/Making it/ General

Hope you Anons are making it too. Share some good feels for all the sad kunts out there

>Be me, stoned at a dive bar with college friend
>Watching documentary about the rolling stones
>Flirting with Colombian/Portuguese bubble butt qt 3.14159
>Sticking out her tits while mirin' my FRAME and FACE
>Ask her if I could pull off wearing the snake skin jacket Keith Richards had on
>"With the way you look I think you could pull off just about anything"
>My face when

Every random chick I go home with/bring home always asks, "so why don't you have a girlfriend? Cause you're really good looking", or something along those lines. Extra bump to the self esteem on top of banging randoms

Even dicks?

This chick I banged last week said to me: "You look even better shirtless than I imagined".

>Go to first day at acting class
>qt pairs up with me to read lines
>palpable tension between us
>Keeps complimenting me
>Asks for my number
>Rest of class keeps making jokes about the "flirtatious couple" (I had a flirtatious scene)
>Asks me after class if I want to meet up for drinks to watch election results
>Going for coffee instead
>Says shes looking forward to meeting up
>Adds me on facebook
>MFW not sure if I wanna fuck her or not

what do Veeky Forums?

additional info

theres another chick in the class who was flirty when I had audited a couple weeks prior

not sure if she is hotter, what do I do? Wait it out and get to know the girls better?

height and stats?

Nothing too impressive actually

6' tall
215 lbs @ 15%bf
8"x6" penor
STEM career
at least 1 mil inheritance (eventually)

You mad brah?

>at least 1 mil inheritance (eventually)
>You mad brah?

No. On the contrary, I am happy that I will be a real man making my way into the life and have much more life experience than you.

Even if I become rich someday, my son will never make use of my wealth, he will go to public schools, he will not any allowance after age of 13, he will have to work for his own car etc. Unlike my sons, my daughters will be allowed to spend my money as they like.

thanks this was funny, i mean i was reading and then i read the last part where u say
>at least 1 mil inheritance (eventually) (eventually) (eventually)

why its funny because i am:

6 inch dick
28 years old

will inherit
2 factories with over 500 employees
real estate worth thousands m2 in capital city center
fat bank accounts,
my father sports car collection of porsches and bmws
and a red button that i can press to make anyone in the 100km radius of me disapear in 2-5 minutes.

top post of the day

you're pretty funny user

Yeah man, just go on the dates, why tf not

Veeky Forums - Colombian Drug Lords

>That pic

So yeah
Slayer = ubiquitous turbo faggot(not lol faggot = asshole I mean literal homosexual male)hollywood/model type correct?

>Even if I become rich someday, my son will never make use of my wealth, he will go to public schools, he will not any allowance after age of 13, he will have to work for his own car etc. Unlike my sons, my daughters will be allowed to spend my money as they like.
Nice way creating resentful misogynistic sons who will grow up having daddy issues and emotional deprivation disorder. I hope you will never breed, never have kids and will die in your sleep you fucking faggot

>Be me, stoned at a dive bar with college friend
>Watching documentary about the rolling stones
>Flirting with Colombian/Portuguese bubble butt qt 3.14159

jesus fucking christ what a random situation. you have a weird life OP. but honestly, if it includes bubble butts I can't knock it

I went on /soc/'s rate me thread 1.5 years ago and netted a mean score of a 4. I hit them up today for the first time, having gone from 5'10 215 lbs of fat to 167 lbs of noobgains, and they called me a chad.

Feels like a big accomplishment but at the same time, I'm learning that their standards aren't that good in the first place. Oh well.

The sons will probably be fine. The daughters will be self-entitled gold diggers though, narcissistic, lazy, a pain to interact with. If what they associate with daddy is "he gives me money whenever I want" then that's what they'll look for in a husband. So only rich cucks even apply as potential suitors. And a woman can't be happy with a cuck husband so they are doomed to cheat, dump and repeat with random rich cucks - assuming they are pretty enough to be in demand like that. They would need to be somewhat pretty to lead such a shallow existence "successfully".

>have qt3.14 gf
>she loves my lifting lifestyle
>shes a cardio bunny but has slowly started joining me on my trip to godlike gainz
I want to juice but i know she wouldnt approve of that. What do?

have you ever juiced before?

I have no idea how to, Where to, when to, etc. Never done it before.

in other words you are displeased with your current size and looking for a rapid gain mechanism?

>Unlike my sons, my daughters will be allowed to spend my money as they like.

but why????

>posting on Veeky Forums
>making it

was your father self-made or he also inherited the family fortune?

Fucking the girl who is into you will make the other girl only want you more. Fact. How is this not common knowledge?

