I have done a lot of research on this, and it seems to be unanimously agreed upon in the scientific community that a diet devoid of animal products, and rich in whole foods is the healthiest.

Chicken, milk etc has benefits of protein and IGF1 which will make you bigger, but is unnatural and detrimental to your body in the long term.

Don't get me wrong, I don't really give a shit about killing animals, but if eating them is unhealthy then I guess I'm a vegan.

Your thoughts? Do you think muscle building outweighs health implications?

You've done shit research. Try not being a total fucking retard then make another attempt.


'Healthiest' is not only quite a subjective term but also isn't the be all and end all of diet and exercise.
To gain the same benefits of a meat eating diet for a vegan requires an amount of time, effort and money that is far above what the average person would be prepared to bother with. Add in the extra requirements of protein etc a gym goer would require and the task is almost impossible.
The difference in disease risk between vegan and meat containing diets would almost certainly not be worth the detrimental effects of the additional preparation time and financial cost that is necessary.

Yes and no.

I know a girl from work who is a fat vegan. The average guy would consider slightly her chubby or curvy but she is straight up fat. Arms and all. She has "lost weight" over a year but looks even fatter now. She is a hardcore vegan and eats small portioned meals. I know for damn sure she doesnt get full she just limits her caloric intake. But she is clearly not as healthy as she could... easily be while still being a vegan. Basically she is a fucking idiot.

Also she consumes a lot of bread carbs and a hell of a lot of soy products. This is not healthy even for females.

it might be the healthiest.

this is not a healthboard though, so pack your shitty arguments and leave, we only eat for the gainz

you can get fat on any food my friend.
shes probably stuffing her fat face with tofu icecream as soon as she gets home

You just proved your lack of functioning brain cells and the fact that you don't know shit about science by imagining some appeal to nature fallacies and baseless teenager drivel proselytized on a vegan subreddit constitutes consensus.

My research is simply reading many scientific studies.
I can't see why buying a can of beans over a chicken breast is an unachievable amount of effort/cost.
Yea of course, there are many fat vegans as there are many high calorie vegan foods. An intelligent vegan diet though, is what I'm getting at.
As I said, animal products such as meat and milk will give an advantage to your gains. This is due to the IGF1, hormones, high energy content and protein found in these foods.
This thread is still very relevant to fitness itself though, as there are many different types of fitness. e.g a 100m sprint runner in contrast to a marathon runner.
Instead of gains, this diet promotes long-term health, high energy, high recovery and very lean BF%, with I would argue a "natural" amount of muscle. (fyi more than enough muscle to look good)

Maybe I'm just sperg raging here but you have 2 choices of a long life or a free life but you would have to pick 1 and literally only 1.

Long Life
>Limit gains because of shame and animals feelings
>Live to be 105
>45 of those years are in a hospital and not working
>20 of them are critically ill
>Have an irrational fear of death
>Fragile mind and body
>Shame about eating animals (LOL)

Free Life
>Knowing a death ASAP after you cannot work a full day anymore if semi-justified
>Drugs, Gains, STDs
>Animal products are enjoyable
>Public admiration

I could sperg on forever about how long life was no longer a realistic goal and has depreciated it's value in the last 60 years or so. Unless you want your alleged sons and daughters visiting you and wiping your ass for you in your 90's then I don't know why I would want to be a vegetable. I think a fear of death is a timeless limitation upon keen self-awareness.

I'm not saying start chain smoking or look to get cancer, but if you love something, you must love it more than life itself.

No one ever got invited over for bbq veggies

>unnatural, detrimental

chickens, and chicken eggs almost have been as long in our diet as bread was. At least in european diets. Dietary cholesterol may trigger some hypersensitivity in some people, but I suspect that its only in shitskins.

If whites managed to become accustomed to grains in 50 thousand years, so too they could have easily grown accustomed to animal fats and proteins.

Literally zero arguments against meat consumption if you are a non hyper sensitive white person.

>but if eating them is unhealthy
Not even trying to play the "I know a guy who smoked everyday and made it to 100" card but a lot of people who make it >80 do so while eating meat/fish/eggs/dairy, just not in excessive amounts.

