Alpha male characters only

Alpha male characters only.

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Dio is THE fraud. Literally not even his body


As much as I like DIO, he's the biggest fraud there is.

>Uses an ancient magic mask to become a vampire and gets strong.
>Takes Johnathan's body after getting his shit kicked in.

Joseph is the JoJo character you want to be.







Is joseph mode possible natty?


>gets his GF stolen
>proceeds to punch people so hard that they explode











>tfw no anabolic time chamber


Was Broly natty?


yea, just literally god tier genetics

>Joseph is the JoJo character you want to be.

This man knows what's up

Joseph was so alpha he started using brass balls on a string as a weapon

Only if you're a Joestar






Joseph was so alpha he wanted to fuck his mom.

FACT: Hermit Purple is the most powerful stand in the world

Well his mom was pretty hawt, your want to fuck her too.

Also his courtship of Suzie Q was baller

I have 4

My fav negro

Eh, he's doable.


I wonder if him being so fit for his age was because of him legit working out, or just Hamon shenanigans.

its a mix

>superior Joestar genetics
>still doing shitton of physicaly straining shit
>Hamon slows effects of aging

Must be nice for Suzie to still get that Hamon dick, despite being old.

sam hyde for president

>trying to be DYEL


And he is such a stellar guy, that clearly loves his wife, you know he is not fucking around with random beechez, even through he could

Luffy is canonically otter mode. He's stronk as fuck too. Also:

>He doesn't know about Fourth Gear

Explain Josuke.

The Jojos after Jotaro started going otter mode. Plus, I think the Hamon blood started to get diluted.

Series needed a new protagonist?

Seriously through, I meant more about whoring around, fucking a new teenage chick every week.

Having one romance in his life just makes his character more human

>15 years old

>I think the Hamon blood started to get diluted.

I think thats not the case, Jotaro is considered the strongest of the bunch, even through he's the fourth (I think Jotaros father had no powers) in the Line.

It seems that they get as powerful as the series needs them to be, I would not put any sensible thought about genetics into this

He pursued perfection, so Fulgrim, obvi

And yet he never came close to the Angel

poor, poor Phoenician

>Not going nurgle mode

>tfw no Joestar genetics

I am never going to make it.

Yet he ended up choked out

>The Jojos after Jotaro started going otter mode

Nigger, what ?

Go home Mortarion, you stink, noone likes you

After figting the 3 traitor legions, defying fucking Angron on the battlements, Holding the eternity gate by himself so the others can retreat, and breaking a greather Bloodthirsters back on his knee he faced Horus, empowered by all 4 chaos gods, in the heart of his Chaos infested Battle Barge, and only after trying to save his beloved brothers soul, he sacrificed himself for his father, and the cause they believed in, creating an opening for his father to defeat Horus.

Trully a heros death.

Fulgrim in the meantime fled to the Eye of Terror, and got himself snaked, and then spent 10000 years doing nothing but playing with his own snake there.

These guys look like some sort of DLC for L4D

fulgrim was always better than fuccboi sanguinius.

the angel = btfo by hours
fulgrim = killing 2 (two) primarchs and still rolling

anyway, angron and curze are the #1. but for me drazhar(arhra) is prob the most lethal 1v1 character in the entire w40k universe

but I like mortarion too ;_;

Yeah, that's valid. I love Sanguinius, I almost posted him.

But, you're forgetting the part where Fulgrim sliced off Ferrus Manus' cranium.

This one

>liking Angron, the whiniest primarch

He's a straight up bitch who couldn't even conquer his own planet and then keeps on crying about how he had it rough.

It's the worst part about Fulgrim lore.

He was actually doing shit.

And then wehn he got demoned he goes on a 10 millenia lng fapping binge.

Angron gets out to play, recently even Magnus went out to Troll furfags.

Mortarion was always a shut in so its ok, but Fulgrim just sitting on his 4 hands is stoopid

Curze was actually pretty weak, alsmot everything in his doctrine was about inducing and using fear. So against enemies that cannot be afraid like Orks or SM (especially Primarchs) hes quite weak.

He got pwned by Lion, he got fucked up by Angel, hes just not that good beyond edgy "I'm batman bitch" aesthetics

Angron was always good, but still he was too straight forward.

