Do you guys look like lift in clothes?
Do you guys look like lift in clothes?
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Lol is that you Jason?
I look like lift
Sure type like you lift.
Strong like ox
Look more fat than anything lol
>Be 5'11
>Wear Medium t-shirt
>See my triceps, my traps, lats upper back muscles moving under shirt, colleagues compliment my gains
>Wear Large t-shirt
>look like I'm wearing a circus tent, arms look like pipe cleaners, get no compliments
I'm learning basic tailoring so my t shirts always fit as neat as possible, I mean whats the point of lifting if you don't show off what you've built?
My gorilla chest bulges in any shirt but my sleeves have to start at mid bicep or higher else my arms look dyel
>Wanting to look that huge in clothes
Honest looks shit family
Me no look like lift
Me not big like Tuk tuk
Tuk tuk strong me hungry dyel
No, it's Hemingway
Holy fuck that guy is massive
Get shirts from h&m or the target brand Mossimo
Learning how to tailor helps a lot since most shirts on me are loose at the core
I think you look best in a casual suit, try it on.
No, but I also don't look overweight so it's a neutral kind of feel.
Multiple people have asked me if I'm a bodybuilder so yeah I guess I do. I always say no and that I swim 3x a week.
what fuckin pants should I buy? the only ones that fit my goddamn quad to waist ratio are carpenters. HELP.
yep and its a medium
youre just skinny dude.
Do you swim three times a week?
My inspiration desu
Send PR's
No lol, I lift 6x a week for 2 hour sessions, and I do 40 mins of stationary bike 5x a week
Weird to say you swim then. And kinda awkward if you say this and it turns out the other person swims as well and asks where you go to swim or asks you for some number like how many miles/km you swim in a session or whatever and you don't know what would be credible. Long story short, why lie when you could just tell the truth?
Just say wii fit and zumba you autists
try Levi's 541 Athletic fit.
Na, I look dyel in clothes.
nice, but you wouldn't look near as good if you weren't vascular
>just some pushups and situps once or twice a week haha
Again: Why lie when you can just tell the truth?
It's like you think telling the truth necessitates that you go into your autistic macro counting story. It doesn't. You can just say you "lift weights" or "go to the gym". Where's the problem? What are you insecure about?
>not enjoying the joke
its a double edged sword
you give them false hope, and they will start to exercise because they want to look like you
but it also drives them crazy when they've been doing pushups for awhile and look like shit
either they learn how to actually improve, or they go back to being fat slobs
>but why?
its entertaining
Dude it's not hard. If they ask I say I do 30 laps at the pool near my house. Plus it's fun to have them think I have freaky genetics.
unless you are fucking steroid huge then it depends on the clothes desu
tightish clothes that show chest, upperback and come halfway up your biceps with somewhat of a taper are best. Wearing a baggy shirt makes most natties look dyel
thanks senpai
I look DYEL unless I just lifted and have a pump, and even then, Veeky Forums would say I look DYEL.
My boy Hemingway
I'm scared to tell people I lift because I look like shit.
Me too, man, me too.
lmao @ little midgets who think they're hot shit because they buy a small when they actually need a medium
feels fucking great being able to fill out an XL as a 6'5, 245 pound adonis with a nigh 7 foot wingspan
>XL as a 6'5, 245 pound
only one X? fucking midget
7'3" master race reporting
Right there with you. Finally found a brand that fits nearly perfectly and only needs slight adjustment in the sleeves.
I can't swim
Depends on the clothes
Traps and forearms are the key here
My Nigga
Is this natty?
Is this the new /fph/ thread?
Not that you wouldn't look good without a shirt, but what are your weight and arm size please?
Then you don't look as good. If you tell them you lift it automatically lowers how good you look by 2 points
Are those actually lats from working out or is it just his body shape from klinefelters? Either way, that's his best attribute by far
I think so
>the I only look like I lift in clothes
Fucking blaha if he only cutted... He has insane size to spare if he cutted badly
It's totally normal, if you wear unfitting clothes you won't look very good...
Why do you care so much about compliments though? Dont be an attention whore. I lift to be strong rather than looking good.
>lift = hoist rope
>I lift to be strong rather than looking good.
Tips fedora
fuck you delete that
fuck the haters, you look really good user.
bet you are handsome as well
Keep at it pham, we will all make it
goals desu, routine, lifts?
my nigga
> he actually deleted it
depends on the clothes. my arms look bigger when the sleeve is tighter. when the sleeves are flapping around everywhere it makes my arms look like twigs.
That is a pretty bad fit. Look at the shoulder line for instance.
A tank, yeah
fuck you kys manlet cuck
>looking like a veiny penis is good
I'll never get this meme
cut not cutted you fucking retard
I don't even look like I lift without clothes.
>Hands obviously belong to a shitskin
UNIQLO supima cotton t shirts
Been lifting for 3 months and they make me look like the biggest cunt in the gym
where was this picture taken?
i don't know a zoo where they let the chimpanzees wear clothes
I lift to look good. Fuck strength, honestly
Ignore him. I wouldn't expect anyone on Veeky Forums to know about fit. And then he has the audacity to talk about tailoring lol.
In the past three years I have never once met a new person or group of people without having them comment on my physique. Even when I'm wearing hoodies, people comment on my arms or chest.
It's starting to get really annoying.
>not being 7'0 295 10% bf
>not filling out a XXXL
fucking manlet, get out of my thread.
> Be 6'7"
> Didn't lift in HS, fit into medium shirts
> Starting to outgrow some XL shirts now
Feels pretty good senpai. Where should I find new clothes though? Most XL shirts are nearly too short and 2XL only gets wider.
XXXLs are way wider than they are long. At that height you'd probably have to get your shirts custom tailor made.
yes, airplanes