Will Creatine make me get man-boobs at an older age? Currently 19 years old kiddo. Appreciative every answer.
[Serious] Creatine = manboobs?
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no, that's just not possible.
yes, that's just possible.
squats and oats
Care to explain?
>Veeky Forums
>getting a serious answer
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Yes because of the secret substances in creatine that is also used to make girls boobs bigger if they have tiny boobs so yes they will give you manboobs but only if you are lowtest. If you are hightest the chances are at maybe 0,1 %.
And a seid-effect of creatine is that it lowers your test, so the chances are actually 100 % that you get manboobs.
It happened to myself and am now trap because boobs.
>And a seid-effect of creatine is that it lowers your test, so the chances are actually 100 % that you get manboobs.
I heard it higher your test.
Just don;t do it. Baldness and organ failure is too much of a risk.
100% chance you go bald and gay
Well i got 2 tubs of 600g left, from Optinum Nutrition. Should i really throw them away?
Thats a lie, they say it, because they want you to be lowtest so you buy their testboosters.
Does creatine have any link to acne?
I was on an antibiotic for my acne while I was taking creatine monohydrate, but it wasn't getting better.
When I went to the dermatologist in early August, he told me that he went to a meeting/presentation where new research was presented on creatine. He said it was found to interact with androgen receptors, possibly causing acne. When I quit creatine, my acne went away in like a week. But I also have shit-tier skin genetics.
The researchers stated that “creatine supplementation may, in part, act through an increased rate of conversion of testosterone to DHT.” Thus, creatine may not lead to a measurable increase in testosterone levels but instead exert its effects by converting testosterone to a more active form.
Just take recommended dose and you'll be fine.
your organs will be fine but your hairline wont kek
No long term effects scientifically. Some anecdotal reports of hair loss.
I'm kinda worried about my hairline though
Me and my friends haven't had an issue, they've been using it at least three years (didn't know them before that), I've been using it 5 now. That's 6 people so pretty good odds I'll say. Either way if it looks like it might be making it worse, just stop.
fuck another creatine will make your dick fall off thread.
>fyi if you use creatine you're a faggot
Get creatine monohydrate, purest shit of them all, you will NOT get bitch tits ! You wont even get bloated as some say which is bs of uneducated people
Another thing is that my creatine says "Micronised" with S instead of "Micronized" wtf is this? It's optimum nutrition branding with "seal for your protection" paper thingy.
British English (aka correct) spelling
>6 people
>pretty good odds
Fukin everyone is using creatine and no one IRL has noticed this shit. It's like a handful of people out of zillions of users and it only gets talked about because of how fear mongering and internet works. You're not going to stop eating meat and fish either so stop whining. If red meat makes your hair fall off, then it was shitty weed and you didn't deserve it anyway.
Been taking it for about 6 months now. My hair and organs are both fine. Like I said dont be a retard and take triple the dosage because "muh gains will come faster"
LeBron James took it and he turned out just fine. Don't listen to these trolls.
What the fuck do you think creatine is? If you went to jewgle and took 5 seconds of your day to learn something you wouldn't need to ask retarded questions.
If you think that a protein which is naturally produced in your body gives you man boobs then you've got bigger issues to deal with. Such as your autism
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