My size is just so regular i want to be full potential genetics mode.
So yes...
That is exactly what im saying.

I feel like so many people post on Veeky Forums but don't talk about it then you have the obvious sperglords who do a bad job hiding their anime worship and memeing

This man posted on Veeky Forums

Don't. You'll only be cheating yourself.

>roid user who died at the age of 23

>Quit powerlifting last year
>I've returned to lifting last week'

Feels fucking awesome, and its a great thing to do Veeky Forums

So the problem is I don't have a solid base at all and felt tired most of the day after lifting, that will change over time and if i stay consistent i know i will be able to lift more weight and for a longer time in the gym before gassing out y energy stores . The thing I;m worried about now, is getting a solid 200grams of protein a day, I don't know how to hit this type of macro at all

22*. Get your history right.

>Be me, buzzed at halloween party a week ago
>Waiting for beer pong, chilling with ppl nearby and all
>Wearing a "wife-beater" as part of costume, TL;DR was showing off gains
>8/10 qt says "I usually tell guys to never wear a wife-beater/tank, but you can pull it off"
>feel too good from the mire and just gloat inside
>get more random mires from qt girls and gay guys (guess im a qt to them too) that night, both on being a funny fuck + gains

desu I don't even go to parties/clubs to hook up with girls anymore, just for the mires and validation from both guys and girls..am i becoming the Veeky Forums autist I've only read stories about?

If you haven't lifted for a year I doubt you need that much protein. How much do you weigh?

girl i hooked up with asked me why i was with her since i look so attractive

>start a new job at starbucks
>find a good fitting shirt and black pants (which happen to be slim fit)
>grew up an ugly beta autist and am beginning to become attractive
>act confident with everyone and am social with my coworkers
>made a playful banter joke today with the manager (2nd day on the job)

feels nice. People enjoy my company in general now.


>really nice and qt coworker is I think perhaps overly friendly with me
>introduced myself and shook hands and she had a very limp hand
>she would stand just a couple inches away from me well into my personal bubble and make eye contact while talking to me
>would invite me over to show me how to do completely random things
>made me a coffee at one point without me asking
>I accidentally drank from hers and she didn't freak out or anything and still kept it but don't know if she kept drinking from it
>asks me what my hobbies are which I kind of flub up answering
>when it was just me and her at the front for a few minutes I think she said something about it being a 'dream team'

I honestly don't know what to make of it because I guess you could say I'm playing 'catch up' with the dating game type stuff and don't know how to identify if a girl is in to me or just being friendly.

Either way, in general it feels so nice to be liked and well received by everyone. I've been acting more and more confident for awhile now and I think it's finally who I am.

>Collection of BMWs

What BMWs are worth collecting?

> made a playful banter joke today with the manager (2nd day on the job)

in b4 i got called into HR and fired for sexual harassment

>calls himself a power lifter
>doesn't know how to get 200g of protein

Just because you used to squat bench and deadlift don't make u a power lifter

Ur just a regular retard

1 mil can't even buy you a good house in 2016 bro.

What is this hairstyle called?

All the old movie actors have it

>living in a commie shithole city

top kek

> housing costs millions.

> somehow associate a clearly capitalist issue with communism.

... ok

go back to your plg containment thread

Their super bikes. Their cars are overpriced dogshit.

>go back to hometown to visit family
>staying with parents
>wake up in the morning and go into kitchen with shirt off
>"user when did you get so big?" - Mom
>go out that night with a good friend from high school
>local town bar which is the hot spot for all the 20 somethings who still live in the shithole of a town
>see girls I knew from high school who wouldn't give me the time of day back then
>a couple of them mire hard and keep feeling up my arms and chest all night at different times
>one of them wants me to go back to her place
>laugh at the bitch's proposition until she's almost in tears because shes below me now
>go home and dgaf

Feels fucking good brehs. I know some people will say I should have fucked her but seriously just seeing her pine for me like I used to for a girl of her high school caliber felt so good. I wanted her to feel the same rejection I did back then.

me irl

>At a bar talking with a mate
>Get introduced to this other group of people, a few guys and some chick
>Chat to the girl for a few minutes, pretty mundane stuff, wasn't that interesting so go back and talk to my mates
>The girl is leaving with her mates, they're going to the casino to gamble
>Chick turns to me, 'are you coming too?'
>Said I can't because I've got other stuff on
>'Am I not good enough for you'?
>'Why don't you give me your number and we'll find out later?'
>Get her to enter my number in my phone, she gets worked because I told her to put her name in too because I can't remember it
>When she walks out she drops spaghetti and tells me how cute I am
>look her up on facebook the next day and she had a facebook status saying 'happy one year anniversary to my beautiful boyfriend'

I never ended up seeing her because I was starting to date some other girl at the time (who ended up flaking on me lol - reminder not to get complacent with women). This is probably how Chad feels every weekend.