Regardless I'll settle for 75 or something near that so I guess I won't lay off the meat

dare you to try getting fat on spinach

100 kcals/lb

20 lbs for 2000 kcals

The societies with the healthiest people usually ate meat in moderation.
The famous okinawans eat meat in moderation.

What scietific studies do you have that state that the healthiest way of eating for people from birth to death is a strict vegan diet?

From everything I've heard a strict vegan diet is something that people who've ruined their bodies through eating modern western diets and do heavy drugs end up doing because they honestly have no choice.


add soy cream
a lil tofu
vegan sauce
i can eat 1 lbs of spinach

Popeye tier iron intake

You're right you can't. But I dare you to feed a growing infant and young child spinach alone.

The ability to get fat on something is considered a positive thing for a reason.
Being scrawny isn't healthy, it means that you're only surviving.
Being fat or fit is a true measure of health.

>My research is simply reading many scientific studies.

How many postdocs have you done to conduct such a massive systemic review all by yourself and where has it been published?

I'd prefer to attempt a "free" life without the AIDS.
Here's an idea: recklessness doesn't necessarily equate to freedom/fulfillment. :O
That legit sounds good.
Just because we've been eating it for a long time doesn't make it healthy. This is a fallacy. The argument is: greater risk of cancer, diabetes and obesity, which are all leading causes of mortality.
You say that, then you literally just play that exact card, without even any alterations to it.? This is a fallacy.
This doesn't say much, if you eat lard in moderation beside a balanced diet you'll be healthy. Even so, do you think 90% of the bodybuilders these days eat meat in moderation? Their diet consists of 30% chicken.
I guess it can be situationally positive to be able to get fat on something if you're anorexic or about to experience a long winter.
Yea that last line is retarded. Neither of those things are a true measure of health, especially not fat.
The sky is blue, trees are green. Do I have to publish a postdoc for the studies I've seen confirming this to be true as well? Here is an idea, don't believe me. Literally take 5 minutes and look for yourself.

Shit tier trolling, if I'm being completely honest

best diet right here:
mango, banana, papaya, pineapple, livers, bones, raw meat, sauerkraut, natto, kefir, potatoes, mushrooms, sweet potato, carrots

Actually being slightly overweight has an enormous amount of health benefits.

been studying this shit since '11
went vegetarian, then vegan, then raw vegan all based on incomplete and biased studies
saw the light, started eating organic grass fed meat, bone broths, organs and eggs
got my muscles back, got energy back, got life back
research ray peat's work, he's been doing this for the longest also Weston A. Price has some good old research
you're at the beginning of the rabbit hole, veganism seems like the best option but it's a trap, it will fail you and fuck you
go hunting or something

I could say the same.
This is unique lol. How did you come to this?

studying beneficial effects of certain foods on hormone production and stress-related bodily functions
most foods are just a waste of time and energy
others aggravate the thyroid gland and digestion becomes a state of stress
also these are tasty delights and basically medicinal in value

OP here. Here is the diet I am following if anyone is interested.

Breakfast = Green smoothie consisting of Kale + variety of fruits.

Lunch = Potatoes and nuts. (high energy as my workout follows)

Dinner = Rice + Vegetable Chili topping

There are little things that help too, such as flax seeds for omega 3.

Also forgot to mention my supplements of vitamin D3 and B12.

Health always comes first. If you neglect your health, you'll get hit hard by the gains goblin and all your work will have been for nothing.

>"publish a postdoc"
>my Dunning-Kruger level understanding of human nutrition took all but 5 minutes to obtain

Wew lad. I wonder what kind of routine got your head so deep up your own pseudo-intellectual ass to not even realize anymore how cringeworthy your display of ignorance is. Lobotomy xF?

I have no idea what a post doc is, simply referring to the question I was asked.

The human race thrived on eating meat PLUS vegetables.

Only mentally ill people would remove a whole class of food just to justify their pathetic existence

>speaking as if you're an authority on a subject you did 5 minutes of research on

You've made it clear ITT that you have no idea what you're talking about at all. This board is 18+ only, please leave.