Can you get big by doing press ups>

Can you get big by doing press ups>

With increasing reps every session, 3 times a week?

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Think about it

Have you EVER seen anyone get jacked from press ups?

I have. A complete skinny weakling.

Use different variations.
Won't get you massive but it's better than being a faggot that can't do pressups .

It's better than nothing, but it won't do anything much after the first month.

If you want to get big doing bodyweight exercises only, it IS possible (but not efficient), just get a set of rings. You'll need pullups and dips, and something that involves jumping for your legs.

Lots of people.

The only people who say otherwise are lazy fat asses and DYEL wimps who try for a week then quit.
Oh and lifters who need to feel good about their lifting.

who is this S-Demon

someones girlfriend

Oh :(


what the fuck are press ups, you fucking faggots

Use your powers of deduction and work it out you absolute Spunk Gargler.

you are lying

It is eurofag for pushup

No we call em push ups aswell

I dont think so if you are only adding reps, you can get really good results but not for Veeky Forums's standard, if you increase reps only your body get used to it and reaches a point where more muscle would actually be counter productive, but if you progress to harder variations like 1 arm weighted of course you'll gain size. I personally do a mix to get bigger and to keep good muscle density.

Read the sticky, you stupid cunt

Big by body dysmorphiad fit standards?


Joocy looking? Yes

Fit loves arny style buff bodies but i like looks of faggot ck models.

>press ups
do sum pressup mate get fucking thicc

No one has told you the key thing:

You still will have to eat the right way, ie: eat above your maintenance calories.

If you don't do that then no, you won't.

You don't have to be crazily drastic about this obviously, but it's still a thing you need to do.

>ITT faggots who give advice on something they've never even tried
You CAN grow with only bodyweight stuff OP. I would do more than 3 days a week though, I think traditional weightlifting advice (rep range/rest time/sets/frequency) doesn't apply to calisthenics. Bodyweight is much less taxing on your CNS and find you can do it much more frequently.