Masturbated again, eh?
show face
I wish I had done that instead user
/thread that was quick
Fucking nasty mutants is great karma.
Post pics of girl and/or story
You used Ok Cupid, I see OP
top fucking kek
post of the night
Fucked an ugly 2/10 twice
Least you weren't as thirsty as me bro. After i said I'd never stick my dick in that ugly bitch ever again, i did.
We've all been there, brah. Sometimes you fuck a hoe so nasty you gotta scrub yourself down in the shower. Just take it as a reminder to think with the right head.
who cares? a nut is a nut F-am
You gotta slay the dragon to get to the princess.
Least you got some op not like the majority of permavirgins here
What do you cosider a 2/10?
show us something that gives an idea of what you were with.
Don't feel too bad OP. I fucked a fat chick this week, although she had an super pretty face, massive tits that still lactate, and was a total freak in bed. But yeah, she was fat.
>I'm going over tomorrow to do it again
this fucking pic
Archive the thread already lmaooo
This is what I always imagine when the 4channers here on fit talk about how many "hot" girls they have sex with and "qt gfs" they have
Post of the week tbqh.
post me in the leddit screencap
Confirmed: my sides have entered low-Earth orbit
tfw op went from being disgusted with himself to commiting suicide
put me in the screencap bro
Legit question. Is that Conor?
Thats a fucking great pepe
u go my boi
Real talk f-am if you've never been with a lactating chick who sports E cups, you haven't lived.
fuck you bottomlulz
Include me in the cap.
That's my fetish desu
Put me in the screencap
>hi mum
Come on guys, it wasn't that funny.
stone cold
top post on reddit ayy
posting this on /r/Veeky Forums!!11 thanks 4 the free karma haha
i dont get it.
what did he mean by this
>mfw I beat the karma rush and got it on Reddit first
>mfw it hits the frontpage
>mfw the original comment chain is now a le-reddit-maymay shitshow
>mfw faggots are still upvoting the reddit post
/u/basicallyadoctor here. -- tanks for the uproxx xD
It's just some fag replying to his own comment
I envy you
Pretty face is literally a game changer
hi r*ddit :)