Progress Thread?

Pic on the left was last September, strung out on heroin, weighed 138lbs at 6'1 and 19 years old. Went to rehab and been sober for the past 13 months, was lifting with shitty programming and diet for the first 6 months, only been on point for the last 6 months, pic on the right is me at 189 lbs yesterday. Any tips on what I should work on? Besides cutting of course

Need some cutting inspiration bad, post some progress pics below

First pic is a few years ago before lifting or diet.
Second is 3 months ago after my last fatboy bulk
Third pic i just took now. Shit lighting, I have pretty good abs under overhead lighting.

Pretty nice physique, how much of a deficit did you go at on your cut?

Well done on getting sober OP.

You're looking good. I wouldn't say theres much to work on other than keep at it. Time is the biggest factor in looking awesome.

To be honest I didn't count my calories. I just stuck to three meals a day. One of which was the same every day; chicken and rice for lunch.
Breakfast was a protein shake and a couple of bananas.
Dinner was just a hearty meat, veg and clean carb meal. Chicken/turkey/steak, broccoli and sweet potato or rice.
Snacks are greek yoghurt, and fruit.

Any other addicts/alcoholics on Veeky Forums? Always been curious considering how a lot of us junkies get super into fitness after getting sober

What are the best cardio trainings to do from home (without buying exercise bike/running pad)?

Not really related to Thread, but calisthenics are good cardio with no equipment. Or just run outside like a normal person, but judging by your English it's either too cold or explosive to go outside, so just stick to up downs and jumping jacks for now kiddo

I started not eating like shit mid december of last year. Am I going to make it? Any tips? Should I just cocoon mode it?

Holy shit, I've never seen someone go full on fridge mode. Keep it up bro, you've made good progress, consistency is key

Work on your shoulders and arms more, start lifting heavy if you arnt already

Past 4 months have been me trying to "bulk" while hitting the gym, although I've gained less than 5kg.

was meant to post it in the catalog but somehow ended up here

Hey OP, I used to be addicted to painkillers. You should get your testosterone levels tested because Opioids can cause Opioid induced hypogonadism (low test). Just thought I'd let you know because it's something I didn't know about and most users dont.

Keep it up brother, stay strong.

might sound stupid but is staircase jogging a good exercise?

I live in a big flat in without proper way to run anywhere near.

you went from dadbod to daddy

Bulking really isn't about gaining weight, it should be about gaining the most muscle possible while limiting fat storage. If youre gaining more the 2 -3 lbs a month natty its Garunteed to be some fat. Do it slow for best results

Just do burpees

am I skinny yet?

I was an addict on various drugs for about 2 years. I deicided to try and get Veeky Forums after I completed rehab and it's gone pretty well. A lot of addicts turn to fitness because I guess it's something that you completely ignore while you're on drugs

I was a heroin addict for 6 years, been clean for 4, been addicted to the gym for 3.5 years

I did SS.

Starting Steroids?

youre skinny fat. it looks gross tbqh. youre at the point where you should focus all your attention on gaining muscle.

Pretty bad alcoholic. I blacked out hard and probably did some ignorant shit on friday night but I did the math and I was only in that state for about 40 minutes before I passed out so I probably didn't do anything too shitty.

Anyways back to the point: every time I've gotten sober 1.) you don't feel like shit all the time so you actually are able to work out, 2.) the endorphins make you (at least temporarily) lose the nerves abstaining leaves you with, 3.) if you're a junkie or an alcoholic chances are your body looks like shit in one way or the other, 4.) when you get sober out of your own desire too you're gonna want to be healthy in general, hence working out.


It goes right to left for this one bro he's super skelly now

I'm only 10 pounds on my OHP away from 2/3/4/5. Will my crippling insecurities finally go away once I hit it?

Right pictures are a few months old I'm closer to 193 now. Took a little over 3 years.


body is still shit but better than it was

Pretty gud

That's fantastic man
Looks like the shit that I'm posting

been there done that t's hard af but now you have to go the next mile

What type of retards puts progress pics right to left?

Is that a yuropoor thing?

That is insane. Some sun tan would probably be 100x better than 10lb OHP


you got a huge head bro

but congrats on the progress

Excellent work.


I struggle to believe that one. At the very least, we should be seeing scars from the loose skin cut off.

Whats your cycle look like?
