
Being manlet is honestly the worst thing imaginable, and its not even about girls not liking you (even though they wont cause you are filthy manlet), its bout being a less of a man, whenever i see a 6'0 masterrace brah i instantly respect him more, i view him as my superior. any other filthy manlets feel this way? People always respect people who are tall more, even if you become some jacked cloud at manlet height you will always still be seen as small.

Personally i think all the good jobs like being a doctor, jet pilot, personal trainer etc should be reserved for Manmores whilst manlets can work the inferior jobs like garbage man, janitor etc.

Lol sometimes when i look over and see a bunch of Manmore brahs talking, laughiing and just having a good fckin time, i tear up and imagine what it would be like to be a manmore, but then i wake up and realise iam just a filthy manlet. I mean even at 5'8 i feel short against girls, like most girls are 5'6-5'7ish and then when wearing heels they go up to like 5'10, so they view as manlets as genetically inferior and decide not to mate with us, and really short girls worship manmores and hate us even more.

Manmores are our superiors, face it fellow filthy inferior manlet phaggots. WE ARE LESS.

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Trips of truth. I am a 5'7" manlet and I agree with this.

lol im 5'8 and never had any problems making friends with taller people or had any trouble getting laid. stop being so insecure.

>tfw 5'8 with 6 ft slim big titted beauty gf

>whenever i see a 6'0 masterrace brah i instantly respect him more
Unless he's skinny, right?

This. There are guys off far worse than 5'8

5'8'' here and Indian. Remember, it can always get worse. You can be brown like me. That's a double whammy for getting girls. Being short and brown.

Nothing left to do except keep grinding at the gym for the rest of my life.

>that's a double whammy for getting girls
Mainly white and latin girls, perhaps some blackie will take you in and have you pay for her weave.

Yeah man ur gonna be ok

>tfw youre 6'1 but you still feel like a manlet
kids nowadays are damn tall

>tfw from pittsburgh
>yinzers are all 5'8 italian manlets
>seriously, average height HAS to be less than 5'9
>am 6'1 with sandy blond hair and pale blue eyes
>feel like a demigod

I rarely see anyone taller than me. If they are, it's only by an inch or two. You manlets should move here. You'll feel less bad about yourselves

fucking this

6'0 is basically manlet status nowadays

tfw 6"0

I hope you find true happiness in life, user.

it's your insecure attitude, and whiny ass bullshit that makes you less of a man, not your height.

>tfw pittsburgher
>tfw 5'9"

not so bad senpai, where do you lift?

Interesting. We all know the longest inch is between 5'11" and 6', but is 6'1 to 6'2" a close second?

Homegym! WBU breh?

homegym too actually, /baldwin/ reporting in

O Lord, is there no bait in your blessed universe so obvious that fags like this won't respond to it for once?

tfw a 6'4" with a 6.5 inch cock

I'm a manlet in a way too bros

im 5'8'' and get mired plenty. You must be some ugly ass manlets

6'1 here and I would literally kill for a few more inches.

Sounds like me, except I'm North Indian Brahmin fair skin masterrace at least. Excellent facial features too, helped me attain my cutiepie white blonde GF.

Jokes on you bud, fighter jet pilots have to be under 5'11" to fit in the cockpit. Source: I'm a 5'8" RCAF officer trainee

And this is good how? Manlets are used as cannon fodder in wars, serving their normal height overlords.

5'7" and get more depressed each year.

Cheer up manlet bros

Keep talking while I fuck your bitch skeletor 5.7 master race.

I thought dvemers were extinct

You know what, when I see your post I see INSECURITY, that's right you are insecure because you are tall and lanky and will never be considered buff by any standards HAHAHAHA + perfect height people live longer. Enjoy a early grave lanky skelly. HAHAHAHAH



Just stop embarrassing yourself little friend, this is a battle you can't win

fellow manlets who have succeeded
tell me how it got better for you?
cause I'm losing hope at 22

What do you mean by succeeded? If we had leg lengthening surgery or what?

>Tfw 5'9
>Tfw can actually fit in plane cockpits
Being a manlet has its advantages.

this so much

>be 6ft
>keep seeing people everywhere that are same height as me
>most of the times they're fucking teens

I feel bad for manlets, and i mean that sincerely i'm not just memeing

I never understood the manlet issue. I'm 170cm and have no problems getting tail.

>We all know the longest inch is between 5'11" and 6'

you have no clue. Before I started lifting I had bad pusture because vidya. Standing up straight made me gain a solid inch. I'm 6' motherfucker. No longer a waste of genetic material.

confidence issues
told 'if only you were an inch taller ' ect ect
idk I've been getting better but sometimes it's like they wont eve give me the time of day-
also 170cm

Just do what you would normally do?

I earn enough in my job to live alone very comfortably (tfw no bf), even supporting my parents back home.

I can fit on aeroplane seats without complaining about leg room. A fun thing to do is looking at tall people walk past when I'm in an emergency exit row. They have to sit in cramped chairs and I get all the extra leg room I don't need.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

Fair enough. A friend of mine is shorter than me, I think he's 167cm, and still gets any girl he wants. Easy for me to pull because I'm gay and Veeky Forums and I think the manlet thing is less pronounced in the gay community.

