why is so hard to get a gf?
Why is so hard to get a gf?
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It is only hard if you're ugly.
how do I fix this?
Money. Lots of it.
well, stop being sad bitch and do something about it. Get a personality and talk with people outside of your room.
how do i fix the lack of money?
Get an education that entails a well-paying job.
i think u mean
why is it hard to get a good lookin gf
my friend gets a new gf every month and they are all 4/10
show me their secret
Sure, but won't she cheat on me with chad?
It's not worth the time and money if you're younger
I thought Chad eats pizza
We've discussed this before. Getting a gf is easy; getting a gf worth dating, marrying and having children with is hard.
Why is it so hard to love yourself? How can you expect someone to love you if you don't even love yourself? You're not facing the real problems
I don't talk to girls because I forget to feign interest.
I should just let her talk about herself.
>Getting a gf is easy
Where do I get one of these?
talk to 5 girls a week.
after a month you'll get a date guaranteed
Because y'all are trying too hard, jesus christ. Just live your life, and be the person that some girl would want to date.
It's not about trying to give off an image, or acting a certain way. It's about being that way. Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.
daily reminder if you cannot dance bachata you will never get a gf that actually is attracted to you on a primal level
>tfw good looking
>tfw bros all think your chad fucking girls left and right since freshers week
>tfw socially incapable and never had a gf, spending my free time lifting/watching anime.
They all think I'm cool and shit, why am I so fucking retarded.
You'll have to leave your room.
How does one talk to girls if the only interest is sex?
I'm not planning on having a gf for at least 10 more years, but I haven't had sex in so long I forgot how it feels like. I just want ONE quick fuck.
>tfw bench 325 lbs but no bf
It hurts because I can tell when girls are trying to flirt with me or lead me on, but I am just incapable of following up and they lose interest thinking something is wrong with me. Or worse they think I am too vain/narcissistic.
This is what I get for browsing Veeky Forums since the start of highschool. I'm not fit for society and must remain in my little bubble.
>How does one talk to girls if the only interest is sex?
Just establish that you "like' them and don't mind hanging out with them for "adventures" but you're not looking to catch feels.
practice your game/flirting on tinder. since the whole thing is a flake fest. then head to a club once a week and try to talk to 5 girls you find somewhat attractive when go out for errands/school
You can get casual sex easier in niche circles like anime conventions or art shows/poetry readings but I doubt you like that stuff.
I am in the some boat man.
Veeky Forums doesn't make autists. It just attracts them like light attracts moths or even more like shit attracts flies. Of course Veeky Forums makes you aware of your condition but it does not cause it.
Because you laugh at memes, of memes of memes covered in 7 layers of irony. This is nothing normal people can comprehend.
I live like a Vampire, I cant maintain normal social reltaionships so I just go out when I am in dare need and then I go back to my life for a couple of days or weeks.
Beeing around people and their humanity is something I do not understand and it is almost killing me if I am exposted to it for too long.
Use tinder or lovoo, get your sex and piss off. If you are lucky you will find a cool girl that maintains kind of contact with you via messengers and you have a steady fuck buddy (she will fuck other guys in the meantime though)
I'm so close yet so far brehs.
I can actually hold convos with my oneitis and she even seems to like me, but I have the feeling that I'll end up in the friend zone.
Slowly but steady I try to flirt with her, I even made her a compliment today, but she doesnt seem to be interested in me romantically. I know this is autistic but she didnt touch me or punch me playfully and I read up that it would be an indicator that she is interested in me. (I havent talked to her alone, her ugly friend that Im cool with was always around)
It's all in my head r-right?
>tfw no blonde qt bf
Women decide upon the first contact if they want to fuck you dude.
Only chance is to go underground for a long time (1 year to a couple of years) and totally change your personality and looks, and come back as a Chad and maybe she will reconsider.
Other than that forget about her and go to the next girl.
This user knows.
I have wasted several months chasing my oneitis, don't do the same mistake. If you meet her every day just talk to her like a friend and find a new girl.
I have a gf, why don't you?
>get gf
>realize that I want to be with her 24/7
>she enjoys being with me but also needs to be alone
>feel really depressed when I can't be with her
Tonight she's at a party and I'm home alone and just wanting to go to bed to get this night overwith
I'm scared this will end badly
>1 year to a couple of years
nah just a month or two.
got "friendzoned" and ended up fucking this chick a month later after she found out we both like the same type of music.
Yes. But I dont even maintain contact to girls I dont fuck except for unavoidable stuff like university work groups.
You were not friendzoned, she was maybe just not sure or had a different guy on her mind or was in the process of (emotional) break up.
It already has. You depend on her. This means you will be cucked. This will change your personality from alpha (alpha enough to get her) to beta so she is no longer attracted to you anymore.
