best you can be.
My height has never been an issue for me even as a 5'7" guy and I've had friends who were significantly shorter (5'2") and significantly taller (6'4") and height never played a part in my perception of them.
It's pretty stupid.