Anyone else really really shit at pullups?

anyone else really really shit at pullups?

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Yes, but I started improving after doing deadlifts and barbell rows

Same boat as you OP. I'm getting better by using the gravity machine at my gym, better than blowing out my shoulders trying to do pull-ups when I'm not strong enough.

do some negatives, start from the top and just hold on for deEr life. gotta push yourself tho

yeah me but I'm maxium shoulderlet

That back look like mud ew

did scooby's programme but i didn't make any progress in 3 months even though i was getting better at doing negatives

doing banded pullups seems to be helping though, i can now almost do 1 (one) pullup

5'8" 72kg

No, I do 5x30 every day and 3x8 weighted 3 times a week(currently +90 lbs), pullups are my bitch. I also do legit straight bar pullups. Fuck chinups.

Yeah, I can only do like 3x3-5.

Only recently started doing them though, ~110-115kg.

I can easily pump out 10 chinups, but like 4 or 5 pullups with bad form. FeelsBadMan.

6'2 ~186 skinnyfat dyel
14 good form medium grip pullups max, usually do 12-13/9-10/7/7/5-6
with 2:30 rest
i wish i could do weighted :s

Been using Justa type programming for them, but with no maxing out. They always fucked up my elbows & upper back if I went to failure, and nothing else seemed to work.

Started at 1 rep (quite easy, if I wasn't doing this at the end of a workout), using a neutral grip since it felt the best. Add 1 set of a single rep each day that week. Really short rests, as little as 20s. Add 5lbs each week until I complete 4 weeks, then switch to doubles. & so on. After working up to sets of 5, I swapped over to regular pullups, and then to wide grip some months later.

I can probably do 100+ for about 5-6 reps now, but it feels better overall to just slap a plate on and crank out 30-50 total reps with lower rep sets

How wide is your grip? I can do 3-4 with medium width grip on a good day, same height/weight. I do a lot of banded pull-ups and negatives though.

for me pic related helped me get my first 2 pull ups without doing any negatives

how wide is your lat spread?

also, that pulldown machine is fantastic for extra volume on back day. That bitch made me wide

Question, do you guys actually really feel your back muscles when you train them? I never do.

No one can be "shit" at pullups, they're one of the most basic exercises around

Youre either weak, or fat. Your thread should be "anyone really weak or fat"

Haven't measured but I'm wide AF, technically my lat spread is more than double the width of my torso

For a month, add in a isolation exercise for something you don't "feel" Don't make it about the weight, just the sensataion of just that muscle/group.

After about a month, start keeping that sensation in your head when you hit something that includes that muscle/group; use the isolation before/between sets just to remember it.

Like tension, once learned it's a lot less effort

Does anyone not like chin-ups? I can do the same amount of chin-ups and pull-ups but i only ever train pull ups on a straight bar, is that good?

I was for the longest time, still not great but has been nice to graduate beyond assisted/negatives

delicious assburgers

If I do wide grip will that train me better to do normal grip? Or am I better off doing normal grip to get good at normal grip?

easier to fuck up your elbows if you do them bad.

Also, ultimate pullups at work are commando pullups. grab top of door frame, pullup to one side, then other. do this whenever you walk through a door

I think might elbows are good in that case
ive been doing them since i was like 12 and im 22 now and can do like 40+ with deadhang rest

I-is that a rib-cage on his back?

I'd just fucking go to sleep during a set like that. depending on what it is, past 15-30 I just asay fuck it

i can do 20kg (44ish pounds) @ 82.5kg (182lb ish pounds) for 3 x 5.

goal by end of year is 3x25kg without decrease in bw. probably doable.

Yeah I dont do more than 20 usually, I do them weighted anyways. Chin ups just feel awkward on a straight bar.

How many push-ups should I be able to perform if I was asked about the numbers of reps?


If you can do 12-13, then you can definitely do weighted. I bet you could throw a 25 lb plate on and do 7-8 easy.

I can do 8 with good form and tempo,
But i'm really struggling to improve,
and failing to do consecutive sets of more than five.

I was trying to improve reps by doing 5rx10s
But still didn't improve past 8 good form reps after a training cycle (1 month)

Feels batman.

any tips on improving overall reps?

50+ with good form, range of motion and posture is ideal.
But expecting to do more than that with decent size isn't necessary, just focus on doing more reps of higher level pushup exercises (decline pushups, one arm pushups, full scapula depression pushups/ +pushups)

I can only do 30 at the moment, but i've been neglecting pushups a lot over the last few years, and just getting back to them.

