The Mighty Deer God

Ask away, Veeky Forums. For it is Sunday, the holiest deer day.

Should I deload on the row?

Will things workout with her?

Will I ever be skinny?

She as good as dead to me now?


Are we going to make it?

Will I ever find the self motivation to fix my train wreck of a life instead of just burring myself in my lifts?

Work on yourselves brehs better women will follow
We're all going to make it

will i have a job by the end of next week

Im falling for her, but I'm not ready. Should I stick around with her deer?

Will I ever get in the army?

Will I get with her?

will i get a gf till the end of the year

Thank you glorious deer. I'm gonna make it boyz!!!

Will I date the girl I'm obsessed with?

will i ever achieve human body shape mode?

Is she the one?

Should I ask her to go out with me?

roll again

Will I hit 315 bench before september

Is she the one?

If yes, i will take care of myself from now on

pls deer of natty gains am i scared of a relationship?

will that change before 2000+17?

Will my winterbulk be successful?

Will I make it brah?

O Mighty Deer God, will university gains, freshmen pussy and high grades come to me throughout my newly started college life?

No point fixing things with her right?

Will 2017 be the year u make it?

Am I gonna get my stomach problem fixed and make it, mighty deer god?


hope that answer still applies

Fuck. I'm gonna die, Veeky Forums

Will I get down to 88 kilograms by December 8?

Kek, "No"

Is she with someone else?

Will I ever be with her?

Are we gona make it?

Will I reach my lifting goals til january?

Should I make a tinder profile and try to get sloots?

Alright then. Will I ever detach myself from this world?

will I get her?

yes or no?

will I ever get good lookin

So be it then.

will I get laid before the end of the year?

will I get laid if I lose 10 kilos before the end of the year?

Should I chase my childhood dream, O deer?

shit deebro is consistent .

So I should keep on studying?

will she ever be interested in me ?

Is it worth it?

Mighty Deerbro should I fall for the keto meme?

Is the opposite of everything you've previously told me not wrong?

Will I hit 4pl by the end of the year?

will i ace my exams

Will she be at the christmas party?

success ?

Should I bang dancer sloot, despite the fact I'd need to cheat on my gf?

Will i finish the ultramarathon in 3 weeks

Will she be positively surprised by my weightloss transformation?

Is it worth it, Oh great spirit animal of Scooby?

Is she ever going to notice me?

Will the one true natty one come to Veeky Forums to lead the way to a brighter future for all of us soon?

will I die this year?

will we get back together?

will I make it?

Will I ever see her again?

Will I ever get a v taper?

Oh god...

Is she the one?

You know what i wanna know

when she comes over should i fuck her?

am I still banned?

shit answer should i fuck her when she comes over?

am I gonna make it?

should I give notice?

Are you lying?

Are feelfags ever going to make it?

Should I take a nap or just try and make it to the end of the day

Will I get my shit together and start doing something productive?

am I making it?

Is 22 too late to do it?

Probably should've phrased that better.

should i take a nap?

Please it burns

le Monolith hath spurned me, Natty Deer.
Will pain in my torso keep me from doing what i want?


Will Beth and I be together together

will the new belt increase my squat?

well shit

Am I 1/100?


so you're saying there's still a chance

Cmon let this guy take a nap

Well, that's nice to know, deer god

Will I stick to it this time?

Did I fuck up?

Does she like me?

I understand that she is not my first priority, but should I ask her out when I can drive?

Should I workout my left pec to help even out?