Don't wait around, always move quickly with women. I've learned this the hard way, that initial attraction girls can get will evaporate quickly so you should act on it when you see it.


>Non-white woman
Never gunna make it

nah you did good brah its good to reject a grill every now and then

Fuck me lads, just took this girl on a second date. She's 18, in university for business and biology, gonna be a cardiac heart surgeon someday. Went out for a nice dinner, picked up the tab cause I'm not poor. Went home, she's on her period but she sucked my dick three fucking times and she's godly at it. She's smart, funny, and fucking hot as hell. When I took my shirt off, she said, "Shit, your pic clearly doesn't do you justice". I think I've got a keeper here folks, just giving it time and riding the gravy train.

How to reject a grills nicely? I want to say no but cant be direct or ill sound like a huge ass to her and her friends, don't want to autism myself out cause thats just beta as shit.


I'm 19 bro, I aint no sugar daddy.

say youre busy ez

not right now, pretty simple,gets the message across, and let's others know you might still be up for something, instead of NO!.

Be me
>be fat have shitty relationship no education have shitty ass job
>lose weight end relationship pick up new education no job will have huge student loans later but better than having a shitty job and no degree
>become fit, fuck many grills, ex was 5/10 and now i fuck grills that are 6/10 to 9/10
>start going back to school, find qt 5ft asian loyal caring gf who gets high grades (me too)

I am so happy i am almost afraid something will fuck this up

Still a manlet though

No, brah. You made it, brah. Living the dream, brah.

Good luck getting into med

Student debts can fuck you in the future. Try to get rid of them asap.

Yeah, stateless, classless, moneyless societies tend to have reeeaaal expensive houses.

Fuckin gottem

You guys need to stop being a bucket of crabs

As soon as one guy is /making it/ another insecure user comes around to try to put him down.

What ever happened to "we're all gonna make it brah"

Zyzz wouldn't have put people down... And you'll never be like Zyzz if you keep being so god damn insecure.

Im not putting people down but it does kind of burn when you hear people who are in a better position than you are
For instance if you look good and have worked out for a year and have nothing to show for it except a great body you get ripped on for being ugly since obviously you must be, otherwise girls would crawl on your dick
So when you hear about how people make it you assume they are infinetly better than you since your best efforts havent led to getting laid at all, while someone else does less and succeeds

Even if its just a product of social exposure it still hurts because it feels like you are shit and i understand guys who lash out
this site is kind of shit

>be fat
>lose some weight
>"wow, you've lost a lot of weight"
>still fat awkward khv
suicide soon

Don't juice until you're close to your natty limit.


Nah man, life sucks, but keep lifting. I used to be where you are now. Note everything I hang out with my one friend he genuinely marvels at my biceps aloud, being the best unintentional wingman ever. We're all gonna make it, bruh!

> Even if its just a product of social exposure it still hurts because it feels like you are shit and i understand guys who lash out

I understand intellectually the guys who lash out, but I have no empathy for them and all they do is bring everyone down including themselves.

go to r/steroids and read the wiki. do a lot of research before you decide / hop on.

word of warning: once you've lifted and made gainz on gear, natty lifting (if you choose to PCT and come off... a lot of ppl say they will but eventually end up BnC'ing) will never, ever feel the same again. it's like hooking up with 8s and 9s for 3 months and then having to settle for 5s and 6s

You mad brah?

Place your bets. user is either an Autist, Nigger, or a Crab.

>tfw the last time I went out were either lame sausage fest house parties or drunk as fuck in druggie clubs

>good at sucking dick

user, do the math. Great potential fuck buddy but not a "keeper" at all.

nice one brotha, we will all make it

> Be me, 6ft5, 26 year old competitive boxer.
> Taking boxing classes for fun at my local gym, just as warming up for strength training.
> Room is full of 40+ women.
> One of them approaches me.
> Slightly overweight, could be my mum.
> C-can I take a picture with you f-for my Facebook.
> Of course you can!
> That feeling of still no gf, only old women are hitting on me.

that is fucking weird lol.

u know u have made it when old people and moms are hitting on you, no shitting

>125lbs 5'10
>Make gains and now weigh 170lbs, close to 1/2/3/4
>Have fucked up bordering on deformed jaw
>Get lower jaw moved around 8-10mm forward and a genioplasty
>Gain aesthetics

Still no gf tho

good job

...and I thought I was an autist

Go on a date, if you like her go on another