YesFap November thread

YesFap November thread

Goal is to fap and fuck a lot of bitches

All for penis health awareness

Post with your progress bros

Any NoFap bros, lol, keep at it I guess

Other urls found in this thread:

I fapped a few times but didn't fuck yet. Say a prayer for me user

Fucked my lady for nearly 3 hours a night or two ago.

Did I win?

this is a nice thread

I'll think of you when I orgasm

If it was good, then yeah

Damn straight, real comfy hours

>balmora fitness club

>tfw I forgot to tip the quest giver

I've got a fuckton of both images and webms


>was tfwnogf forever alone for 22yrs
>random drunken hookup
>now having regular sex with (sorta) gf of 1 month
>I'm not seeing anyone else and pretty sure she isn't either
>don't really care either way desu
>talking to friend
>telling me about how he hooked up with 3 different girls this week

I want to go out and hook up with qts but then I remember that I was totally alone until this girl fell in my lap, not that I really tried before though I'm really not one to try now anyway.






I know this feel bruh. You're not alone. U go from kv sadcunt to lmao1qt beta entry level playa. at least ur not a virgin anymore...but a lot of guys casually fuck 2-3 hot girls a week while you're stuck with a very average one for months. Can't say it gets better cuz idk yet





alright last one for now

I mean I like her well enough, I just can't help but feel that I'm missing out by not even TRYING to find someone else to stick my dick in, especially since I'm living in a college town with horny qts everywhere I look. The problem is I'm just not the type of person to put myself out there, most of the time I'd rather just stay home, even now my (sorta) gf will just come over and we'll cook dinner, watch netflix, and fuck. On the rare occasions i do go out with friends I just spend the night chilling with the bros, not hitting on girls

Meh, me and my friend are going out tonight, we'll see what happens

your filename encompasses literally the most irrelevant part of this picture

keep it up :)

Better delet this topic if you want a war with no fappers you'll get it fuck boi.

U don't *have to* fuck lots of girls, tho. Maybe it's true that you're not experienced enough to tell the difference, but to me, having a girl who's nice enough to watch movies, fuck and cook with is better than being able to fuck a different one every week, with nothing else involved. It ends up being like an enhanced fap. U cum and u go back to being ur shitty u again... it's ok to be afraid of commitment and want to experience more at such a young age, but at least be mindful of what you have bro. appreciate the opportunity first. If you're completely sure that you have no real interest in her then whatever. bang hoes

> when you can't do nofap because weak so you make the opposite thread
Join the feminist group, OP. They'd gladly accept you.


Ya I'm like 90% sure I'm gonna stick it out with this chick, at least until one of us gets bored and moves on, cause I do like spending time with her more than being alone for the most part. Even then, we just kinda fuck and chill a couple nights a week and it's really nothing serious. I do want to play the field a little more, even just getting to know and possibly hook up with different girls, and there's nothing really stopping me from doing that except my own autism, but I the same time I realize I probably wouldn't be successful anyway so I might as well just hang tight where I am. I'm in a better place than where I was 2 months ago, I'm just getting greedy. Though when this chick breaks it off I'm fucked and right back where I was before as a tfwnogf forever alone loser

>not jerking off makes me a real high test manly man

I'm 5 days in and almost knocked some faggot out at work, instead he went to the toilet to sob. The manlet rage is real.

You guys are faggots. It's NOFAP, not yesfap.

I literally fapped all feeling and sensitivity out of my dick, now I dont have the urge to masturbate anymore.

I've made it, soon i'll make test gains and then squat gains


Go fap to your tranny porn, billy.

>if you jerk off at all, it must mean you watch tranny porn
Strong projection.

>jerking off is the reason I'm weak
Strong pathetic.

In short
>Dough boy faggot does jackshit all day
>Pisses me off everytime i'm working because i do all the labour despite being "equals"
>He asks "for a word" and questions my work ethic
>I get mad at him and call him out on his bullshit
>We square up
>He bitches out and tries to defuse the situation
>I'm not having none of it
>His eyes start tearing up
>Walks off
>Mock him in front of everybody as he walks away
>Co-worker tells me he heard him sobbing in the toilet

lost feeling, still have the urge

Nice try Kleenex marketing team

Well, so far I fucked/fapped (she is pretty nympho, but fapping still feeels good from time to time) every day in November.
Then again I have a gf and that is probably cheating.

>>telling me about how he hooked up with 3 different girls this week

hey man, here's a tip

he means that he hooked up with his hand 3 times this week

I haven't masturbated since Sunday night

I plan to masturbate tomorrow morning, probably edge myself a few times. I want to make sure I capture the huge load on video because I'll be posting it on Reddit

But I do only masturbate on weekends... does that kinda count for both NoFap and YesFap?

so true, you cum but the tissue hangs around in your bed and wants food

with no emotional attachment sex with strangers turns into little more than elaborate fapping

nofap would be supported by antiporn feminazis

y'all have no self control or ED so you have to resort to this shit

Getting laid is a seeming physical impossibility, what were your stats before you did it? How much do i need to lift before i can get a gf? You make these threads just to mock people.

