im 19 and my first love ended our almost 3 years relationship today.
tear me up, give me a motivation thread to continue working out
hoping to make it some day
im 19 and my first love ended our almost 3 years relationship today.
tear me up, give me a motivation thread to continue working out
hoping to make it some day
What kind of fucking faggot queer are you that you need motivation to get over your boyfriend?
fucking fag get over yourself, there's plenty of cock for you squat on. don't wrry
After some time has passed and you look back, I can guarantee the problems and feels you have now will feel diminutive. But before you get there, I urge you to stay strong. You are still VERY young and will have many adventures coming to you.
You can always do better as long as you are always moving forward. A year ago I was trapped in a marriage to a blimp and miserable. Fast forward to today and I'm happier than I have ever been.
Only thing you should take away from your past are lessons, not baggage or grief. Lift hard and focus on the life that you want, and bust ass every day to get there.
>19 years old
It wasn't going to last anyways bud. Welcome to adulthood. Love's not real.
Your life has barely even fucking started. Your first heartbreak always sucks, but remember that it has happened to EVERYBODY (except hkvs thank god you're actually normal) and no matter how terrible it seems, you
>yes you, even though you're heartbreak is special and unlike anyone elses' and nobody will ever REALLY understand
have nothing but more emotional, romantic, and physical gains ahead of you.
If I could go back to when I was 19, I slap myself and tell myself to not let some fucking teenager bitch cripple my self esteem in ways that I still would not fully recover from by the time I was almost 30.
Actually, no. I would go back in time and forgive myself for taking it to heart and reinforcing tons of negative self talk and insecurity, because there's no way that I could have known that it REALLY DOESN'T MATTER. I would reassure myself that despite all my self doubt, frustration and shame, I was awesome, valuable and not defined by some false ego projection of myself in relation to another person. I would tell myself that every day was a chance to be a little better, a little more forgiving and a little kinder to myself.
But, that is hard to do when you're in the middle of it. So if nothing else, I'm telling you that...
>w-w-e're all gonna make it bro!
If it makes you feel any better, my wife split up with my by email and is probably fucking other guys right now. It could always be worse man. Wasted years with her and got moved across the world for her job, now I'm stuck here for a bit and I'm about to be starting college pretty late because of this whole move. Feel like I pissed away %50 of the opportunities that I could have had without her.
Time heals all wounds, you need to delete her from your life in every aspect, don't text her, don't call her, don't look at her social media (she should be blocked), and don't interact with her in any other way that I didn't list unless you absolutely have to.
damn homie. email seperation? That's rough
not op but this really hits home. thanks m8 have a (You)
It was a definite kick in the nuts.
I'm 46, and haven't had sex (or anything close) in roughly 3 1/2 YeArS.
>I don't even try, nor give a damn anymore.
yeah this is on point
dude you'll be fine. be grateful that you knew love at all. be grateful that you got to experience those incredible highs. learn the lessons you need to learn from it.
>Very long story im durnk
I dated a beautiful girl who was perfect for me from 15-16 and I broke up with her because a hotter girl came along. I quickly found myself missing my ex and realizing I made a huge mistake. A year later we started talking again and dated for another year. I went to college, she was a senior in high school so she broke up with me to enjoy her senior year single. It hurt me a lot because I loved her and thought she was the one for me. I was gonna date her all throughout college. Eventually we become long distance best friends. I haven't seen her in 7 years, she's been begging me to come see her for the past 2 years because she misses me. Finally I do. That was last summer. We've been dating ever since and this is the best relationship I've ever been in. We've both matured so much and learned a lot from relationships with other people. I love her completely, yet if it doesn't work out for whatever reason I know I'll be ok. Just like you'll be ok. Godspeed bruh.
You are one of my greatest fears incarnate. Do you at least make over 100k a year?
Brother, you don't even wanna know the answer to that.
>short answer, no.
>last girl I banged was 26, I was 42.
wrong board, get b& you fucking faggot
I saved a lot of quote stuff
Fuck man. Thanks for the motivation. Maybe my wife leaving me will turn out to be a good thing. Always been afraid of committing to someone and then them bailing when I'm past 40. I feel like I'd just end up regretting spending 20 years on the person.
this and yeah be grateful you've been in love and also that you've had the chance to be heartbroken. A lot of people never get that. Learn from it, don't beat yourself up for having feels, and keep it moving
This shit always pisses me off. Maybe you should actually try to be in shape and attractive for your partner when you're in a relationship instead of having her leave you because you're a disgusting slob and then make a half assed attempt at working out as revenge.
Stop believing in love. It's psychotic.
>You liked her. She's gone.
That sucks... I'm over it. On to the next one, or maybe I'll take a break, whatever.
>You loved her. She's gone.
How will I ever go on. I should just drink this poison now and be done with it all. I'll never find another bitch like that one in my entire life. We were soulmates. The heavens and Earth would quake under our union were not this cruel fate that has befallen me... etc. etc. etc..
Which one of those seems like a healthy, well adjusted, mature adult. Hint, it's not the one bitches and the media want you to believe.
You're 19. You're going to find a dozen bitches you like as much or more than this one, and fuck 100 more in between if you're up for it.
My wife left me because I got out of shape. one of the bigger reasons anyhow. You're right that there's no excuse, but it isn't a good reason to bounce unless you bring it up as a problem as the person is getting fatter/in worse health. I was actually working out before she bounced, but I guess me going back to the way I was, wasn't enough to make her stay. I learned awhile back that I have to workout and eat right for me, not someone else. No matter how much you care about them, it wont work if you aren't doing it for yourself first.
I was in good shape when we got together and got kinda fat, but the longer I'm away from her now, the more I realize how much of a gainz goblin she was in every aspect. Muscle, money, spirit, aspirations, you name it. Guess it's hard to see while you're in the relationship.
Brother, that's the difference between having someone as part of your life and letting someone become your life.