Who wins when it comes to ascetics in bodybuilding?
Not Swedes that's for sure
Niggers gain muscle the easiest. Then whites, esp Northern European. Then everyone else, then Asians.
>tomislav boduljak
can this man be more bulgarian
Black people gain muscle easier and since their skin is darker, they show more definition as well...
Why are blacks so weak? Even the "bigger" black manlets at my gym are weak compared to most whites.
That's bull shit. I'm black and busted my ass to get muscle. There are as many active black people as active white people. Shut your slutty boy cunt before I grab you by the pussy and breed you.
They lift for aesthetics, I've seen it. Kind of pathetic that they look like the hulk when they have the strength of Napoleon Dynamite.
you know is fucking with you right
I mean seriously you do realize this right
>all those ill fitting fits
tbhfamalam doturds need to die
>tfw slowly quitting, averaging 1 game a week now
Handsken Kreygasm
I want to see grant make some gains tobequitehonestfamily
Those are gamers, aren't they?
What's up with the competitive scene? Why do they all look like shit?
Before reading this thread I would be willing to bet this is a picture related to "pro gaming". Am I wrong?
Don't bully
He did nothing wrong
>our guy
And why is that mouthbreather with a potato face our guy?
Because user, he fights for the little guy, and follows his dreams. He is a strong character that doesn't afraid of anything.
desu though that was my inner-Veeky Forums shitposting. /csgog/ claim this dude and his teammates as
>LITERALLY their guys
Lack of Exercise, Healthy Food, and Vitamin D.
They have different kind of muscles, meant for speed rather than power but they build easier. They also have the highest natural estrogen levels of any race which is why they gain mass easier.
I've never seen a poster more obsessed with swedes than you
>one incident almost 10 years ago
>posts it daily
>Tomislav Boduljak
not exactly the name I imagine most Swedes having
I'm in the same boat slowly quitting, haven't even booted the game in 3 months, and that was when I was making major predictions or something. I haven't played an actual game in 6 months now. So much time once I quit.
>Shut your slutty boy cunt before I grab you by the pussy and breed you.
Why does this gave me a boner
>brown skin
>sightly hooked nose
enough to make me a virgin at 21
Dota is the prettiest esport
No compare with csgo piggus
>A person who practices severe self-discipline and abstention.
Did you mean to say this or are you going to be deported soon?
>Swedish genetics
too bad they wont exist in 50 years
can someone remind me how to block tripcodes on Veeky Forums x
Yet again, the nigger displays the intelligence and restraint that typifies his kind.
Blacks do have naturally better definition because of darker skin; why do you think whites try to get a tan?
Blacks gain muscle easier because millennia of knuckle dragging over uneven ground has given them a better ability to grip the bar at the expense of the fine motor coordination required to develop mechanical devices, or indeed even a system of writing.
jw is fucking cancer
looks shit, plays shit, talks shit
cheats, too
Hey Sol, you forgot to turn your tripcode on.
>>tfw slowly quitting, averaging 1 game a week now
Git gud
Swedes don't look like that anymore.