I guess I just have a high metabolism!

>I guess I just have a high metabolism!

>mfw im skinnier than this

Eats all the pizza

mirin biceps

Why do all skellies have those fuckhuge dark circles?

>Eats 3/4 of a pizza at 4pm
>Doesn't eat anything else entire rest of the day
>Doesn't gain
>Skinnyfag: "I just have high metabolism!!"
>Dumb bitch: "It's true. I saw him eat a bunch of pizza at once!"

Look up

>tfw used to look like that but now I'm 25 pounds heavier
>tfw I still feel small as shit.

How do you take good fit pics without looking like a skinny fuck?

>have a body like that
>listen to Veeky Forums and bulk as hard as possible
>put on a lot more fat than muscle

Better than being skinny I guess

No sleep due to constant calorie deficit.


Based Grec

>tfw 5'9" 130 and twig arms that are basically just bone and skinnier than OP guy
>tfw i fully recognize that i don't eat enough, but I'm so miserable and depressed than I don't even want to take the effort that cooking a lot of food takes

I used to look like that, started 2 years ago, think I gained about 8-10kg total

Still sucks more than you think to have that body type. When I get sick for a week I lose like 2kg easily. But gaining weight takes a shitton of work and dedication. And Im talking about gaining clean muscle mass weight, not just eating pizza and fast food and gaining fat.

This is how I look now. I still look DYEL, but at least I dont look like a skeleton anymore. Its just frustrating as fuck to have it take weeks of dedication to gain weight. Only to lose it all in a week of being sick.

>doesnt care about other people
>tells other people

>Girls still like me anyway

tfw this is me

just kill me guys. blow a gentle breeze at me

Sis tavuk kebab kaldirma x f

well how long have you been working out? and how frequently?

You mean the lack of calories causes lack of sleep?

I basically started where you are but less muscle and more skinny fat.
It's been about 3 months of lifting regularly at home

Dude, look at me, do you think I work out?

I can guarantee you, you can't have less muscle than me. What was your stating height/weight?

What do you do at home? Do you have a full home gym? Basically I just have two 18 pound dumbbells that I turned into one 36 pound dumbbell and do sets of "hammer curls" and some two handed tricep extensions and bent over rows lel

I remember when I used to look like this

10 x 3 squats
10 x 3 overhead press
10 x 3 bench press
10 x 3 dips
10 x 3 lateral raises

10 x 3 deadlifts
10 x 3 pullups
10 x 3 bent over rows
10 x 3 db curls
10 x 3 shrugs

I alternate and take 1-2 rest days a week depending on how busy I am.
When I started I couldn't even do pull ups and I didn't eat nearly enough but started taking it more seriously and seen better improvements.
I have a bench, barbell, dumbbell and a free standing thing for dips and pullups

>I guess I just eat 500 cal a day and lift daily.

here, you look almost EXACTLY like I did about 8 months ago. I'm still nowhere where I'd like to be; I'm a bit chunky around the middle and my chest is lagging behind a bit, but it's a big step up from when I was a skelly. Hopefully this'll motivate you a bit.
>8 months progress
>146 lbs
>34" waist to scale

I was 5'9 and 135lb.
I totally get where you are coming from brah. Even now I hate eating, but you gotta do it

I guess the fact that I think you look pretty decent with those arms and that you look kinda strong shows how bad I am

Nah you're not bad. You're either a beginner or you're making beginner mistakes. The fact that you only have dumbbells to work with is probably pretty limiting coupled with the fact that you've said you only really do 3 exercises.
I've put together a dumbbell routine for you I'd like you to try. I'm assuming you don't have a bench, so I'm going to improvise.
Do everything in a reverse pyramid. Start with the heaviest weight you can do for 6 reps. Then lower to the heaviest you can do for 8, then 10, then 12. If you don't have enough weight to make at least 6 reps challenging, do 10 reps for 4 sets of everything. Nearly everything can be done one handed. This should be ok for you until you can get some more equipment or get to a gym.

>Floor press
>Reverse grip floor press
>Floor flyes
>Zottman curls
>Hammer curls

>One arm db raises (put your knee on a chair and grip the back end of the chair)
>Bent over rows
>Seated tricep extensions
>One arm tricep extensions


>Back squats
>Front squats
>Calf raises
>Zottman curls
>Hammer curls

>Overhead press
>Bent over lateral raise
>Floor press
>Reverse grip floor press
>Floor flyes
>Seated tricep extensions
>One arm tricep extensions

DAY 6 & 7 - REST

As for nutrition, there's tons of great calculators online that'll help you determine what amount of calories, carbs, protein etc you should be eating. Nutrition isn't hard, but it can be pricey. Go to foods for affordable bulking are pasta, rice, oats, beans, peanut butter, etc. I also highly recommend eating either 1/2 cup raisins or 2 bananas after your workout. They're packed with healthy carbs that'll help your muscles recover quickly.

