Pulling Sumo

Are there any advantages to it?

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people with fucked proportions like me desu

normal deadlift forces my arms about midway over my knee (if my legs are any closer, i'll lose most of my leverage)

less chance of getting your lower back injured

It seems harder on my back tho?

You can pull more weight

More Glute emphasis. Easier for people with shorter arm to leg ratio. Shorter range of motion so it light be easier for those types of people. Try both conventional and sumo op they compliment each other well

I swear I know the kid in the red shirt

>when you lift so heavy your body just starts act as if it was hearing death metal

what in the nine circles of hell is your webm OP i am laffin

someone put it in the humor thread

>started Reeves DL after seeing this
Th-thanks Veeky Forums

All I do now is double overhand conventional, no chalk or straps or anything like that and I'm at 365. Might try it though just to see if what everyone says is a meme or not

w2c sumo guy's shoes

the increased risk of shoulder damage is exciting and makes you want to lift more

what the hell did I just watch?

Why no chalk?

i pulled conventional for two years and it never got better. it was shitty off the floor, shitty past my knees, shitty at lockout.

i decided to pull sumo on some random day and thank fuck i did. it feels so much better for me. i don't care if it means i have to eat butt.

>feels so much better
Bc it's cheating you idiot

David ur a fgt graduate school 1st talk shit l8r

are wide grip deadlifts bad?
and when i saw wide, i mean my grip is about 4-5 inches apart from where my knees hit the bar.

when going when i seem to be able to keep my lower spine straight easier.

I pull 400 with both staances e z boys cmon

Ideally, your arms should perpindicular to the bar. That would give the best mechanics. If your hips/frame are really wide, forcing you to take a wider stance, then your grip will have to be wider to compensate.

But generally, no, 5 inches on each side will be too far.

Dude use chalk. I get not using it for that grip gains but you'll pr using it and your grip won't give as quickly. Also mixed grip will also help you pr. Do both of these and I have a feeling you'd pull 4 pl8

idk I just don't like the feeling but I'll give it a shot just for pr purposes kek

Doesnt chalk just dry out your hands so you can use your grip strengths full potential?

It does soak up sweat, but it also increases friction against the bar.

On average, sumo reduces range of motion.
Which is interesting for powerlifters, because less ROM means more weight.
For the average recreational lifter, reducing ROM isn't really a great idea, after all you lift to build strength. And you build more strength by lifting through a longer ROM. (which is also why you should squat as low as you safely can)

Sumo has slightly different muscle recruitment than conventional. But that's really negligible, just like the difference between "highbar" and "lowbar" squats. In the end, you can build your back, glutes and legs with both.

For some people, sumo feels better, due to their limb length.

In general, I would say most people should pull conventional. Simply because it is on average a greater range of motion, and more "difficult", which simply means it's better to build strength.
For powerlifters, whatever allows you to move the most weight. Because that's the point of powerlifting.

And there's of course different stances for sumo as well. You can stand extremely wide like Candito, which just means you reduce the ROM further (again, good for PL, bad for general strength) or just stand so wide that you grip just inside your legs (instead of just outside your legs for conventional). In the latter case, I guess the difference in ROM to pulling conventional is minimal, and if you have limb proportions that make pulling that way more comfortable, just go for it.

>when the warp overtakes you

The main advantage for pulling sumo in powerlifting isn't the ROM reduction (which is seriously overrated as an advantage when it comes to lifting), it's the difference in positioning. It lets you make the lift a bit more squat-like and take advantage if you're stronger in that movement than you are in a more pure hip hinge.

for people with shit tier leg genetics (high hips, long femurs) it makes deadlifts doable. Squats is an even more tragic tale.

Typically, the long-legged fuckers are the ones who do better with conventional. It's the squatters who benefit most from sumo generally.

are there any disadvantages to pulling sumo?

Better question

i'll NEVER understand why people want to limit their progress because they think certain methods/things are 'memes'...

you can't be this retarded, user....

Snatch grip deadlifts are a thing, and like sumo deadlifts, they can be extremely beneficial as an accessory to regular deadlifts. Snatch grip deads also kill my traps like no other.

i doubt it

less chance to get cancer too i heard

all records are set by tall guys (6'2+) doing conventional

it allows you to lift heavier, how does that reduce grip strength? with your logic u shud join feminist xlub

If you're talking all-time records, only one of them is by a guy over 6'2.


People with long legs have to crouch more over the bar which means they have to use more of their core. They have to work more to keep their back from curving. When these people widen their stance, moving from regular to more of a sumo stance they don't have to worry as much about their lower back curving.
The grand takeaway is that even if two people do the same exact exercise, the result isn't going to be the same if they have different body proportions.

Just googled it to prove you wrong. But... I stand corrected, all time highs were fucking manlets. How come?

There's a lot more guys around that height than there are 6'3+ guys in powerlifting (even in Strongman, which seriously favours tall guys, you don't have that many of the real giants compared to guys in the low 6's) and its pretty damn hard to match the overall build of someone like Benni if you're even taller. There's only so much food a man can eat.

yeah i love this webm. are the two guys in the background friends with the guy being filmed or are they just trolling him

Gotta eat more.
Gotta lift weight higher.
Physiologically has more body weight per unit of strength.
Smaller heart volume for size.
Greater pressure on joints/bones/tendons.
There are a multitude of reasons that being short and squat makes for heavier lifts.

They are friends. The guy is actually one of the strongest usapl lifters for his weightclass. Competed in usapl raw nats


are there any advantages to daedlifts at all?

>tfw 6'5 and 3pl8 deadlift after 4 months
>mfw not even 2pl8 squat

It opens your mind to the wisdom of the east

4pl8 diddly and sub 2pl8 squat
lanklets unite

Higher change to knee pain.

meme vid. you can tell the guys in the back lift if you look at their shoulder and trap development

get below parallel faget

It makes you want to eat butt