So how does Veeky Forums like to train abs?

So how does Veeky Forums like to train abs?

by starving myself. really makes em pop.

Compound exercises are all you need

But you must have had to train them before hand in order for them to pop.

Girls go nuts for ab genetics that are this shitty?

Core exercice done by gymnasts. So : progression for shit like a front lever.

Blaha pls go

only the young dumb ones that we want to fuck

wtf is this girl on about

With the right lighting and angle, yes.

Hanging leg raises
Sit-ups (preferably with roman chair)

Literally all you need.

ugly/fat girls will go nuts for a ugly dyel with shit genetics yeah

Think logically: This is by the far the best they can do, so they need to be really sweet and act impressed to lure him into fucking them

More info?

Diet x f

maybe some planks if you wanna make em pop before a pool party or w/e

In what way are those shitty ab genetics?

Weighted Planks.

Download the Mastering GST book and only do shit that makes sense for training your core.... It's way more effective than doing shit like sit-ups.

>be me
>5' 10
>185 lbs (was 163 lbs at my lowest)
>have upper body well defined (dyel for Veeky Forums standars)
>have decent abs


>dat there wide hips
>dem lovehandles
>glutes flaccid as fuck

Just fucking kill me mayne, fuck me for being a fatass in my former years (peak was 285 lbs)

I swear to god, I fucking hate myself for that skin folders that a I have

>Mfw I'm never gonna make it

cable crunches
oblique side bend thingies

Don't meme yourself into delusion...

Situps with a 45lb plate
Compound exercises
Good diet

Literally all you need.

>situps working anything else but your hip flexors
nice advice man, why are you even here?

Dragon flags

Not him but it's true. Heavy squats amd deads are all my ab work anymore. I like stomach Vacuums as well, but usually forget to do them.
This as well. Diet is key