Fat People Hate

Need a fresh FPH thread in here

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that this shit is allowed to exist at all sickens me to my core

They all have some cannons for calves tho, fuck I'm jelly

400 lbs bulgarian split squat im impressed.

Post more you fucks

this is what fatties have to look forward to... that is if they have any shred of dignity


They won't because
"I'll have loose skin and look disgusting "
Too bad they already look disgusting kek

all the hard work this guy had to put into only to end up looking like a giant shit that can now only be fixed via several rounds of surgery

I can not in the love of me comprehend why anyone would let themselves become fat... I mean holy cow all you need to do is not eat shit food... holy shit....

Can we get a help-a-fatty good feel thread instead? Raging at idiots who can't help themselves just make me feel empty, if you know what I mean.

Many cases are kids being raised by cruddy and/or poor, uneducated parents and become blimps before they're even a preteen, so being fat and feeling terrible is all they know. For some, it's more about coping with the negative feelings or their screwed up childhood, and these foods end up being addicting like drugs where stuffing their face is the only time they forget or feel happy.


old but gold

tfw you will never have 30 inch biceps

I was 345, now I'm 240(and I've gained a lot of muscle in my arms.

Does that happen to everyone? I still have a big belly and moobs, and I plan on losing at least 40 more. Isn't this just from losing it too fast? Won't it return to normal naturally?

it doesnt. keep working mate.

it's one of those questions that don't really have an answer, there's people who go from 250 to like 170 and have noticeable amounts of loose skin, there's people who go from landwhale mode to their goal weight and they better or even normal, i guess it's just genetics and luck, and the only way to find out is losing way, so chop chop my man, fellow 260lbs dude here

I also held my weight really well. I'm 6'2 and big boned as fuck(I was 9 pounds 8 oz when I was born) so hopefully I don't end up looking like that.

If I do, I have money for skin repair.

i fucking hate typing on my phone but you get the idea

Some people are raised into it and until they are old enough to make their own decisions and pay for their own food, it really isn't their fault.

That doesn't change what damage they took as a kid. This user here can confirm this is the case.

My loose skin is hard to notice and probably won't be visible once I fill it with muscle and the stretchmarks are pale and mostly blend in with my skin.

Say what you want, I rather deal with the loose skin than be over 360lb
Keep working at it m8.



rapid weight loss causes loose skin is a myth, its just that if you lose weight slowly your skin has time to adjust so its not noticeable
In the end its a matter of age & genetics, you wont know until you lose it






see this is the shit I don't get. These people act like a loaf of nondescript brown mass is good. They act like whatever mash that is on the top right pic and top left pic is good. There's nothing appetizing there. There's nothing artistic. There's nothing interesting. There's nothing fucking nutritious about that. There's no benefit to eating any of that food beyond the brief satisfaction to their basic hedonism. "Is this what you want," she says. Fuck me.

What is it about Americans that they are so prone to being hambeasts?

Many work a shitload of hours for terrible pay. When we come home, we buy food that takes no time to make and it's usually food high in calories, carbs and sugar with not enough vitamins and other nutrition, so we end up being hungry again as if we didn't eat.
Then we have seconds and thirds.

This is the post I needed today. Thanks user, you're gonna make it.

You and me both

Our country cured involuntary caloric deficit and a lot of people can't handle it.

Get a weight vest and jog in the sand at the beach. done

Veeky Forums would be mad if they knew you were trashing joey.

I fucking loathe the guy, but some of my fellow cu/ck/s love him so.

All about reviewbrah,

theres a guy in my gym with this body, and everytime he sees me he flexes and tells me how good he looks. i humour him and say wow man, those shoulders are looking good. he has no shoulders. my mom has bigger shoulders. He used to be 130kg at 5'7, and now has saggy skin. Poor guy is always wearing a vest. And he has hairy pale shoulders.

I think he may have a learning difficulty but he seems harmless enough. Either way at least hes trying kind of. and he has a lisp which makes me crack up and cover my face when he flexes in the mirror.

he asked me how long would it take til he looks buck, and i said maybe three years. he just stared at the floor for a straight minute not saying a word, like Vietnam Hamster

nice hair. do your parents know?