5'10" 82kg / 181lbs
i'm also

I worked my way from 20 struggled pushups to 60 in 40 seconds. I didn't work pushups, instead I just increased my bench.

>tfw finally can do 10 pullups
i'm finally making some progress, feels so good

Dude, I'm just really shit at life.

By gravity do you mean an assisted pullup machine? I've been doing that but making sure I clench my back, so I've had to go up in assistance to make sure I do that. I'm at 170 with 70 lbs assist, I also do dips on that machine with 50 lbs assist.

Are you me?

do this

I've given up and now I do pulldowns.
This is what happens when you are 6'1, have big lower body and the upper body of a child.
doesnt help that I'm in a permabulk.
I've tried doing negatives, can barely do one, tried chinups, they hurt my bicep tendon.
I wanted to start doing some everyday at the bars in a park close to my home, but some fat nigger dislodged the structure poles, and of course my doors are too hold to install a bar at home
>SHIT genetics
>SHIT luck and circumstances
Oh what a surprise, seems like a recurring theme

I used to be meh til I kept practicing. Best results came from doing negative holds at first. Then got a weight vest and have been slowly making progress that way.

Unweighted is now more explosive.

>tfw can easily do 10 chinups, but doubt I can even do one pull up

I've always been weirdly good at pull ups. Shit at squats cause I'm tall with long legs but pull ups of all forms have always been easy for me

Doing chins with a hammer grip helped my pullups improve a bit.

I've always been naturally good at pull-ups, I could do 7-8 untrained at 160lbs body weight

Now I do 3x8 +55 lbs

Hands like hooks, relaxed forearms, pull from your back.
Went from doing 1 to 5 per set using this.

Can no longer do weiggted pull ups because of lower back/hip injury.

Anyone know if dumbbell rows are just as good?

Not even close.

Man, pullups are the most mysterious thing to me.

I constantly see posts from people that are otherwise in reasonable shape (some even look strong) saying they can't even do one pullup.

Meanwhile I was fat in high school, and lost all the weight (and more) while bedridden for a year and a half (obviously not lifting) and at no point in my life have I not been able to do at least 10 consecutive pullups.

Meanwhile, my bench has been in ultra poverty mode for the last 5 months and absolutely refuses to increase. I didn't even start doing rows until about a month ago, and they've already passed my bench by like 30 lbs, and I still don't feel like I'm putting full effort into them (never failed a rows set yet)

Why is my strength so unbalanced in favor of my back?


Doing endless pull ups win't be beneficial either will it. I'm not at all heavy.

i mean with that injury sounds like you cant deadlift or squat either so its not like youre ever gonna make any gains

You're good at pulling exercises, shit at pushing exercises. What's so mysterious about this? I would be you also have long limbs.

I sometimes get a pain in my right elbow from chins... What is the correct form?

>You're good at pulling exercises, shit at pushing exercises. What's so mysterious about this?

Idk, I guess it's just mysterious that there's no reason for me to be good at one or shit at the other? I never did any hard work or anything that would have built those skills; before highschool, my only exercise was basically overnight backpacking

>I would bet you also have long limbs

I don't think I do? Nobody has ever commented on it, and I'm 5'10

Maybe after I plateau on these puling exercises my pushes will even out?

>5'8" 72kg
You weigh too much

you sound like a massive faggot
i'm 6'1 as well and pullups are my bitch, but only through months of grinding. fell for the SS meme and went full trex mode and realised i couldn't do a single pullup. stop blaming your circumstances and use resistance bands

tfw 62kg and can't even do one pull-up

anyone else?

I'm 5'11"

>be 5'10", 62kg
>do 3x5 pull-ups
Just b urself bro

Be patient

62kg 1.72cm and can do a few. Do chin-ups every workout if you can do them and also do exercises that hit your back like rows and deadlifts.

Don't fall for the negative pull-up meme. You can either work towards a pull-up, or work towards strength which will also result in being able to pull-up.

I got one of those iron gyms and I try to pump out 1 or two every time I walk through the door.
Im at around 30reps/day which is probably pathetic.

>tfw cant even do pushups
still losing weight but fuck i hate not being able to do that

Ye I can do chin-ups and I do deadlift and row. SOON

do incline push-ups.

most people do push-ups with shit form and underestimate the difficulty.