I guess because you can't work on your height, work on your self confidence. If you have the aura of somebody who doesn't give a fuck, you're more than likely to succeed as you don't look like emotional damaged goods.

You'll make it brah!

poor lanklets, as their lanky limbs grew longer, their brains grew smaller....

Why do lanklets even try to compete? They are slower, weaker, less blaanced, less intellignet, their dicks look proportionally smaller, they will never be able to look anyone important eye to eye, their hearts have to work harder to get blood to their brain leading to an enlarged heart and eventually heart disease. Their bones are more brittle, like peanut brittle. Everyone can see up their noses and tell how nasty and hairy they are. They need to spend thousands of dollars a year on gear if they want to look good.

Literally the only advantage their bodies give them is their long legs which help them to runaway from problems more quickly (literally and figuratively). They can't even properly kiss a man because they need to bend over or some shit making everything awkward. Also, they have more issues with their longer thinner spines in old age, scientifically proven fact.

I'm only 6' but bigger than most here. A lot of your bait points are valid or invalid for certain cases but

>will never be able to look anyone important eye to eye
probably my favorite thing of being taller than most people, even by as little as I am, is that looking down to meet somebody's eye is a lot less annoying than looking up.
I get the feeling it's what females appreciate the most as well.

Thanks user, appreciate it.

>Entire world was designed for my proportions
>Never feel uncomfortable in an airplane seat or bed
>Most girls are less than or equal to my height
>Muscle gains are immediately noticeable due to shorter limbs
>Less chance of cancer and bone fractures
>2500 calories is my bulking diet, save money on food
>Natural-born squatter

my mom is taller than you dude
and furniture/architecture only exist for that size in the third world where stunted growth is expected

i have 2 friends around 5'8-5'10 and their gfs are pretty hot and taller than them

but im 6 foot and still single just fuckin kill me

yeah its disgusting how dark niggers try to find white women

why do Indians white worship so much

being a self-loathing minority is so cringey

They were indoctrinated into it by their religion. No seriously.

Ghandi was a racist indian hating scumbag who was the british governments total lapdog and was part of a small sect that worshipped light and white skin that had fallen completely out of favor. When the indians were on the verge of having an outright war against the british that scumbag and his obscene minor sect was pushed to prominence.

>mfw 5"9' and 2/3s
>Doc will never say I'm 5'10"

At least you're not 5"9' and 1/3rd.

>y tho?

So you're telling me it's not ops height that's preventing him from getting women and friends, but his autism?

At least you have your designated shitting streets. Whenever I need to take a crap outside, I gotta go look for a public bathroom.

Manmores feels forced just say normal people it steams better

>tfw always thought I was 6.0
>find out I'm 5.10
>wake me up.jpg

5'11 of the same delusion here my dearest friend.

dating 5'0 cheerleader gf

feels good bro, she can lick my nipple if she reaches with her tongue

Try 6'2" with a 5 inch pecker. Fucking embarrassing.

>tfw always thought i was 5'11
>find out I'm 6

Im literally less than half an inch from being 6'.

Tell people im 6', says it on my license too, no one can tell.
Deep down though I know im a manlet.

>tfw you like being 5'6 and laugh at skelly 6'+ people

>itt: lesson of psychological warfare aganist manlets

At least american average height is manlet itself. I'm 176cm (5'9") and have to live in europe.

5''10 and my girlfriend is 6'0

>6'0 masterrace
Everything under 6'3 is manlet status

Jet pilot is better for small men because their blood has less places to run.

tfw 6.5" with a 6'4" cock

It's a different sort of pain

Everything in this country is designed around a 5'10" frame


>TFW none of them even notice you laughing at them from down there

personally i reject any kind of division amongst guys on the basis of height. character or politics, sure, but i'm not going to mock a bro because he got dealt a bad hand. even in competition for grills, modern women aren't so great that they warrant aggressively putting down our male competition.

183cm king of manlets

I got bad news for you bro, you would have this raging insecurity problem regardless of your height, you have simply latched on to your height as the excuse for your mediocrity in life.

Brahmins look just like all other disgusting poo-in-loos us non-subhumans. Also your blonde gf is probably fat and piggish looking.

same, my dude

I know lots of people find this funny, but I sure don't.

I use it as a legitimate insult to short guys who are fucking assholes.

I don't doubt that people commit suicide yearly because of depression where stuff like feeling like you're useless because of your height plays a role. inb4 edgelords

Honestly, girls don't care that much about height. I work behind a bar and I see many manlets pull beautiful girls; at first it made me mad because fit had told me what op is trying to say, but I realized, well, fit is fucking wrong and I am 6 feet myself so I'm not shilling.

Why didn't he go over and stomp on that giant's head repeatedly after felling him?

Doesn't he know that the giant will seek revenge and eat his livestock?

I almost felt sympathy there for a second.