Among the Primarchs, the best duelists were Horus, Fulgrim, Angel, Russ and Lion. Angron could get some hits against them all, maybe overwhelm them some times, but overall, most of the time he would lose

And no non Primarch character in 40k and 30k can even come close to them. You would need to drop Monstrous creatures on them to even faze em.

Like Swarmlord, or named Demons

Oh and also Girlyman, suprisingly he was among the top 1v1s in the Primarch rooster

Tfw too intelligent to live

Swarmlord, Ghazghull, Greater Daemons and maybe some of the more skilled Necron Overlords. Those would be the only comparable ones I can think of

>Necron Overlords

not even really, more like C'tan shards

>Tfw both characters have the same v.a.

Poor Goku and Broly, always had to hide their true feelings. Others would just not understand

>best duelist
>angel, russ and lion
well memed emperorfag. and no, non of them will be better in 1v1 than angron, fulgrim and curze. if you drop them in a desert planet, naked, etc. and wait who will win, any of the 3 chaotics one I said will be victorious. loyalist primarchs were very good at other things, more commander stuff like organization, discipline, tactical warfare, etc. but in a total life or death 1v1 extreme situtation? no way they will be able to kill angron, fulgrim or curze.

>And no non Primarch character in 40k and 30k can even come close to them
not true. primarchs, and anything from the human empire really, is highly overrated. not even with the god-emperor 100% healthy humanity was able to dominate the entire galaxy. Ancestrals, Ctans, and even eldars had more galaxy dominance that the human empire ever had.
also, the one I said, Arhra, he is old as fuck (pre Slaanesh), (former) combat buddy of motherfucker Asurmen, was the 1st phoenix lord of the striking scorpions, then turn into the dark side, for milleniums living in Commorragh, becoming drazhar, the greatest champion of the elite fighters incubis. he is the most deadly badass fucker of the worse place in the entire galaxy (commorragh). In a 1v1 fight, he will be able to kill most of the primarchs for sure, and he will have a good chance even vs the top tier ones

you will need the 100% healthy Emperor himself to have a light chance to beat this fucker. people doesnt know how huge/strong are tyranids. they are called the great devourer for something: they end galaxies. entire fucking galaxies. so, in one hand you have humanity, who never conquer his own galaxy, and fucked up themself with a retarded civil war: and in the other hand you have a fucking race who already destroyed entire galaxies.
not even close. any primarch, or ancient powerfull eldar/necron/chaos character will kill that ork.

>if you drop them in a desert planet, naked

In those situation Angel ends all simply beacuse he can fly.

Magnus also becomes great duelist because physically he is the biggest and stronest of the bunch and his menta powers remain untouched.

Also you somehow did not notice I also mentioned Fulgrim and Horus.

Russ and Angron fought, Angron defeated Russ but only barely, and in the process his forces got smashed, and he got himself surrounded by the wolves. And then we find out Russ was not even serious, this was a lesson about tactics, and Angron got schooled.

Lion fought Russ to a standstil and then knocked him out cold when Russ started clowning about.

And even Horus thought that Sanguinius was better than him, best of them all actually. Those feelings of inediquacy was one of the factors that lead him to Chaos.

Very tired Sanguinius defied Angron on the Battlements of imperial palace, he led him astray and then used his wings to return to the Gate.

Even in mathhammer Angron only gets good after he chops through swaths of infantry to gets all his nail buffs. In a duel situation he is mediocre. Thats what he was designed to do, he's a tarpit breaker

And problem with swarmlord is not that he is so big and strong, but that his blades have instant death. Still since 6 ed he was nerfed so hard he in no way worth the points

>I fly so I win just because
>mixing lore with table rules
>mixing army commands/tactics with duel discussion

you are pretty retarded m8. but yes, I dont like Angel, but I need to admit he was top tier for sure. after all, he was the one who got the "divinity" part from the emperor. powerlevel/standalone regarding 1v1:

top tier
horus, fulgrim, angel, angron, curze*,
(*he will find the way to kill you no matter what/how)


bitch russ, autismo lion


the rest

and magnus was always a special snowflake (even more than curze). I always think he had great potential but never use it/develop to the full potential. but in the current time, 40k, he will be top tier for sure now, with everything he learn it and not being as naive as he was.