Nice retarded routine.

Eating is so difficult for me. If I get something I like i can eat a shit ton of it.

But it's not even just picky eating, I literally have trouble eating a decent amount of food, especially before any kind of intense physical activity. I'll bike home from work and if I eat something as small as a piece of pizza within an hour before biking, i'll almost throw up biking home. On the rare times I go to fast food, all I can eat is a few things on the dollar menu

So contribute and make a better one if you can. But you won't because you'd rather shitpost people trying to help others

You're not telling me anything I don't know.
Do you think I wasn't in your exact position?
Your problem is not unique.
Do you want to change? Then make a change

This guy looks like me when I was a teen except I had long hair and more autistic edge

If you can think of something better OP can do using JUST dumbbells, I'd like to hear it. A dumbbell routine will never be as good as one that can incorporate barbell and machines, but that's why I said it should get the job done until OP can access more equipment.

I feel you OP, had that trouble too. Don't worry about it OP, you can make it. Sounds like you already know some of your limitations, so it's time to find things that'll work. I usually eat small portions throughout the day and don't eat within several hours of physical activity. At one point I was packing on 3.6k calories every day because I spaced my meals out. Develop a meal plan; know what you're going to eat and when. If you feel full easily or stay feeling full, I would look for foods that have fast digesting carbs & proteins. You may have to avoid starchy food like pasta and rice and some of the more typical 'bodybuilder' foods.

>running 600mg test and 1.2g EQ weekly
>doing 3 days of training and some hard cardio for heart health
>eating 5-6k calories a day, counted accurately
>still somehow managing to lose weight at 6'1" 100kg
This shit is fucking depressing, I ate ten quarter pounders from McDonald's for fucking lunch the other day on top of a gallon of milk and my weight is still going down

This is the dirtiest of bulks ever and it still barely qualifies as a recomp

This is my goal body desu. What's your height and weight?

Senpai, did the Eq actually help with the appetite, or is it just a meme?

I'd like to do this as my first cycle.

Can't he just do something like starting strength or stronglifts but with dumbbell equivalents?

Tren helps more in my experience, I was a gluttonous fucking pig on tren. I'd go to restaurants with the wife and friends and order three or four plates of food, then wolf it down.

EQ is by far my favourite compound at the minute though. Few injections, long ester, dry, weakly aromatising and solid, consistent and satisfying gains. I'd say it's a winner.

Wait no come to think of it you probably would need more weight for that than what he's got.

>going from skinnyfat to this in 3 months

N genetics are real

he has a six pack right? isn't this what girls want?

Anyone else jealous of all these kids for still being able to do GOMAD? Best 2 months of my life desu

Evrery lanklet in puberty believes this. So did I.


Tfw skinnyfat former fatty.
I envy those who whine about having to eat 'too much. ' There's so much good damn good food in the world, even bulking I'll have to keep myself in check.

How come fat fucks eat all the fucking day? Eating is boring. I only like eating when hungry. I have been trying to eat AT LEAST 2000 or 2500 cal. a day and it was fucking tough. Some days I didn't even made it, eating less than 1000 cal. instead. Have don it for the past 4 weeks but I'm affraid to weigh and discover I probably didn't gain a single kilogram

literally this autistic
eat fucking a few spoons of PB
have some slices of pizza
glass of milk
a juicy steak

it could not be easier, learn to be a human u creepy skelly

I lol'ed, because this is actually what I say to people when I was skeletal mode. Then I met this guy who told me to hit the gym 3x a week and eat 6x a day. Literally changed my life.

Now, 4 months later still dyel mode, but I get mires from people who know me. Can't count the times I have heard the phrase "looking good".

>tfw 5'9.5 and 133 lbs and actually look pretty good for some reason
>when people see me without a shirt on they 'mire the chest and guess I'm ~150 lbs
>chest developed amazing somehow and look relatively ripped in t-shirts (relative to average IRL person)

I have really small bones (6" wrists) and used to be 109lbs when I was DYEL. The 25 lbs I put on all went to the right spots. Honestly surprises me when Veeky Forumsizens look worse with similar height/weight. Good genes, I guess