Could lifting have saved him?
Could lifting have saved him?
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How about him?
alex turner is very successful you moron
Instead of being sad dyels eating cake alone they would be sad fit guys eating oats, so, not really.
> mfw 19
I don't want to end up like this.
For one second I thought "At least they have cake" then I realized that I'm still a fat little boy who eats cake when he feels sad or horny.
Now I have to work out because I feel guilt for eating at maintenance.
thank god i escaped this
here's to all those left behind
especially that first guy, he just looks so tired
>eating when you feel horny
W-what now?
these ruin my heart. The poor mother tries to hard to get her obviously depressed NEET son to have some resemblance of a normal birthday, and I can only imagine the trickle of joy she felt lighting those candles, probably thinking to herself that she made her son's day a little bit better.
i hate being a bleeding heart
>birthday at the end of the month
>mfw thinking of the cake mommy will make
Not even mad that I'll be eating it alone.
he's a mama's boy, it's gonna take more than lifting for him to grow up
Yeah, when I got sad or horny I ate. A LOT.
Then I learned about masturbation and exercise.
Then I exercised and masturbated and ate. A LOT.
2 real
I don't usually feel much but these photos hit waaay to close to home. I hope they're doing okay.
this hits way too close to home.. for me and probably for my mom
I am that kid. I am that poor loser who is depressed and hates existing because i cant get a gf due to no social skills and lack of self-awareness to improve how i look.
At least now I can make my mom proud when she sees how aesthetic her son has become. How many girls want him. And i say its too late.. they had their chance. But now its too late. Life has new meaning.
Same. Then I think of my own mother..
Here's to hoping he got some of that good reconstructive surgery after he got done developing
> tfw 25 and only just this year have started to move my life forward
My mommy can't bake
I didn't get a homemade birthday cake until I turned 22
the boy has really pretty eyes.
How can people say that a mercifull god exists when they are confronted with shit like this? What has that kid done to deserve being born with that handicap? He may be a sweet, intelligent and cheerful kid, but he will always be "that" guy because of something he wasn't responsible.
don't lose ur momentum user
do it for us
That's a shame. My mom bakes from scratch like a fucking champ. Absolute gains goblin.
Same, that's OK though there;s an amazing bakery that I look forward to getting a cake from ever birthday
I realized god didn't exist when I was like 12 looking through my sister's biology books and seeing the parts about anomalies and shit
It became quite clear that life was just a random occurrence with no intelligent design behind it whatsoever
>inb4 *tips*
Ask her for a recipe for me
My birthday is in 40 days and I want a coconut cake this year
Saved him from what exactly?
hate stuff that was mocking while hitting close to home, still don't really have any friends, but I have a job and go to the gym
>moms never seen me bring friends over
>never late from school
>never leave on my birthday
>new years
>v-valentines day
>on prom night i played basketball alone in a tux near my favorite childhood spot
Just drop me my soul is already dead
>don't really have any friends, but I....go to the gym
Welcome to Veeky Forums
Word. Our society puts a lot of pressure on men to make a decent and dependable living, be a "good guy", obtain a mate to breed with, while respecting that mate as an equal even though all the responsibility for the success of the family depends on the man.
At least we got out of Mom's house.
>>on prom night i played basketball alone in a tux near my favorite childhood spot
That scene of you playing basketball in a suit sounds really aesthetic if nothing else. Do you have a pic of the spot?
My prom night was shit so I feel you.
I had a date but I saw her run out of the room when the slow songs came on so she could "take a picture with her friends." The whole night would've been better had I had one slow dance. I sat in my suit, half-undressed, in my room, with all of the lights on, listening to slow music, for about an hour straight.
I like to think that scene of mine was aesthetic. Thanks for listening to my blog post familia
I've never understood these photos. Who even celebrates their birthday anymore when they're 20? I guess it's kind of weird that the kid isn't smiling but whatever.
While the looming guilt of knowing that you've raised a failure of a human being slowly eats away at her even months after the birthday. And she'll be reminded of this every year, until she couldn't take any more and either offs herself or her son.
thanks for sharing, brother. Atleast you were there, and although it's not a cherished memory, you are better for it.
probably offtopic, but in my birthday, I usually make a cake and some fine dinner. Then go to sleep early.
Yea ill take a picture tonight for you as im never busy, it might sound chill to do what i did but remember that i come home with no memory of the day other than me playing basketball alone which is very uneventful, you might be familiar with this feeling
>tfw turning 24 later this month
>tfw still live at home
>tfw clicking this thread
At least I'm not getting a cake, but I'll still feel like shit and get depressed the entire day.
>That really is top Hue
>I've never understood these photos
it's reality. We ever see them here on Veeky Forums because this photos are simply too raw and real for most of us to digest.
>Who even celebrates their birthday anymore when they're 20?
They aren't celebrating, they are probably friendless kids whose mother tried to cheer them up for the day.
