I broke up with my girlfriend about 2 months ago...

I broke up with my girlfriend about 2 months ago, since then I've started hanging with a friend who is a girl a lot more since my ex used to get jelaous. Like a lot more. She's been single for like half a year and she doesn't sleep around. I know she'd been really into me but I've not been interested in her in a sexual/romantic way. Recently though, (~a week ago) she fucks my best friend. I don't know why, but it just hurts a lot. I asked him if he acutally liked her and he said no, he was pretty much just horny. She's been a great friend to me and I don't know why I'm so jelous. Does this mean I was into her on some level? Is this just because of my break up? Am I just retarded? I feel really disappointed in both of them and myself right now and I can't think of any logical reason why.

Asking fit because what other board could i ask

Nice blog

I don't have a proper answer for you but that sounds fucking rough.

dude, she fucked that other guy cuz she was into you and either A) wanted to get you jealous or B) couldnt wait any longer for you to make a move. fuckin go over, be like "stacy bitch, you're cool, and idk what im feeling right now but i definitely feel something toward you." do it bitch,before its too late

sorry can't relate since I'm not a normie

Well option A really worked, and I havent made a move since I was never sure how I felt about her. I really liked her as a person and I didnt want to ruin our friendship. Even if I did like her in that way it just feels way worse now that she's slept with my friend.

Thanks user

Thanks pence

That happens to a lot of people, I think. You feel like she belongs to you even though she isn't and you don't plan on her being your girlfriend. People are selfish and retarded.

/adv/ would probably be better to answer than us, though. I'm a damn virgin and don't talk to anyone offline.

Always glad to help user.

It's what the Vice President is here for.

This is pretty much it and I know I'm being selfish. Just feeling wanted was such a good feeling and now that feeling disappeared completely

this is why women/men can't be just friends. There is always some level of sexual attraction/jealous that gets in the way

also who the fuck wants to be just friends with women anyways? Male companionship >>>>>>

Had this same feel before sempai

You like her and probably wanna be with her bit you might be too scared

>she doesn't sleep around
>"randomly" fucks best friend
Got some news for you, brah.

Your problem is that you were building your "life" in your head because you have absolute control of what goes on in there. Problem is, you started believing what was in your head is what is actually happening. You had some idea that this lady friend was pining for you, but she wasn't. She's just a ho. Time to get over it.

Me again

Go on a date with her or at least fug her one time or the sexual tension will always be there my dude

I can't really answer because I am an emotionless twisted psychopath with no empathy what so ever.
You sound like a 12 year old, how about killing yourself?

Really feels like sloppy seconds on steroids though, and it'd probably fuck up our friendship anyway, which is what i was trying to avoid in the first place


gay conversion therapy doesnt work senpai

Social media and modern media is able to talk a bunch of stupid kids into trying queer stuff or thinking their trans or gay.

It does work both ways.
Problem is that the gay conversion therapy that they are trying doesn't work on the 100% HOLY SHIT ARE THEY HOMOSEXUAL people and their methods are fairly stupid.
Oh and a lot LOT of people spend an ungodly amount of time trying to convince people that it not only doesn't work but it's ebul.

Neither does war with Russia

Just ask Hitler and Napoleon

See above.

Stable platonic friendship with a woman has the rarity of a unicorn, and once you've found it, the best it can be is a substitute for male companionship. Men make better friends to men.

>inb4 faggot
kill yourself

My best advice is not to listen to people on Veeky Forums

Feel this one out for yourself. Listening to bitter people on here won't help you. The only person who knows the situation is you.

That said, I'll share a few things. I'm not a regular poster and think it wise for most to avoid any relationship advice on Veeky Forums because a lot of people on this site aren't living in reality. Anyways:

Try to recognize that a girl having sex with someone doesn't mean as much as you think it does. In a perfect world, we'd all only have sex with people we have feelings for, but this isn't a perfect world. Our culture pushes casual sex, and it has become the norm. This isn't ideal, but it's not as damaging as many here will make it out to be.

So, after your break up, you latched on to another woman to cope with your loss. Even without romantic feelings, you wanted to feel that you were the only one she could want, as in a relationship. Humans tend to get jealous VERY easily. When it comes to sex, men even more so than women.

That said, I want you to realize this: you and her weren't in any form of committed relationship. Her sleeping with your friend is not a slight to you. It's just sex. (Obvious note that sex isn't always JUST sex. But most of the time, outside of a relationship, it means fuck all).