Dont give in, go party, and flirt.
Youre too dependant, you need to fix this from within, or you wont be able to have a healthy relationship
> Slowly but steady I try the flirt with her
Dude the point is that you should always be on edge from moment 1 with woman you may want to eventually bang at a point in time. Always be witty flirty etc. If you fail to do this she will very rapidly start to view you as either not interesting or feel that you're not interested in her
How do I fuck girls if I don't have facebook or tinder?
How does that contradict my point?
You have one of the best girls ever. She actually wants alone time? Holy fuck.
I'm I've been just talking to her last week and today.
I mean I could ask her out right?
you'll be fine you need to play the push/stay game
once a month you act really needy to her
than for the next couple week, act like u don't need her
dive bars
it subscribes to your point
not him but
whos texting who first?
if you have to start every convo she doesn't like you like that.
Try tinder, I don't use it because I'm have self esteem issues but my friends seem to have some luck with it
Finall got a gf. Pretty, intelligent, shares my beliefs, has a steady job...I don't feel like hanging out with her, I'd rather lift and shitpost. Someone help, I think I'm losing it.
Ask her, and don't beg if she says no.
But prepare a good first strike. We cant help you with that because YOU know her.
Women are warm slits that feel comfortable inside, thats all (except mum of course). This is important to understand.
I got your adressing wrong bro, alright.
>tfw live somewhere non english and stuff like tinder just isn't used here
>tfw listening to "we are number one" and acting autistic shit posting on /tv/
>Wondering why I don't have a gf
She's perfect in every single way except that I don't want to be alone. I hate being alone.
I frequently let her be alone and act like it doesn't matter much if I'm with her or not, and force myself to just hang out with friends or sit at home bored. It honestly makes me miserable and I'm trying to get used to it because it's way better than life without her.
I didn't even want a relationship because I knew this would be a problem, but then she came and just started being so amazing
What place would that be? Christmas Island?
I know what has to be done to get a gf but I'm just so drained after my last relationship.
It seems to have just sapped all the confidence/outgoing-ness/Not giving a fuck mood out of me.
What do I do? How do I get over the (((first love))) breakup?
I see her IRL and either she or her friend start talking to me.
Hey, it might be a good sign
>prepare a good first strike
What do you mean? Elaborate plox
>been single for 1.5 years
>ever since gf of 5 years broke up with me
>still miss her, cant seem to get over her
>cant be bothered dating
How can I get over this fucking cuckery, I just wanna get out there, start dating again, have fun, enjoy my single life. But I feel too fragile, feel like if another female hurts me I wont be able to handle it
Literally me but 2 year relationship broke up with me a month ago
Realize you do not HAVE to have a girlfriend like media suggests.
Once you realized that you will find one without expecting it. Focus on your hobbies.
I meant that you dont fuck up when you ask her out, use personal info, things she likes, running gags you two have or whatnot. I am not going to do this for you
>go on Veeky Forums
>click relationship thread
>everyone has been broken up with recently after 2+ year relationships
>get paranoid
because it's really not as easy as just flipping a switch and going "oh shoot i'm so happy with myself"
>Falling for the girl meme
It actually is.. In a way.
Go out
Get horny
Fuck a bitch
Talk about how you regret it to your friends but deep inside feel at least a little bit good for laying pipe
Problem solved
I ended my relationship with the love of my life after 3 years to protect her. This was in 2013. Since then I am a empty hull
You see the problem is
>fuck a bitch
I think this is where we get stuck
With gf for over 2 years. Most amazing girl ever: super smart(getting masters in finance now), has job at big 4 lined up, cooks, works out 5 times a week, and not a sloot. Makes me want to be a better person and challenges me.
>started saving for a ring this summer
>waiting til I get 20k in ring fund to propose after she graduates
>already know how I'm gonna propose
>gonna get her dog and put the ring on the collar
>win for everyone
This is shit.
I tell you how I do it:
>go on tinder/lovoo
>adjust your search radius to 100 km/miles or locate to a town 25 miles away from yours
>find girl under your league because they are easy and nobody that you know will ever know of her anyways
>make date. drive to her
>fuck in car in an ally in a small village
>drive home smiling
> A repeat
> B delete her number and block her
That would be an option but I dont drink, I do go out though, but drunk bitches arent attractive when youre sober
it actually isn't, there is a reason therapy exists. the mind isn't so simple to delude.
it's entirely possible to be taking actions to improve yourself (aka to solve your ought-am discrepancy) and still feel anxious, stressed and guilty
>20k in ring fund
this must be bait
Than do the tinder trick. Agree with you that drunk people are generally annoying when you sober
And I forgot, never tell them your real name or give any personal info.
Are people really this dense that they spend 20k on rings?