Well without armour and ranged weaponry i would say functional flying, on a guy that is already a top hitter is a rather massive advantage.

bloodthirsty, needled angron I can swallow

But your wank over curze is something else.

The moment Lion got serious Curze got fucked
In Unrememberd empire Curze goes to Mcragge and gets into a bout, finally ends in front of Sangy, and the sappy angel just keeps deflecting his blows, not even really trying and trying to convince Curze to come back.
In the end Curze gets into one of his "moods", says "In the end everything is chaos anyway" and smokebomb ninjas away.

This was especially sad because Like Curze, Sangy also had prophetic visions so he could probably understand him the most.

If anything he was more assasin than duelist and even then he gets outassasinated by Corax that can make others not perceive him, because Corax.

And worst of all Curzes gimmicks do not really work on his brother primarchs.

Also the uberbitch boy Lorgar after his ascencion is a powerhouse. But I would not call that fair since then why not count Ascended Horus, or DP Angron, Morty or Fulgrim

There was a time when roshi was THE power in dragon ball



I think Curze was never in "all in win or die mode", he always was more like trying to make a point. like I said, Konrad was not one of the best, but he is the classic character who, if really wanted/motivated, will find a way to kill anyone (using whatever, with some dirty/disgusting/malicious trick) even more powerful primarchs, if he really commit it. he is just that edgy.

btw corax a shit.

I agree with you about after ascencion primarchs: DP angron, morty, fulgrim, magnus, all commanded by lorgar the true beliver, will be unstoppable for mankind with dedemperor and half of the >good primarchs dead/missing. but eldars (and d.eldards) will jump for sure in that chaos fight, making it even.

but again, the final shit end of fucking times style in 40k is the great devourer, and how the entire galaxy will need to unite somehow to defeat it, cause lore wise, there is no other species/faction who was able to dominate/destroy galaxies like tyranids already did.


>tfw no berserker rage

I always liked the idea that Curze has split personality, and that obsessive, sullen and mopy one is really Corax, while psychopathic, murderous and sadistic one is his evil alter ego the Night Haunter.

And he tries to compromise, and be the emperors Judgement and Justice but cannot manage that because Night Haunter keeps coming out flaying people alive etc.

Too bad recent books dont seem to support this, especially because that would explain why he would want to die, and allow culexus to kill him. Corax wanted to pass judgment on Night Haunter

about the galaxy, well the necron could stop smashing that snooze button and actually wake up.

But that would be progression and GW cannot have that, so they will continue to sporadically show up here and there while Trollzyn is stealing shit and other lords are cryptically scheeming.

And DP primarch are not unified in any way. Only rebirth/regeneration of Emperor could make them unite again at this point, but there would be a lot of bickering about whos going to lead, cretainly not failbaddon.

But again, that would be progression, GW cant have that

>one is really Corax
is really Curze

welp fucked that up


>yfw Curze is not dead, and he is being used by Alpharius/Omegon and The Cabal in his ultimate ruse/trick
yes, I really like that dark/ambiguous things going on about Curze and specially the Alpha Legion :)

well, Lorgar can unite DP primarchs/chaos in general to make a real dark crusade (not that shit clonebaddon did), in some all united chaos shit archaon style. and mankind, with missing/returning primarchs, with eldars(+d.eldars) plus tau cause whynot against that chaos invasion will be fucking amazing, make total sense, and let GW a bit of controlled/making sense progression.

but after that, there is the tyranids thing again. I dont think necrons going all up again will be enough, not even close. after all, they were never that strong/dominant galaxy wise to stop fucking tyranids, cause again, tyranids already devoured entire galaxies. (If I remember correctly, eldar prime civilization manage to travel to other galaxy, and they saw that one totally no life/destroyed/devoured, supposedly by tyranids ofc). I always try to think about a perfect sense solution for the tyranid thing but its just imposible.

about GW making progression... I dont know man, Im fucking scared. I almost prefer the lore/history to stay this way, like "freezed in time", cause they will fucked up badly if they try some kind of pregression. I mean, look what the fuck they did with fantasy.