Also, realize this. Women sleep with guys for a multitude of reasons. Men have pretty standard reasons and needs, but for women. many different factors come into play. Was she trying to feel validated sexually because she feels lonely? There are a variety of potential reasons. You don't need to dwell on them.

Most of the time, we just end up in situations where sex becomes an option. If both people are at least semi-attracted to each other, there's little reason to say no.

Does this mean she has no interest in you? Impossible to tell. You didn't make a move, someone else did. She isn't committed to you, so she accepted the advance. What's done is done.

Find someone else, friendships that turn into relationships always get messy. Fuck around on Tinder for awhile

Do your feelings mean you are interested in her? Quite possible. It could be that you're just feeling lonely and want to feel wanted. It's usually pretty easy to tell if you truly have romantic feelings with someone, so idk. Once again, we can't answer this for you. Do some soul searching and try not to hold grudges against your friends.

You have a case of small-cell oneitis. It's particularly hard to detect until it is too late. I'm so sorry, but there is no known treatment; it's fatal.

Or you know, enjoy your friendship dynamic for whatever it is and whatever you want it to be and if you decide you wish things happened differently then take that as a life lesson for the future.

thanks man, i really appreciate it

i know you've hit the nail on the head, but i am still only human, and i do want to feel loved again

also while sex doesnt mean much to society, and even though I've slept around before it still feels like a lot to me. I think it's just me being hypocritical but I cant get away from feeling this way

i think u need to have a talk with reagan and truman

Tell me more about yourself user, you have my attention.

I know your pain my friend. It is very common for both men+women to feel jealous about others having sex. This is why a lot of us get upset about our partners having previous sexual experiences - because we are selfish and want less competition. I imagine it's similar to what you're feeling now.

Even when we know what's right, our brains don't always cooperate. Analyzing your thoughts and why you feel a certain way might seem like the best thing to do, but it often can make us even more confused and feeling worse about it. Just try to accept that it happened and focus on other things. Ignorance is bliss

lmao someone giving reasonable advice on Veeky Forums, what timeline is this

To add--isn't it an interesting thing that we're able to have casual sexual experiences and know they meant absolutely nothing in the long-run, yet still feel as if that doesn't apply to someone we're close to? Somehow these meaningless experiences mean nothing to us but something to them?

Though a different situation, I've suffered through retroactive jealousy (not being able to accept that our partners have had previous sexual relationships) and it is not fun.

We often get a bit too OCD about people we are interested in/close with, having sex with other people.

First, we obsess about it. Constantly thinking about it, most of the time when we don't want to.

Then, we compulsively try to analyze WHY, WHEN, WHO, blah blah blah. The real problem with this is not knowing the situation. Your mind assumes the worst, always. Compulsively trying to explain away and analyze the situation just makes it worse. Let the anxiety be there, but don't engage with it. Keep yourself grounded.

man, with sex you just never know. it's just such a random thing there's no way to tell

she can seem like a sweet innocent relationship-oriented woman, and then you hear about her having sex with some random dude that chatted her in a bus stop lmao. happened my girlfriend's best friend:

>6 year relationship
>her bf leaves her
>a week later some random guy chats with her at a bus stop
>they have sex at her work (coffee shop)

she was always interested in relationships. but then suddenly she wasn't.

that's how it works with most people. they're really conservative with their sexuality...until they're not

doesn't mean you should feel bad or feel paranoid with every girl though. just accept that any moment, her inner slut can just rip through her heart lol.

or they're really into casual sex and exploring, and then realize they only want committed sex after learning that repeated casual sex loses its fun after enough of it. This is why this site is so dangerous--it paints people that have been down to fuck fairly easily in the past as lifelong sluts or players, when it really isn't the case. Because just as you said, someone can be conservative and change too.

>We should maintain Cold War politics 20 years after the Soviet Union collapsed

I think you had some image of a perfect friend. The thing is that this image is not real and just an illusion to make you feel good as long as the illusion lasts. The illusion broke and she also didn't fullfill the standards you thought she would. She isn't the person you thought she is (doesn't mean she is bad or something). That's why you are mad and strange at the same time.
You could ask her what she feels about you. You have to realize what you want. Is she just a friend? Do you just feel lonely after the breakup. A lot of factors play into this.

u kno when u hav thos big shits and it just keeps comin and u feel ur asshole is at ripping point but the turd is only half way out

and ur not sure if u can keep goin but it finally stops and u get that intense relief and u hear the massive plop in the water

is that wat bein gay is like?