What other boards does /fit browse?
For me it's pol, vg and a.
What other boards does /fit browse?
For me it's pol, vg and a.
r9k, x, k
k and w occasionally
I love it down here
/gif/ and Veeky Forums
/asp/ and occasionally /v/
/a/ /g/ /jp/ /pol/
who /lifting for 2D/ here?
and less occasionally /sp/, /int/, /a/
int and boardgame general on tg
if I'm board I might check ck or pol, but they're both pretty shit
/bane/ /pol/ /a/ and some /r9k/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
/x/ and /g/, sometimes Veeky Forums.
/po/ /kpg/
mostly fit but i browse some boards maybe once a month
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Why are real life women so fucking ugly, both inside and outside?
/int/ /tv/ /wsg/ /wg/ /gif/ /sp/ and Veeky Forums
/a/ /v/ Veeky Forums /trash/ for the most frequent browses
/pol/, /a/ and /jp/
Veeky Forums cause board games are fun
/pol/ whenever there's a news happening
/pol/, /a/, /g/, Veeky Forums
Also, who else here is
>Trump supporting single male masturbating to anime
/pol/ and /k/.
/pol/, /r9k/, sometimes /g/
Veeky Forums mostly, some /out/ and /diy/.
If i need a cheap laugh i go on /r9k/ and mock people doing worse than me irl.
/pol/ and /tv/
/k/, /gif/, /aco/, /b/
Pol and o
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Every now and then:
Where I shitpost the most:
I bet you don't even lift.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and sometimes /v/ or /bleep/. Used to browse /r9k/ but fuck that place nowadays.
Veeky Forums
/cgl/ when going to cons
Hi friend
/pol/ and Veeky Forums
Always fit and o, wsg sometimes, gif to Jack off. Fa just to browse and mock everyone lol
Veeky Forums
/g/ /int/ /m/
I'm trying to cut back on internet in general though.
/int/ for bantz
/wsg/ for dank memes
Veeky Forums for whatever reasons
pol and sci
ay lmao
/pol/ was my main but I found this place and converted to Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
What can I say, i like my funposts
/asp/, /b/ and starting to get into Veeky Forums
/K and /Fit mostly
little bit of /pol and /f
pol, biz, b, ck on occasion, and a single thread in tg.
/pol/ /out/ /a/ and /b/ every eclipse.
/f/, 8/pol/, Veeky Forums, and sometimes /sp/. /v/ and Veeky Forums, but only when there's a game I'm really into.
So glad janitors are deleting /pol/ and /r9k/-tier threads.
I'm not sure how to feel about that myself; it seems like the stifling of free speech. Or is it because these threads have little to do with fitness?
Degenerate filth
/tv/ and Veeky Forums mainly.
Occasionally /b/ when I'm in the mood for a rekt thread.
Veeky Forums /int/ /k/ /f/ /soc/ /wg/
/an/ /out/ /pol/ /k/
I dunno. But I'm trying my hardest to be the best waifu for my senpai.
See, he loves horo, so I need to do my best to at least be her equal!
Are Veeky Forumsizens the closest to passing as normie out of any board?
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums /k/
Veeky Forums, /co/, Veeky Forums, /v/ and Veeky Forums
I've always been a big fan of Dweeby shit, so these are my go-to.
TFW Waifus are literally my main motivation in lifting. I genuinely cannot conceive lifting with the prospect of 3D in mind, despite myself enjoying sex. Holo has been a big help, even made a lifting t-shirt out of my dedication for her
I think once I hit my perfect body, I'll have no happiness in life, ironically.
/pol/ /k/ Veeky Forums
polfags pls leave
/pol/, /r9k/, /a/, /int/, and /x/ on occasions
We need to get Veeky Forums for the race war.
I need to be ready for if that ever happens to senpai.
My home board is /c/.
I came here recently when I started getting back into weight lifting to get stronger and lose fat.
Any other /c/itizens here?
I'm sure /pol/ will do great things in the race war such as
>sitting inside shitposting
>e-statting amount of kebabs killed
>blaming the jews when their new stepdad is brown
Stay mad.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
used to only browse /a/ and /adv/ but how the times have changed.
Not mad, just tired of the LMAO RACEWAR 1488 WHITE PRIDE WORLD WIDE shitposting when /pol/ is just Baby's First Stormfront
No need to be mad.
/gif/, /fit, /v/ and sometimes /co/
>mfw I used to browse /mlp/ and I still am there occasionally to see how they're going
How bad is it?
/trv/ is the main one I visit when I'm not on the 'ol homeboard. Probably the best Veeky Forums companion, to be honest.
Veeky Forums and /cgl/ are also sometimes worth a quick browse.
Veeky Forums
/sp/ & /asp/ (/asp/ only when they have mag thread up)
Veeky Forums (only to shitpost about humanities students being brainlets)
/pol/ /k/ and /mlp/
/tv/ /pol/ /b/ /g/ Veeky Forums and of course, Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums, /r9k/, and /mlp/, I don't actually lift, but I jog for brain gains. I seriously hope you guys don't get a STEM major because you'd have to compete with me.
Sorry brainlets.
/b/ /d/ /aco/
That board that you're not supposed to talk about...
>tfw you do it for her
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
Hello fellow perv.
Veeky Forums
Reporting in.
>Any other /c/itizens here?
I peruse /c/ very rarely.
/gif/ /i/ /wsg/ /cgl/ /an/
Mostly just Veeky Forums and /adv/ now. Was a tripfag on /a/ for something like 5 or 6 years. Had some stints on /sp/ and /g/. I take no pleasure from /a/ anymore, even though I always considered myself an /a/sshole.
I've easily seen over 350 anime, but I consider Veeky Forums my home board now.
/k/ and /out/ every now and again.
To expand on this, Veeky Forums reminds me of old nighttime /a/. It's slower and has a similar "anything goes" type atmosphere for threads.
Only instead of ronery threads it's now >tfw no gf
pol, a, and I used to browse TV but I traded in the bleeding edge memes for gains.
Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /vp/, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums. No, I do not have a life.
Started on /b/ /gif/ and /f/
Then mostly /g/ and /a/
/jp/ during my worst times
Now just /pol/ and Veeky Forums
/pol/ /r9k/ /hm/
No. Only a fraction of fit users are fit and of those most just look normal. When it comes to behavior they crumble. We're all gonna make it though.
/v/ and /asp/ for videogames and MA discussions
/s/ and /e/ for faps
/gif/, but only for fapping purposes.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
ma nigga
I'm a /g/entooman when I'm not lifting.
If you browse Boards like /r9k/, /pol/, /mlp/ or /a/ you are a sub human.
It's not the shitskins, women or normal peoples fault that you are an ugly sub human.
/mlp/ and /trash/
moshi moshi
>All these losers visting /a/ and /pol/
Muh white wymonz why are they fucking Tyrone, while I am masturbating to 9 year old Anime kids?