Tfw to tired to lift

>tfw to tired to lift
I fell for the wageslave + college student meme, it's not worth it lads


Just gotta make it work man.

it sure beats being a penniless NEET

Welfare NEET trumps all if you still live with your parents

>be me
>fuck around with programming during high school
>become pretty good at it
>also learn about online marketing, in particular affiliate marketing
>once I graduated I took a gap year and focused on my online businesses that I had set up while in HS
>last fall decided to enroll in college because fuck it I was earning $300-$3000 / day in sales and it was taking like 1-2 hours a day if that to operate so why not
>enroll in comp sci, of which I already knew most lower level programming material so barely spending any time studying and getting easy A's and B's
>instead spend time fucking around in 3 different student organisations, literally meeting new people all the time, have too many friends to count and girls on my dick left and right because I'm Veeky Forums and tall and sociable as fuck

so yeah that's been my last year and a half
I guess the point is my life is awesome

>I was earning $300-$3000 / day in sales

the fuck where you selling?

fashion items
dropshipping of course

so you were selling your own items or using someone elses?

>He lives in a first world country and is not a NEET parasite

Can it even be called "slavery" when you cucks do it willingly??

someone elses
I don't know shit about designing fashion lmao

so you only got a percentage of every item sold?

why would they go through you instead of making their own website?

actually I was just lying the entire time

Same, I wanna quit so bad


pick 2

I hate this website



More like


Pick 2

I work past time.
I study full time.
I have a gf and spend time with her and with my family.
I occasionally go out with friends.
I watch anime sometimes.

And I still have time to work out 3/4 times a week.
And sleep for 7/8 hours every day.

Nigga come on no excusesuch
>be milfag full time
>in college online staying up nights and weekends
>part time at a retail store on weekends
>still lift 5 days a week and cardio 6, outside of the forced cardio and hiking in the military

I slept two hours last night and still wokeup and leg day'd so hard I threw up today, during my rest time while doing military training in the Mojave desert

You can do it op I will motivate you

Go easy on yourself buddy, throwing up is not a good sign

Honestly it was probably the food. Normally we eat the pre cooked packaged meals ready to eat every day but yesterday was the Marine corps birthday and they treated us to real steak and chicken and some guy even showed up with a pizza. After 6 weeks of MREs my body probably didn't agree.


So pic related is you, OP?


AF Guard pays 100% tuition and $700 a month while in school

>Mfw I don't know that feel

>My mom overheard that I was just waiting for her to die so that I could kill myself

Life is one hell of a thing