>tfw I miss the pic

>well, Lorgar can unite DP primarchs/chaos in general to make a real dark crusade

Magnus would definately not listen to Lorgar now. Hes only with Tzeench because he got tricked into it. Hes still trying to fix Arhimans little blunder, and only came out to troll furfags

Angron might come, but as soon as they leave the Eye, hes gonna be on his marry way doing what he wants. He will never obey Lorgar, especially now after he got his upgrade

Fulgrim, dunno. He was playing with his pet snake since 30k so who knows, but he also resents Lorgar. Probably if enough raep was promised he might come out, especially if she bitch orders him.

Morty is prolly the only one he could depend. If papa nurgle would tell him to play with his autistic brother he might do that. Still remember how he basically organized Nikea because he hates fucking psykers so much, and Lorgar is now a psychic being almost as much as Magnus.

At best they would just be ordered by their gods to go at the same time and wreck shit in their merry ways. Even then Magnus would probably try to disobey, bey in the end he would be tricked into doing what tzeench wants. All according to keikaku

Necrons are anti life, without souls and psychic presence, they are anathema to the nids.
Tyranid hives are delibatery leaving a wide margin and not coming close to awakened Tomb worlds.

There is no biomass to gather there. Only death. And at their prime Necron were galaxy sprawling, and threw the Old ones on their knees, still they hax shit like Celestial Orrery in their arsenal, they're just too bored, not caring to use them.

And yea, I also remember some old fluff about dead galaxy, but it was so old it's prolly redconned thousand times over.

Like Malal/Malice, or Squats.

>I dont know man, Im fucking scared.
Yea that makes sense. If they were to End of Times 40k I would prefer they just stopped doing anything.


>At best they would just be ordered by their gods to go at the same time and wreck shit in their merry ways
well, that was my idea about "Lorgar commanding the chaos forces" after all, if all chaos gods decide to go together, DP primarchs will follow the command, in his own chaotic way ofc. but dunno, Lorgar ascended as the commander of the absolute chaos will be great, after all, he was the very first to belive in the dark gods, and he is the most zealot beliver of the entire galaxy.

about the necrons being able to stop nids.. I dont know, after breaking Ctans, they were not that strong, and eldars were already on the rise and superior to necrons. so the power of current necrons, all revived and shit, I dont think will be enough to stop them, not by themself alone thats for sure. 1 entire galaxy/powerblock royal rumble against nids, with Ctans unchained, old eldar gods free/prophecies up, emperor/primarchs returns, waaagh and shit combined is the only possible thing I can think about.

>tfw no chaos squat

>and eldars were already on the rise and superior to necrons.
nah man they were never superior, they were only making gainz, but then enslavers happened and everything went to shitter.

Also chaos seems not concerned about the whole nids thing. And no life = no chaos, so they should be, and nids dont power chaos, they are only shadow in the warp.

Dunno, they are certainly fluffed enough to be the BBEG, but everyone seems to do fine. There is always this one speshul dude, or some mcguffin or just a metric shitton of Space Marines to save the day.

For that of an evil they are failbaddon level of incompetent ... well maybe not that much


This pic is old as hell, why did that video come out like a week ago? That's the same clothes and everything.`


>Yet even with the defeat of both the Old Ones and C'tan, the Silent King saw that the time of the Necrons was - for the moment - over. The mantle of galactic domination would soon pass to the Eldar, who had fought alongside the Old Ones in the War in Heaven. The Necrons, weakened by the War in Heaven and the revolt aganst the C'tan, could not stand against them. Yet the Silent King knew that the time of the Eldar would pass, as did the time of all flesh. So it was that the Silent King ordered the remaining Necron cities to be transformed into great tomb complexes threaded with stasis-crypts.

necrons will be defeated by the eldars if they didnt go to sleep m8. and yes, I also think chaos will need to fight vs nids, same way necrons need to fight them: both needs organic lifes in the galaxy (chaos for pure existance, and necrons to keep the hope to become organic/feel civilization again)

tyranids cant be a shit like failbaddon, they are the gran finale of the galazy! ;_;
>tfw no nid gf

Awaken my Masters!