You should spent 3 times your monthly salary on the engagement ring
not bait, ever looked at how much rings cost these days? Apparently supposed to by 3 month salary or so for a ring too. I'm doing well financially, so I want to do this. Have a new truck, plenty of money saved up in a passive index fund, actively manage another one, and sports bet also along with a steady job. Just put aside bonuses for this.
>never had a gf and don't want one
Feels good tbqh, virgin and proud
It's not like I have bad qualities for the opposite sex, I just don't want to date the memegender
I know right? It's a fucking joke. I'm top tier breeding material: good looking, fit, nice haircut, dress business casual, university degree, good job, my own place, artistic and intellectual hobbies on the side, smallish social circle but I do have friends.
When I ask a woman out I get a date basically 100% of the time if she's single.
EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. they find a fucking reason to bail after the first date. Like I have no idea how they even come up with all this shit. I mean sorry I'm not absolutely fucking perfect what were you expecting?
Last one? Sorry our conversation was really interesting but I can't feel any connection. The fuck is this bullshit even? Do they get that shit from women's magazines? I'm attracted to you, you're attracted to me, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO DIFFICULT?
When I was a 22yo virgin sure it was my own damn fault. Now? I'm convinced getting a 9/10 gf with good work ethics is plain fucking impossible. Either I settle with some entitled fatty who's still going to bitch at me all the motherfucking time or I die a wizard because I was born genetically unable to ever be attractive for a decent woman.
Who says that?
Well it is your choice bro, if you are sure she is the right one do it.
But, if she ever divorces you and takes the ring with her get ready to be laughed at
Literally supporting the controlled resource meme. If you're financialy well off that can probably be seen without a diamond ring and with probably a subjectively better looking ring/gem. What's the point?
>Who says that?
There must be something wrong with you that you are not aware of. Something important.
Think again
nice pasta
What then?
You need to learn to be happy with yourself user.
Your self worth and enjoyment shouldn't come from your relationship with one person it will only end badly.
You've made the relationship transactional, you get self fulfillment solely from her. You need to make the relationship non transactional for it to last.
fuck off
Theres a whole bunch of tricks to make the female "fall in love" with you. After all, falling in love is just some stupid chemical reaction in the brain, real love comes after being with each other for a long time, sharing intimate moments, going through tough times together etc.
But before you get there you have to play the game
Would you mind to share those tricks with us?
I've always tried not to get a GF and wound up with one some how...Try that.
I am sure she's the right one, that's the thing. And we're gonna make some athletic children. Honestly, not too worried about divorce. I think that divorce is a product of modern society in many ways ie when the going gets tough, you quit. Marriage (love) is hard. You're not going to want to be with that person many days but you have to make an effort. Its not just passion and lust, it's more than that. I understand why people get divorced, but a lot of times its because they rush into marriage or are quitters during the marriage because they "lost the spark." That's mentality of the microwave generation where everything is easy and quick.
Controlled resource meme? As in why precious metals and whatnot are valued highly and all that? I made a killing on options with gold earlier this year because of that. And I know I can spend money in other ways to be seen as "financially well off" but I want to spend it in this way. Not to show off, but to show her I care about her. I have no debt, and I literally am living the 30/70 life right now. Live on 30% of income and save 70% of it. She's going to make almost as much as me when she graduates, so household income will be even more until we have kids, then she wants to become a stay at home mom (another reason why she's marriage material). Also, her mom is super hot and her dad is one of the top captains for a big airline.
i want to show you that i can love you with all of my heart but you're not letting me
Im not an expert, but its just small conversational stuff like. Really showing interest to what shes saying about her life, instead of just listening and pretending to care while youre drifting off. Even recalling something she said later in the date can really make her feel like you listened. Thats just one example but you get the point
Make her feel like youre interested in her and not just her tits and pussy, even if thats all youre after
I know, therefore my stance on women. I am 23 currently and won't look for a wife til I am 30
I feel ya. I'm 24, she's 23. A lot of the good girls are gone by 30 here in the south, I feel. Idk though. My little brother is waiting til after med school to start looking for girls, and my older brother is just anti-social about to finish up his phd. Probably gonna stay in the northeast and be a research guy. I just want to live comfortably with her, and the best way to do that is just get married. A big thing is set your goals and make a plan to achieving them. I don't want kids for another 5 to 6 years, but I also don't want to be an old dad. Decision making time of my life.
Thats how it is. You Americans marry earlier than Germans anyway so I do not feel to bad about it.
My law studies alone take 6 and a half years to finish and I studied something different before which I discontinued because I really could not relate to working in that field for the rest of my lfife.
I plan on getting a younger wife 6-10 years anyways so this is fine. Its just hard to find one with traditional values, especially in Germany.