Veeky Forums University thread

never ending gym renovation edition

c-coogs house


Boomer Sooner

Boston University

>tfw delicious liberal tears


Yo a&m bro here. What do you wear?

Black and neon powerlifts and long maroon socks

Fuck Bama

Going in February


Should have gone unsw for all the easy asian poon

We haven't gotten ATARs back yet, how are you sure?

t. UTS applicant

Gap year

Nice trimester meme you got there

t. about to enjoy an actual christmas holiday

Coming down to see you boys take on Ole' Miss this weekend! Don't let me down!


What you studying senpai


Was meg squats and blaine sumner with the powerlifting team at texas a&m

>imply USyd isn't full to the brim with Asian poon

Seems to be a fair few USyd Veeky Forumsizens around.

neato. so is it true there is nothing to do in auckland? I wanted to take a road trip all the way through the country and go hit some other cities like queenstown.

Where my Penn State bros at? No pic cause I'm in /rec/ right now.

What time do you usually go lad?

>fuckers at Bfit never rerack their weights at the benches
>they think getting up while leaving 1pl8 on the bar makes them look badass and strong

I just transferred there from HCC as a junior this semester

>no landmine at Squashbusters

Scratched the wall a bit last week during T-bar rows. I'm the only one doing them, but goddamn do I want a landmine

any other canuckbros here?

been going to Hart House gym and I find it super cozy, though I've also heard AC is nice

also looking for a new gym bro because none of my friends are committed

Might be on coop out of town but every Saturday I get to lift at the uni gym when I visit my girl

graduated this year and am gymless cause no good cheap toronto gyms : (
i liked hh but it was small though it doesn't get as busy as AC and it doesn't have annoying women only hours, which were always in conflict with my schedule. enjoy it while you have it senpai.

Mwf around 9 or so

damn I thought HH wasn't bad even if you weren't a student but then I checked prices

definitely going to make the most of it now then thanks senpai

besides that it's pretty fun lifting in the land of DYELs there. Cardiobunnies there make it worth it


TFW University of Manitoba is on strike

Fucking UMFA, at least I can catch up on my books.

Applying to colleges this week, what is the difference between police science , criminology, and criminal justice?

I just want to make nice gains as an officer.

Went to Trent University.
First 2 years, the only gym was 60 years old and had BBs that didn't rotate. Real old school shit.
Me and 3 other people used it and all got /fit.

Then in year 3 they built a brand new planet fatness type gym and the dyels came out of the woodwork.
Curls in the ohp rack, lunk alarms, no oly lifting, line ups for dumbbells, kip pull ups.

So glad I graduated early.

If you're trying to become a police officer, any degree looks good.
They don't give a fuck about criminology, forensics, etc because they'll just train you from the ground up.
All they want to see is that you're not half retarded.

I have a forensics degree. Didn't mean shit. My friend with a biology degree got in before me because I used to be a dumb fuck pot head.

Duluth here

Nvm lad I usually go around 6-7. I always wear a hat that say "MEOW"

Nvm lad I usually go around 6-7. I always wear a hat that say "MEOW"

Who here from u of MN twin cities?

nah. fucking uoft is a worthless moneygrab. i should've made use of it more. definitely use it man.


cheeki cunt

i work in buffalo

USD. Not the California one.

>pushed back another semester

Fellow a&m bro here. Try out Aggieland fitness dome

>I want my car broken into: the campus


Slaves to the NUS reporting in.

What can I expect there? Any specifics regarding engineering?

Please somebody. I need a gymbro.

UCCS here

Who excited for the powerlifting competition on saturday?

Durham University reporting in

>tfw dying of the flu and haven't been able to lift for two weeks

Ass To Mouth University??

HH and AC are dark and depressing. I like goldring just because it's large open and bright, I don't feel like I'm in prison

Looks beautiful m8

Yeah ur moms alma mater

just graduated this spring, does that one jacked womanlet with strong jaw genetics still go?

>tfw you miss the rec characters

Yesss go to tufts same deal, I'm so happy

Lets see you Halifags here.

Dal is pretty sweet, Chris Bumstead lifts at the uni gym which is kinda cool.

I'd be surprised if anyone's heard of it.


where my noggers at

be careful with those winds today. might force your body to burn calories thus losing gains.

when i went to STFX I used the dalhousie gym a few times whenever visiting halifax, awesome spot, better than most uni gyms back home in New Brunswick. UNB has a nice one actually, the currie centre

when i went to STFX I used the dalhousie gym a few times whenever visiting halifax, awesome spot, better than most uni gyms back home in New Brunswick. UNB has a nice one actually, the currie centre

Where are my underachievers at

Hopefully will get into their MiCAB graduate program next year. Go to UW-Stout, only an hour away.


Anyone from Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin? (also does anyone have that Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin copypasta?)

If she is a red head yea she does. Got 305 Diddy a few weeks ago.

'sup brah, fucking great day outside today

she's more jacked than most dudes lel i believe i've seen her once this year


Where to find parties?

brah the arena is mad. about 4 squat racks, 4 benches. Heaps of qts as well. Azns and non azns.

Sup dude

why are there so many motherfuckers at the rec

I just want to lift. Doesn't matter if I go at 11 am or 11 pm there are so many motherfuckers

NAU is a hippy school go up to a random group of strangers at a picnic table and ask if they want to smoke with you


Any Cardinals?

Not at 2pm lad. :3

central campus here, I was supposed to do the same long ago, transfer
>tfw in a two year college since 2012

I need friends

Cmon fags

Go to War Memorial
Listen to WUVT


Hey guys

Good luck, I'll see you next year

Went to war memorial a couple times, was always crowded. Im always at McHomas, but thats cuz I know when therew no one there + lots of equipment

How's the gym?

Washington University in St. Louis here

Creighton freshman here.

Every time I see these threads I never see anyone mention MTSU, which is where I plan to go. Is it a Veeky Forums dead zone or something out there?



Rioting faggots standing by

Shittiest Uni Gym ever.