/DNP General/
>I don't have the pastebin because I'm an autist who never saved it edition
I'm probably not gonna use DNP for a long time myself, but I'd like to hear any stories people have who did use it. Did it work? Did you die? What dosage?
/DNP General/
>I don't have the pastebin because I'm an autist who never saved it edition
I'm probably not gonna use DNP for a long time myself, but I'd like to hear any stories people have who did use it. Did it work? Did you die? What dosage?
Other urls found in this thread:
Did 1/g a day. My dick melted off
There ye go
took it, died.
zyzz told me to say "ayy lmao"
doing low dose of 250mg crystal, 7th day in.
freaked out for a couple days thinking i had PN, starting to think I'm just retarded. hoping to lose at least 10lb by the time this cycle is over. started at 165-ish. lowest i've seen on the scale was 162.5 and it's only been a week.
don't know if I'm gonna make that goal but we'll see. i want to double the dose but i don't think my body will handle it well.
DNP has been used as an herbicide and pesticide. It's fucking dangerous. Btw, it has a half-life of 6 days for those of you desperate enough to use it. Be safe.
pretty sure it's 36 hours. not 6 days.
Cheers man. I'll give it another browse. Stuff like DNP, Clen and Roids are really fun to learn about. Plus I'll save it this time.
Not planning to use it myself. I'm an Ausfag, so they'd probably send me fucking cyanide or something. Basically everything is either illegal or impossible to find here.
May wanna be careful there, boyo. Also, re read the pastebin. Use your eyes, don't trust the scale, and let me say this again, be careful. If you don't think you're taking to it well, upping the dosage might be a bad move.
Good luck user
>If you don't think you're taking to it well, upping the dosage might be a bad move.
nah i know. gonna give it another week to see how i feel. if anything gets worse i'll cut it immediately. if i'm fine i may do 500mg every other day for last week to finish it out.
it's your life, not mine m8. Once you overdose on DNP it's too late. There is only palliative treatment.
it's literally in the pastebin and many other sources. fuck off m80
nice bait fagwad. But here's a source.
The maximum dose is 300 mg per 5 days. Anything more is certain death. If we follow your bullshit 36-hour half-life, youd die because you'd think it would be okay to take 500 mg within those 5 days.
nice """"source"""" friend
Lmfao. Here are more if that does not satisfy you. I also need to correct my post. 3000 mg and 5000 mg. Not 300 or 500.
1 Leftwich, R.B., et al. (1982). Dinitrophenol poisoning: a diagnosis to consider in undiagnosed fever. Southern Med J. 75;182-184.
2 McFee, R.B., et al. (2004). Dying to be thin: a dinitrophenol-related fatality. Vet Human Toxicol. 46:251-54.
>3000 mg and 5000 mg
You make it sound like that wasn't a major fuck up on your part. Yeah no shit that much is bad Captain Obvious.
k so i'm reading this right now and no where is it stated that the half-life of dnp is 5 days.
in fact the word "half" doesn't even appear in the article whatsoever.
furthermore people on this same chinese cutlery forum are literally taking 750mg/day right now and not dying. care to explain how i'm also not dying on 250mg/day after a whole week?
>I also need to correct my post. 3000 mg and 5000 mg
ah. so you were just wrong, and are now reiterating the same shit the paste bin states. okay friendo. you're literally making your explanation more complicated than what is shown in the paste bin.
the half life of dnp is not 5 days. blood build up takes anywhere between 3-5 days, and that is what you're referring to.
I need a legit Canadian source, can anyone help a guy out?
Had to sleep on hardwood floor with a/c and fan on 24/7 because too hot. Was on 500mg a day drinking gallons after gallons of water. Worth it
So you were just 10 times off, hey no big deal my man. Try instead of drinking 7l instead of 0.7l whiskey in one night and all of a sudden alcohol is super dangerous.
>it has a half-life of 6 days
36 hours
look at the pastebin. trusted sources ship worldwide.
If I stopped taking DNP yesterday morning, would it be safe to drink alcohol Tuesday night?
No. It takes a week for it to get completely out of the system
Why not diet and exercise instead of risking death?
Yes, DNP does not interact with alcohol, rather it dehydrates you more so drink plenty of water everyday. Drink a cup of water for every 2 beers.
this is an outdated pastebin.
Read the pastebin.
You can drink alcohol even mid-cycle, but obviously should drastically increase water-intake.
1:1 or even 2:1 water:alcohol
The other one going around has some random as a trusted source. Was tapered with.
Then gimme the new 1
About to order my first batch.
Really excited.
I'm ready for the carb cravings too. Been dealing with them for a while and I've got myself under control.
Hoping for about 10lb loss
I stated the incorrect amount because I was converting from grams to miligrams. Yes, I messed that up. But if I were going to take DNP, I'd double check my conversion. So yes, I messed up on the conversion. However, the half-life of DNP is not 36 days. The references contain proper data and if you do the math, believing DNP has a half-life of 36 days can be deadly.
>You make it sound like that wasn't a major fuck up on your part. Yeah no shit that much is bad Captain Obvious.
ok, stfu kid. If you just discovered DNP would you obviously know what the dangerous dose is? no, you wouldn't.
I converted incorrectly. Yes, I admit that. But it appears you do not understand what half-life is.
Go ahead and overdose if you want.