How many push-ups can you do in a row?

I can only do about 20, is it a ridiculous number?

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Yeah your a freak

no one likes a show off

leme guess steriods?

Pic unrelated btw, I was talking about normal push-ups


that's impossible, and probably bait
Nobody can do that many, and not in a row

Damn you must be huge, pics?

wtf are you arnold??

Weighs around 150
Wide legs are wide
Probably only has about....80 pounds on that one finger.
Impressive but not super impressive.

>cool kid gotta be cool



But he is right. The hardest part is not fucking up your finger joints.

Assuming you got a decent amount Veeky Forums strength, you could probably do a 5 finger push up in that position now.

I can only 12 in a row, so you're doing pretty good imho tbqh

I can do 18 but that's after I turned in my natty card and got on creatine

30 not joking

Am I weak?

meaningless numbers because each person does pushups with different form.

40, but I don't train for endurance. I do variations like archers and one-armed and can do about 20 with archers, and 15 one armed. I just tried to do what is in your pic and struggled for one. Now my finger is hurting a lot.

Army physical fitness test scoring rubric for push-ups.

You get 2 minutes. For a rep to count, elbow joint must reach 90 degrees followed by full extension. If knees touch the ground at any point, the event is a failure.

Need 60 points in each event (push-up, sit-up, 2 mile run) to pass.
Requires 180 total in all events to pass.

I reckon most of you are ages 17-21, so you require at least 42 reps as a male to pass.

i stay away from push-ups bec it feels like my arms ache afterwards. It's not a burn that you'd normally get. Is this a result of bad form or something?

I will literally amp out 70 right now and havent done pushups in months.

What kind of nancy boy ass 7inch wrist fuckboi tier yellow belly retreat and awe tier slack jaw jerry looking motherfucker worth his salt in a mcdonalds order cant do at least 50 after 2 years of lifting. You should be ashamed of yourself that the only pushup you've actually ever managed to stay with was around those mantits during gymnastics tryouts.

45 on a good day


Quick and dirty. Form could be better but i just wanted to pump out auf few for the sake of this thread

I got about 90 in two minutes when I did them in between gym days. Now I'd be lucky to get 50. Why does bench press/gym strength not translate over to pushups?

I have scar tissue in my wrist and can't do open palm's miserable. But, gripping like on benchpress or Iron Gym I can perform some level of exercise. I used to do 50 midrange then 50 regular pushups on the iron gym but after gaining some weight and not lifeguarding or training as a lifeguard I've been keeping it 30-30.

why are female numbers so much higher? am I reading it wrong?

42 push-ups is the minimum amount for men=60
42 push-ups is considered "maxing" for women=100

It's muscular endurance, not muscular strength

20!? Jesus I knew marshaw lynch back in highschool and he coukd onky do 15 at a time!

45 was my last max before I started Texas Method last year. Haven't tried sense, it's probably dropped back to 36. I say 36 because that seems to be my magical reset number when I stop training for pushups.

I can do 5-8. I weigh tree fiddy tho, Should I even work on push ups?

Is it OK to not lock elbows out when doing push ups? That 170-175° elbow you're doing at first wouldn't fly with my old PE teachers.

I absolutely can't do push ups. It's the only exercise I can't do even if my life depended on it.
Shamefur dispray

Do you ever do bench press sets with 50 or more reps? Endurance and strength are separate skills, training one doesn't have much carry over into the other.

Are...are there seriously people on Veeky Forums who can't do 50 push-ups in a row? That's fucking pathetic. I'm barely past 1/2/3/4 and I can do 120.

They probably look like shit.


I actually believe this

It's reasonable.

If you bench 225 and are lean, it's very very easy to do pushups.

Pushups obviously become harder if you are fat

I'm at 1/2/3/4 and I don't know how many I can do in all honesty but it's a lot

Just being lean helps with all BW stuff in general for obvious reason

>be a couch potato
>do 10 push ups and be sour for 3 days
>start going to the gym
>can do 3 series of 25 push ups just cause of bench press

42 reps... in 2 minutes?


Am I retarded? I can't read this shit at all, what do the numbers under M and F mean? I see Reps on the side, but that shit makes no sense to me.

Are you telling me a 22-26 year old can do 75 reps 100 times in 2 minutes? Somebody fucking explain

it's 100 points for 75 push ups ya dingus