Serious question:

Serious question:

Does sadness lower your test? Or does low test cause sadness?



one leads to another and they enforce eachother


but lifting will cause an increase in test, which will in turn cause an increase in happiness, which will then boost your test, etc.

thanks for giving me an inspiration for my psychology doctorate

But lifting makes me sad
Im not even trolling I used to LOVE it.. now everytime I see my 55 year old fellow gym member whos STILL on gear I get sad. All he cares about are his bicep peaks rest of body looks like shit and his life has gone to shit. This makes me see him as a "future" me

sadly propably this kind of studies would be deemed unethical, as to really know what effect sadness has on testosterone, we would need to make people sad. This effect can only show itself after a long period of serious sadness and no psychology association is going to accept studies where you try your hardest to make people feel like shit for few months to check if it decreases their test in a significant way.

Imho personally this theory has a grain of truth. One roidhead always had a saying "depression is a real biceps-killer"

Dude. Just take people that are already sad/depressed? It's not that hard and definitly not unethical to make them feel better.

Its like im stuck in cycle of suicidal thoughts and exhaustion

This all started after my gf whom I loved deeply left me a year ago.. I get sad thinking about it and it makes me tired and low test... and then the low test makes me feel like shit

Cycle of life and low test continues

Stress reduces test. Lack of sleep. Not having sex (not fap, but sexual interaction), lack of vitamins, lack of joy, etc

Also extreme calorie deficits for prolonged time. You won't get it up by the end of your contest prep.

all what you can then examine is if there is a correlation between low test and depression

you wont know which caused which. Which one was the first. Or maybe they have different causes, but somehow manifest at the same time?

if we want to check if being sad lowers your test we need to check exactly that. Otherwise we can only guess.

Nah, I've got low test and what actually happens is you fail sets repeatedly, fail to make any progress even with less volume, and feel worse overall.

Maybe it's different for others, but most days, I don't even have the energy to lift properly.

Im around 300ng/dl or whatever was the unit. Lifting is the only thing keeping me alive.

I also get furious if I fail sets but I know that next ones might be better - and if they are fine, then Im really happy for few hours.

Just wanted to share for sake of science.

I'm just a little lower than that. I used to get furious when I failed, but now I just get dejected because I know that while I can't stop lifting, I also won't be able to get any get help for a few more months.

What a time for a lapse in insurance.

I dunno man, but stress kills your stress

>Godfather died out of cancer, was already getting better
>Brother had major surgery, got home good
>Then had to go back to hospital due to pain
>Then got back home
>Now had to go back again due to infection

I really, really want to punch someone through the head. I loved my godfather and I love my brother. fuggggg

Also, I feel really goddamn sad for my godfathers dog. Poor dogger is now without the big strong man who was his original master

>stress kills your stress
Stress kills your test


Just to add something that might help a few people here

> severely depressed for so many years

>no physical signs of low test though

> decide to roid after exhausting all other avenues

>don't care about health concerns because wanted to die most days anyway

>start cruising and it's made everything better depression wise

>still get down but only for days instead of months

>terrible gains because I'm fucking useless at most things

>basically needle junkie now

>lots of other issues that go with roiding

>still prefer that over rotting away wishing I was dead.

Being 'sad' is just as bad as low test because you won't make gains if your not eating or training anyway.

>Not having sex (not fap, but sexual interaction
[citation needed]
How can you body tell the difference between fap and sex?

Pretty much me man... I don't really lift or anything I just prefer this board to others don't ask why it just is. I quit video games and fucking a and actually just gave my computer to a friend until I feel I can control myself Around it to where I don't fall back into the same cycle of gaming and doing nothing. I just lurk occasionally and look at this board and /b, but it seems b these days is just increasingly cancerous. I stopped smoking pot around 5 months ago cold turkey I really expected that to help but it doesn't much at all I just drink now. It's weird how my depression comes and goes the past few weeks I have decided to make and effort socialize more with co-workers people in public namely females. And I started to feel better about my confidence which social interaction in general but after I got home from work today I just broke down..... I'm so fucking lost...

But then here's the real question. Does lifting boost test only because you're happy you're lifting? Or does the act of lifting increase test by itself

>The questions of life chapter 1

Im op and experience the same

Sometimes I just come home and feel broken and lost

I feel empty and purposeless in life


I dunno but I had a good cry the other day and I felt GREAT afterwards

Like I felt a test boost afterwards or something. Is there some science behind that?

I honestly recommend a good fucking weep (IN PRIVATE obviously) if you are feeling down in the dumps all the time and low test.