That looks like a nice cake
I feel this if only because my last 3 birthdays were spent with my mom and stepdad and I'm the only one out her 3 kids to do that. I hate when she says she's proud of me because I know how hollow it is since she wanted a better life for me.
wait until you're 28, then you'll feel those feels
I go for a hike alone, then have dinner at Waffle House
I love how optimistic you are
And I love you user
Marry me
>We ever see them here on Veeky Forums
Assuming you mistyped 'never', are you retarded? The second one was a meme in the old days.
>They aren't celebrating
Yeah that's what I just said.
All of my birthdays since I was a teenager have been just cake with the immediate family, so what? And having cake on your birthday isn't a cheer up attempt, it's just standard tradition.
I spent my prom night at home, watching Gladiator on TNT
Yes, I was an insane loser at 20, but not at 23 I've had sex with more girls this year than ever before. I have a job, a car, an apartment. Lifting was only one component but if you try, you can make some life gains.
These are some pure, refined feelings senpai
this photo rly made me sad why the fuck i saved it?
>if you try, you can make some life gains.
Try what? And don't say just b urself tier shit
Spent mine as a 7th wheel in a friend group that rented a limo together. The part that killed me was the girl I had been crushing on that entire year (younger sister to one of the friends in the group) went as a friend date with the proto-nu-male of the group.
I don't think I've ever felt more omega
They remind me of my 20th birthday
I legit cried reading and looking at the photo
fuck, i didn't come here for feels
I think you guys all need your test levels checked or something
I always feel like a wreck at birthdays. Fuck they are supposed to be happy why do I have to take this shit?
As we get big, so too do our feels
>it's a more attractive dickhead doesn't know how good he has it episode
They only get worse until you stop caring for a few years then it gets worse again.
>I will wait for you starts playing
>it's a self pitying first world faggot who doesn't know how good he has it episode
Yeah Brazil is truly first world nice assumptions you fucking cunt
>it's an ugly beggar doesn't understand why he can't fuck hot women
I have never felt anything at my birthdays, so i don't celebrate them at all or do anything different
it started when i was a little child, 9 years old or something like that, i was a pussy back then so, in a birthday party i invited my oneitis and my best friend, and before singing and eating the cake i saw both of them kissing, it crushed my little ego back then
next year, i invited only males, only three friends, being the pussy i was, they couldn't respect me at all, so when we started playing ping pong they wouldn't let me play at all even if it was my ping pong table, i cried that night, i was so young and so mentally weak
adding to it that my mom got cancer during that time, my dad lost the job and we lost the house, i was a fucking wreck
honestly i don't remember anything at all of my young years before i was 16, i just erased most of it
lol, chillin at home playing vidya all day and watching movies
guys please
guys stop
i am so sad
Hey my gf is qt as fuck
Well at least it's not Africa
29 year old HHKV here.
I insisted on my parents not celebrating my birthday after the life destroying embarrassment of a 21st surprise birthday they tried to pull off. Yet I still have to remind my mum not to make anything less every year.
You probably imagine me as being some grown ass adult man when you think of a 29 year old but honestly most 18-20 year olds look older than me, baby face genetics, Manlet, never had a job so no stress to cause wear and tear to my face, lifting and healthy dieting has kept me looking young.
Too bad the youth can't stay forever, I assume I'm going to start looking like a old man freak in the next 5-10 years. When that happens I'll have zero chance of getting a gf and ever having some resemblance of normality.
Are you one of those handsome mysterious neets?
>Not Africa
I should've expected better, why did I even post.
nah man, manlets always look between a child and a little old men, you never look like a grown adult
>it's a guy makes assumptions then gets butthurt about assumptions episode
What have we learned, user?
Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it.
>exclamation point
Urgh. Guy's still fucking up.
>tfw this is me
21st birthday is in 4 months, I won't let this be me again god damnit.
Feels too real, even though it looks mad gay I just want to let you all know I enjoy your company. If any of you feel alone just remember that you make some idiot on the internet laugh and you are appreciated for that.
He probably died a few years later desu. Mongoloids never survive that long in the wild. Except supermong but that's because he's super.
My prom was fun, but it was on a boat in the SF bay so it would be hard for it to suck.
>muh magik
fuck off
What am I looking at here?
>tfw nagual transformation ritual gone wrong
fuck man
Sigil magic.
If anyone is looking for a wizard's homeland, use this sigil.
>trapped on a boat
>hard to suck
As long as you had fun
This is just pathetic.
I literally stopped going out of my house more than 7 years ago at 15. Lost all friends, and my family has been destroyed thanks to my dad being abusive, violent, and extremely retarded at the same time.
I have an incurable disease that makes life a living hell (severe cholinergic urticaria).
My family hasn't had an income for years so our utilities get routinely cut off (until my dad gets a new contract with another company), and we eat whatever rotten and dirty food they find dumpster diving behind supermarkets.
I am also disgustingly ugly and a bit fucked in the head too.
I've never felt happiness in my life (due to being very poor in an area where everyone is at least middle class, and a violent father), and I've had severe depression since age 11.
I have lost all hope to a life that's not 24/7 of physical and mental pain, and I still don't look like a sad little bitch like these guys.
What's the point of crying on yourself?
Pretending to cheer up helps reducing the depression a bit, and it doesn't ruin the mood of people who are putting an effort to make you happy.