>that potatoface
fucking dropped


>if you stay in the middle you're on the fence

Pretty deep metaphor desu

>All these butthurt nofappers

I think 5 plate deadlift is around the threshold before women start sleeping with you, anything under that and women will not sleep with you

She spent the last 2 hours and 50 minutes picturing Chad, I can guarantee it

>black ponytail


>I'm an addict so everyone else is wrong

The only reason you do nofap is if u can't get laid lmao fucking virgins

He meant black bra/shirt + ponytail, dumbass.

haven't fapped in ages, just fuck the girl im seeing 3x a day, feels good man

The guy I'm fucking and I both have amazing penis health. We stay hard for hours naturally and can both cum basically whenever we want. Simultaneous ejaculations are always fun. Then we play vidya after

lol what are you, gay, or something?

yeah he could have meant that if you just disregard how English works for a moment


I'm so gay

No, you didn't.

The actual penetrative portion of sex should last about 20-30 minutes. If you can't get her off in that time, you're not getting the job done. And if you're lasting that long you need figure out other ways to get finish and/or how to not last as long.

The vaginal can only make so much lube. After that points you're just grinding your dick in a dry pussy. Most women don't want to shatter your ego and they're too nice to say anything.

Work on foreplay and overall technique.

Lmao! FAG!

Had drunken seed with oneitis on Halloween. Now she doesn't want to hang out, what do

Reminds me of this girl I have a an entire load of photos of. Also potatoface. Don't ask.

Do you even fuck, bro?

That's disgusting. You are disgusting.

sorry brehs, NEVER GONNA MAKE IT

dubs do not lie

>Goal is to fap and fuck a lot of bitches
Isnt fuck alot of bitches the goal in life overall?
Its hard, sure but thats my life long goal



i love fapping, i have no chance to get laid and i would never approach girl so this is my only option

>i would never approach girl
Why not?
I mean you probably wouldnt succeed since all girls everywhere have boyfriends and not much you can do but why not atleast try?

i am ugly af so it would be instant rejection

Well its probably gonna be even if you look good mate, girls are always taken so dont worry about it
Maybe you find a girl who wants to fuck to get back at her bf because they had a fight, unless you approach you wont know

Rejection is a part of being a man, youre always subject to girls rejection and they love to do it. Dont let it get to you


Kek at that zinc deficiency


source please

I have a hangover after last night

Im extremely horny when hungover

Help me

same here bro.
i fap like a madman when hungover

That shower scene from the same movie is hot as fuck hngggggggggggggggggg

I can't last for shit in bed. Will fapping more help me?

I dunno man ... I fucked my shit up: even with a girl I have a hard time getting hard unless she jerks me a lot, then by the time I'm hard I don't last very long inside since I've already ramped up so much.
It's like double-whammy ED.

Hey dude. I don't know your causes for premature ejaculation--my understanding is there are many. For me, though, what has helped is not watching porn. masturbating to feeling only for like 20 minutes a session, and doing kegels/reverse kegels. It turns out my PC muscle was fluttering whenever I got sexually excited, which caused me to cum quickly. It was like a weird conditioned response from years of jerking it fast to porn and trying to come quickly.

To clarify, I did kegels/reverse kegels whenever I peed to get control over my PC muscle. I then would masturbate for a long period of time and focus on relaxing the PC muscle. I still lose control sometimes, but I am much better at it.

>Jerking fast

You are fucking doing it wrong. You silly bastard.


If I fap the day before having sex, I can go forever. Be careful though, you might get deathgrip syndrome.

all yesfappers KILL YOURSELF

just distract yourself all day with a project or hw or whatever you have to do. You'll thank yourself when you wake up tomorrow with all your test. Make sure to get a good night sleep tonight too and eat some good food today. Im horny too , I'll be duking today out with you bro we can do it.

source plz

fuck off man this isn't the self-castration thread

have a cheeky wank over some hot chicks

holy shit that's like three of my favourite fetishes combined

youre a fucking idiot. People on here need to learn to meditate and control their impulse. This is vital to living a life that YOU choose, not a life in perpetual anxiety ridden response to every impulse and stressor that enters your mind. Being Veeky Forums is about taking control of your life and if you have no control over your mind, you are fundamentally lost to what it is to live the life you want to live.

lmao lad take that dick out of your pretentious ass

if you want to pretend to be Francis of Assisi then fuck off to the NoFap thread

You can argue that wanking isnt bad or doesnt effect you in a negative way, but when the user i responded to clearly doesnt want to jerk off, it is indeed a negative thing. He needs the mental agility and strength to cast out the desires that disservice him and to take control of his mind to be the person he genuinely wants to be. I know youre being a cheeky cunt but I find this to be very important.

I don't want to pay taxes but some shit has just got to be done for the greater good

you NoFap cyreanaics sicken me

What you gotta do is just relax. Get her soaking wet with whatever she likes then she'll do whatever it takes to get you hard. Get her to cum once or close to cumming when you're hard and then pound town for a minute until you both climax. Just take ur time and relax and boner problems go away, it's all mental

Its not for dogmatic religious reasons; Im not saying fapping is a "sin". Jerking off , given that you would like not to but are at risk of succumbing to the desire, is inherently detrimental to the well-being of that individual and ti is important for that individual to seize control of his mind so he do, after thorough thought, what he thinks would optimize his own well-being. I dont see how you can argue against this unless you are just trying to justify your own self-destructive behavior

haha youre funny bro. laugh away. I was just trying to encourage someone pursue the fate that they want