>Average male pullup: 1


Got a pic so we can see what 5x30 does to your lats?

The negative pullups fucking work bro. I tried lat pulldowns all day everday but still couldnt do a pullup

After negative pullups one day I said "Fuck it let me just try a pullup" and accidentally slammed the bar into my chest because I didnt think I could do it.

>At my peak
>Can do 3x10 pullups
>Can do 4 pullups with 1pl8 tied to my waist
>6 months of no gym later
>Struggle with 5 regular pullups
God damn lats degenerate fast

What's better to progress and build muscles
>add weight to pullups
>add reps/sets

Adding weight will increase muscle strength, which will also increase muscle size.
Adding sets/reps will increase muscular endurance and allow you to do more for longer which will lead to strength down the road. Look at construction workers or masons. Their work is endurance based more than strength, what with moving bags of concrete all day every day. They don't look too big, but their muscles are solid rock and they pack a punch.

Think you got it bad? Meet my pull up bar


>man found dead, concussed by a blunt metal object, in his basement after neighbours complained of a stench wafting from a nearby house for several weeks

>inclined pull up

They hurt my shoulder what do?

Don't be such a fucking cunt

For pullups, when you begin the movement, contract your shoulderblades to get the movement started, then focus on driving your elbows to the ground instead of pulling yourself up, lean back a little, and lead with your chest to the bar instead of just trying to get your head above it. Remember to keep your core tight. You will know when you do it right.

For chinups, it's similar, but remember to drive your elbows out as well to hit more lats.

My current maximum is probably around 22

Please tell us you are kidding. You can wait awhile till you get plenty of replies, but then at some point please tell us you are not serious.


Why would I be kidding? Do you think your special because you do pull ups on a rack that costs 1000 dollars? Its a poll that sits between too supports. Its high up enough that I can hang on it with my feet off the ground and get the full extension. I'm deadly serious. Do you want to see my squat rack?

I started at about the same weight at 181cm/5'11" and I couldn't do one.

Now I'm doing 5x5 with an extra 8kg/17lbs around my waist at 78kg/171lbs bw(probably 12-15%bf). Don't give up senpai.

Btw I never did negatives or shit like that, just variations of rows until I could do about 6 proper pullups and I've been slowly adding weight/reps since.

>the neighbours say that the last thing they recall hearing from his house was a cry of "LIGHTWEIGHT BABY"

Me. I always find myself making my elbows go inward rather than outward like in op's pic

Negative. And Isometric hold.

Real question.

Out of curiosity, I tried it just now.
And I am now able to do 1 shit pull-up. Wide neutral grip.
From doing negatives/inverted rows for 2 weeks.

What now?

5 sets of 1 and progress from there.

this but keep doing your rows. you're not going to be able to get enough volume from pullups alone.

I love them, pull ups and chins are the only exercise I do. Going to make a proper gym next year though.

I do lat pulldowns cause I can only do one or two pullups lmao. I'm too fucking fat 90 kgs 20%bf

Maybe in a couple more months of cutting I'm able to do a decent number.

I'm 5'10 and I got up to 10kg pull ups weighted for 5 reps but I just plateaued at this point. Can't seem to add any more weight or reps. Is it because I'm getting heavier? My other lifts have gone up. Rows have gone up. Deadlifts have but I feel my form is maybe shit (not retracting properly) and I'm getting fatter could that be why?

When you do it slow and right, yeah the entire back aches.

Shit forgot to add I weight 75kg atm.

Lifting for 4 months and I can't do a deadhang yet. i started with assisted pullups but at 40-60lbs assist it's almost impossible because my feet slip off the assist mechanism because it's such little weight.

Been pushing hard on lat pulldown, cable row, and t-bar row to no avail. I never feel like I'm activating my lats.

Yesterday I finally gave doing negatives a shot and holy shit the difference is real. This is the first time I can remember being actually sore in my lats/serratus. I don't know why i didn't try them sooner.

Bruh nice yellow jump rope and yellow resistance band on the left there. What brand?

Does anyone else find the problem that they can do pullups with weight, but very few at bodyweight?
Right now I am doing 3x8 40lbs, but I can only do 20 BW.

I Generally do bodyweight would you recommend weighted vest obviously I wouldn't go for a run in it

ah yes, the 0 gravity machine is great.