How to tell if some uses roids?

I got into fitness just around a year ago and with it my interest in YouTube fitness people. I really have no information on steroid use, so I wanted to know how can I tell if they are roiding. These guys eat crap in videos but look absolutely amazing.. If I know they are roiding maybe take their advice with a grain of salt?



Generally if they look like they are on gear they probably are on gear.

Some people might be genetic freaks but look at any true natty person they are never shredded and big.

If someone has 18"+ arms and are under 10% bf they are likely on gear.

Behold the Veeky Forums version to know if somebody is on roids.
>are they swoler then me y/n?
>y:on gear fraud cunt
>:n:ahaha manlet fagget

Who the fuck is that?
Did he use some steriods?

Hard physique (look, lean, dry), overly striated or defined unflexed musculature when not doing a movement, general deltoid or lat posturing because of muscle tightness or tendon elasticity.

Depending on type of complexion etc

Thats how I usually notice.

Hey mane, I've been strugling with this topic a lot and here are a few of my conclusions.

If you know their height in cm, remove 100 and you have an approximation of the maximum wieght one can achieve native. If you want to check some great natty physique, I advise you to watch the 3DMJ website. The team is really doing a huge effort to help improve the fitness game.

If you see that their shoulder are really huge and wide and that as an overall, their look is just to much, you can imply they are on gear.

Finaly, remember that any youtuber will gain massive respect and an aura of competency if they are swole (plus money, of course). This means they will never reveal if they are on gear, which would mean loosing their status. Plus it's illegal so they could be potentialy be held up reaponsible for their actions.

One last thing, the people that shout the most are often the ones that aren't really what they claim to be. Keep that in mind

Examples? Not the easiest ones please

Justin Martinilli, not sure but I know he's pretty active in the kinobody community. My assumption is probably because he had a very insane transformation.

If he's bigger than you, he's roiding bro. If he's smaller, he's a fucking dyel

What body fat percentage is that at for the max weight they can achieve

jeff seid

If I remember well, it is near 12%

At first I thought you meant I could only be 82 lbs but I realized I was retarded. 82kilos lean sounds about right for a 182cm man, thats a pretty good measurement I would say.

im 176cm and my max would be 76kgs then.
that sounds a little like bs desu, maybe im just delusional

honest answer op from an experienced lifter:

if they compete untested comps 99% chance roids.
Other than that dont even try to judge until youve lifted for 2+ years with good progress

>Grainy-looking skin
>Huge as fuck muscles but very low bf (very short progress (going from dyel to arnold Schwarzenegger in like 2 years)
>Small balls
>Posts in every cbt thread
>Has confidence and or body issues
>Heart problems at a young age

jeff is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from lean and dry

I might find the article talking about that, I'll check later

Forgot to mention it was in kg :)


that is the dumbest shit iv have ever heard in my life

You can be lean and as long as you train your arms to the point where they reach 18" it definently does not mean your on roids

Anything bigger than those guys it's on gear, they are more or less the Natty limit.
In those times training pecs wasn't done, Pecs=tits=woman=Big no-no.

certain muscles have a better reaction to steroids than others, like delts and traps, and to a lesser extent, upper body over lower body. delts are usually the best way to tell, when they look huge compared to the arms, whereas normally to get delts that size your arms would be more proportionate and make the shoulders stand out less. and at a certain leanness, a natty would expect to lose considerable size to get there

roided (at least left, probably right as well at the very least because of association)

If their vein structure makes them look like a fallen leaf on a autumn aftrenoon.
Also, if they die in sauna.

im 188cm, and that is 194 lbs max according to him. seems possible, but Im gonna be working my ass off if i can reach that natty

the real question is: does frank yang roid? pretty sure hes bigger than this now even, its a pretty old pic

No it's mechanically impossible to have huge delts but average sized triceps. Delta and tris assist each other is several motions, and for cannonballs delts be natural, the triceps are usually massive since triceps are a primary agonist or antagonist muscle


Naw, he's just lean as fuck. Check out his old training mix tapes on YouTube. The guy is just a genetic monster powered by bipolar energy

Natty af

>shoulders too wide, must be on gear

What about literally all boxers out there?

his skin literally looks like film grain lol

punching and holding your fists up works shoulders like crazy. add to the fact that fighters arent usually that big overall, theyre shoulders will be disproportionately large.

and no one said all boxers are natty. in fact, many would argue that any athlete competing on the professional level is more than likely on gear

Do they look better than you?

If yes, roids.