So start one

That's the point. You turn that angry and empty feeling into gains. The majority of Veeky Forums user were once neckbeards, this is Veeky Forums after all.

thats called the sticky



it takes my 5 min to make chicken broccoli and brown rice and costs less than $3 a meal, this is no excuse

Raw chicken? And uncooked rice? Shit how are you still alive?

Unless you mean you use instant rice and buy store cooked Chi ken which isn't very good for ya bro.

you can pan fry chicken in 5 minutes, rice yeah 5 minutes isn't enough unless it's instant but that's just sacrificing quality over anything

took forever to read and had no conclusion, 4/10


I read it, and holy fuck I'm mad.

every sunday buy a bunch of chicken
marinate&bake it&store it takes less than an hour
heat up chicken in pan or microwave
fresh broccoli steamed in microwave
rice is instant but is brown whole grain so lame quality but still low GI and gud for me, rice can also be made in large batches and stored

you're going to walk around with your shirt on 99.999999% of the time, unless you're a lifeguard on the beach by day and a male stripper by night, so who gives a flying fuck about having loose skin if it means you're going to live past the age of 40

Fuck that was hard to watch

Based protein world is always worth posting

holy shit, i realized ive slowly been letting that lazy fat shit inside me win, playing video games and drinking constantly, just barely managing to do my routine at the gym. thanks for the motivation user, going to do nogames for a week and see how that works

The thing is they're tired, uneducated and want instant food they don't have to cook or think about at all.
If you haven't noticed yet, most people are stupid.

Can you actually imagine your tit being this far underneath your arm

May I save this image?

stupid and/or undisciplined are the only answers I see

Bros, what am I supposed to do, my best friend just started dating a hamplanet. I don't know how long I can go before I say something.

Just get surgery the scars will fade eventually

>work fast food
>fat kid comes in with his mom
>fat as fuck, got winded walking from the car and I'm not making this up
>they order their food, mom is cranky the entire time
>she asks for 2 sodas
>kid asks me for a cup for water
>"i got you a soda"
>"i want water too"
>she groans
>I hand kid water cup
>she just glares at me

Fat children is child abuse.

Is your friend the active/outdoorsy type? If so plan hikes with your other friends and tell him to bring the obeast along. She'll probably start whining and shit which will annoy the group and your friend do it a couple of more times and he'll get tired of her.

It's not just americans.

I got fat cause I was taught not to waste food.

Fucking hell, I thought those were sticks of butter.

That's because they are sticks of butter.


I'm 240 right now. I was 270 earlier this year, I lost 20 pounds before I started going to the gym by significantly reducing my calories to around 1500. (I'm 6'2)

I've started going to the gym around 5 weeks ago and I do one hour of cardio 5 days a week with alternating days of dumbbell upper body and machine lower body. I'm afraid of the barbells since I have nobody to instruct me and I'm not confindent after watching videos.

I know you can't make gains while cutting as extreme as I do, but I've been feeling so emotionally drained. It also doesn't help that my weight loss seems slow, I was hoping for at least 3-4 pounds a week but I'm getting like barely 1 pound a week after starting the gym. I've even lowered my calories to 1200 and stopped carbs completely.

Macros shouldn't matter when I'm this fat, even if starvation mode is real there's no way I can't lose weight faster than this.

I'm just tired of being fat, I don't care if I lose so rapidly that I get a shit ton of loose skin.

It's a marathon, not a sprint

You're possibly emotionally drained because your calories are really low. If you're only getting 1lb a week, something is going wrong. Your TDEE is ~2800 calories a day. 2000 a day will still give you around 1.5lb a week. Track religiously, get a food scale and weigh your food. Yeah, it's slow, but you want it off don't you? Don't give in to the temptation of extreme cutting just to get the weight off. You'll feel and look better if you take it a bit slower. You'll see changes rather quickly anyway, and while you're not going to be lean as fuck in 6 months, you'll notice a difference 10lbs from now on Christmas

I use MyFitnessPal to track calories. I avoid foods that I can't track easily. I measure the food, but I don't have a scale yet. So I try my best to over estimate how much I'm eating so I eat less.

