I bet this thread will be deleted before someone solves it

I bet this thread will be deleted before someone solves it.

I'll give a bump.

Caught me when I was bored senpai

Burger = (-1/3)
Mug = (-14/3)
Bottle = (62/3)


LMAOOO what the he'll kind of Brian let do you have to be to use a matrix function on a calculator to solve a simple problem like this??

I guess the Veeky Forums guys are dumb meme is real.

Here btw.

you got three equations and three unknowns senpai

*brianlet, not brian. Though if your name was brain too then I really feel bad for you.

>implying I'd waste good paper on Veeky Forums

>implying I used paper

Gotta do mental math for those brain gains user

I'm an engineering student, my soul and thirst for knowledge left me long ago ;_;

Nigga fuck that shit


2a + 2b = 30
a + b = 15
15 - b = a

(15 - b) + 2c = 20
15 + 2c = 20 + b
2c = b + 5
c = b/2 + 5/2

(b/2 + 5/2) + b + (15 - b) = 9
b/2 + b + 5/2 + 15 = b + 9
b/2 = -17/2

a = 32
b = -17
c = -6

Bottle = 21/2
Mug = 1/2
Burger = 3/2

Check your work m8. Your mug value is wrong.

fuck I didn't notice the 2b in the final one

Nobody got the right answer to a middle-school level problem yet lmao

Bottle = 62/3
Mug = -34/3
Burger = -1/3

bottle = 62/3
mug = -17/3
burger = -1/3

Mug is -17/3 btw. Everything else is correct.

Whatever nerd I failed linear algebra

>he didn't notice it was 2 mugs

Damn, you got me

bottle + burger + burger = 20
bottle - 20 = burger*2
bottle/2 - 10 = burger

substitute for last equation
bottle/2 - 10 + glass + bottle = 9
bottle/2 + glass + bottle = 19

Subtract from first equation
bottle/2 = 11
bottle = 22

Substitute bottle for first equation
22 * 2 + glass = 30
44 + glass = 30
glass = -14

Substitute bottle for second equation
22 + burger*2 = 20
burger*2 = -2
burger = -1

22 + -14 + 22 = 30
22 + -1 + -1 = 20
-1 + -14 + 22 = 7

There exists no such unique numbers that fit all three equations