I've also developed a phobia of eating. I get frustrating having to log everything I eat too, so a lot of times I will avoid food. I try to keep thing simple like two boiled eggs or canned tuna. Something I can easily track.

I've also been taking like no shits, so I don't know how much weight I have from shit I haven't taken cause I have low fiber intake at the moment. Should I do fiber supplements?

My diet pretty much consists of tons of spinach, carrots, cauliflower, canned tuna, and eggs. I have a hard time measuring anything else so I avoid it. I don't find myself too hungry, just feeling extremely depressed.

I think my depression is from not noticing a huge difference from when I was 270 pounds. I look the same, my waist size is signicantly smaller, but my thighs are around the same. So pants don't fit around my waist, but my thighs are too big for smaller pants.

Isn't he a roiding crossfitter

I don't know, but I've watched a few of his videos and his diet is full of junk. It's no wonder his face is so flabby. He gives really bad diet advice.

Reviewbrah is the only choice for any self respecting human. Joey is disgusting and looks like he's slathered in grease.

>No ex fattie calves

Fuck. Not you too britbong!

went from 300 to 140 pounds in 6 months.

No loose skin, the only scars that appeared were there when I was much younger and have since healed.

I had the same thing. Don't worry. As you progress through your weight loss and adjust, you'll find you can relax around food a bit more.

canned food, fast food, poor education, a sense of entitlement, hedonism, narcissism, shills.

The obesity rate is something like 60 or 70% in the U.K.

Pure apathy and laziness. Why better yourself when there whales out there saying you don't need to change yourself or be healthy.

All the women have the most infuriating faces,having fucking 6 chins split between the three of them.

300 lbs atm, been working out a lot more and am slowly starting to cut the shit out of my diet. Any tips? I'd like to at least be 250 in say 8 months (If that's realistic)

Feel free to just call me a fatass too, I could use the motivation.

exactly. At the ABSOLUTE worst, loose skin will nearly as bad as being fat. In most cases it'll still look much better. So even in the worst case, you still look bad shirtless. But now you get the benefits of looking good with a shirt on, and health.

When it comes to benefits of being Veeky Forums compared to fat, this is what i would consider their relative worth:
>being able to lift heavy things / do stuff like muscle ups : 10%
>health: 20%
>looking good shirtless: 20%
>looking good with a shirt on: 50%

so loose skin is only really going to affect about 20% of the benefit of getting fit, and usually it really isn't that bad anyway.

Read the sticky


This fat cunt. She's a liar, a plagiarist, a thief, and she's about to burst out of her skin like a boiled sausage, and yet people keep throwing money at her.

And some people just don't want to do that. A guy who just worked 14 hours just wants to eat something and pass out with minimal effort.
To do what you just said would involve

>getting pans and dishes ready
>doing the actual cooking which unless you're experienced will likely involve measuring as well
>finally eat
>now clean up


>frozen dinner
>microwave for 5 minutes
>throw empty tray in trash

I'm not trying to justify anything but it's easy to understand why some people don't do it man.

Close up.

This. This fucking right here is one of the reasons I'm overweight...this and pasta

I still only blame myself but when I become a parent I won't force my kids to clean their plate. Instead I'll drive it into their heads to save what they don't eat for later

> i can't believe it's not plastique!


I thought that was a log of shit at first

Fffff, I needed to hear that today. Thanks bro!

Why do fat women even bother wearing makeup?

Who is she?

this film.

That was fucking disgusting.

If you're a fatass and looking for a reason to get healthy, it's shit like this.

Fucking repulsive.

source for this chick plz?

The obesity rate is around 28-30%. It's only that high if you class overweight people as obese

I can't hate on this. It's actually really sweet.

>She just had a baby and she gained a little weight

I never expected sensitivity from a bunch of rappers but there you go.

This should be the anthem for the high test threads.

why do I keep seeing fat men in their 40s doing those weird hand movements he does at around 0:11? one of my professors is a heavy lad and he keeps doing them.