/plg/ - Powerlifting General

/plg/ - Powerlifting General

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>squatting in the smith machine

the memes are real. Also I thought he fixed his hips

3rd for bushwalks are goat

What type of woman do I get to have a child like Rubish?

> tfw a chubby black kid told me I'm buff

so your wee legs made it

Heyyyyyy there /plg/ how are ya??
just checkin in on ya

Yeah it wasn't actually that bad. Typical doms where it hurts a lot but once you start doing it you're fine. I had to give my girlfriend a piggy back for the last bit and that was tough as fuck. RPE 9

good lad, and you?

Maybe he should just try figuring out how to squat.

Haven't tested in forever. Hopefully a meet in February will answer that question.

>squatting in the smith machine with 1 plate
>body weight lunges

Dude has no idea how to train. The only reason he has any strength at all is because roids


t. /plg/

Dude, your idea of training is doing SS or whatever babbies first strength training routine.

You have no fucking idea how a 100% natural person who's trully reached peak natural status trains. None.

You get second hand knowledge from geared up nobodies who keep feeding you beginner programs.

I wonder how much gear he's abusing ? At least 2 grams a week. He's 24 and looks 40. Enjoy dying an early death so you can squat 1 plate in the smith machine

>tfw rendering a 20 min 1080p 60 fps colour graded video will take 1 and a half hours

So why doesn't aaron deadlift 900+ lbs, squat 700+, bench 400+?

Wait are you claiming he's natty ?

24? damn. In his vlogs he's constantly talking about how much pain he's in too. Can't be fun living like that

Ultimate gde + roids = gde

about to go to bed after a great night

Idk who Aaron is but I'd say he isn't hitting those numbers because he's not on multiple grams of gear a week

God i wish you faggots would hop on gear and continue failing your low effort gay training. The fact that you, even for a moment, think you are somehow superior to and more knowledgable than pete rubish makes me fucking sick. Its called HUBRIS.

Kill yourselves.

Lmfao that dude cannot be 24. Seriously he is gonna die before 35 if he is 24 and looks like that

you must have some idea

No, stupid. It's obvious that he's on fucking gear. Look at the workload and intensity he's putting into that workout.
Natural guys who are around that size don't put in that kind of effort unless they are late teens early twenties and are absolutely fucking driven.
And he's not even close to driven enough and his body screams gear.

Lastly, gear can make any absolute fucktard who'll bang their head into a wall for days at a time with a stupid workout strong.

Your entire concept of exercise for strength is built around that very stupid head banging to wall concept.

A natural who has a life to live and things to do can't afford that kind of workout in any capacity. Even if they had all the time in the world they couldn't do that and maintain that level of intensity without something breaking or getting a sever injury or sick.
Believe me.

does pete still juice or did he stop?

I weigh 200 and something

My last heavy deadlift was 505 for a triple
My last bench was 240 for six paused reps plus one tng
My last heavy squat was 405 for 3

All are in pounds, and are around 9 RPE

If he keeps using his hips like that, would he die?

>Petes on gear
>it's obvious by his body
>you can't train like that naturally
>you don't know how to train

What's his point?

>And he's not even close to driven enough

You know Pete?


Makes me feel a bit better, thought you weighed in the 180s for some reason

I did two months ago

605 bench @ 21yo

mark bell BTFO

The user in this thread is right about rubish. He isn't driven enough. He needs to have that shouting intensity back. Sleep more.

Lebrun James would sleep 12 hours a day, more men in weightlifting need that dedication

most of them have jobs, if they got paid as much as lebron they could afford to sleep all day

Maybe if they were driven enough they'd get paid more.

Try harder and people will give you money



nn lads

he's very active on r/powerlifting
we should ask him to come to plg, imagine how butthurt would islet be

There's a reason why this place has a bad reputation on reddit

Is it better to do heavy singles before main sets or after?


I don't even know how to use reddit. It confuses me

Now that's natural

Depends, in general I'd say after. Better to fail the single than the main set

Confusing as hell at first but once you get it it's great. 80% of the site is cancer though

Lol a scrawny black kid asked if I was on steroids once.

hmmm where could I find sparrow nudes my friend?
It's been so long since they were posted anywhere...

I guess this is technically a pr 186 for a single, bar felt like death on my back.

How many of you go to normie gyms? What are the strength levels like out there?

quite a few people go to normie gyms, not everyone has a pl or strength specific gym nearby. I think most people here would be the strongest guy in their gym

I go to a uni gym

Plenty of strong people. The strongest guy I've seen was a 280kgx3 squat


I go to a commercial gym. In 6years i met only 2 powerlifters and both were outliers and visitors. One guy was close to 300pounds squatting 550 for reps while the other guy was maybe 140 pounds repping 315.

Theres 2 roiders that can bench 4 plate for sets of 5 but im inching to them these last few months and bench 385 for 1. I guess by august 2017 ill be repping 4plate bench.

Theres 3 guys who after 2-3 years finally got to 225 bench and theyre deadlifting around 4 plate. So they basically are approaching 1/2/3/4.

All the rest of the hundreds of members can barely squat 1 plate and bench 50 pound db's cause >muh rotator cuffs

Deadlifting 300kg/661lbs @ 82.5kg. 4th 300kg+ pull in the last two weeks and probably the easiest yet.
Will rep it out once I secure 320kg.


when are you gonna stop being an asian fuck boi and bulk up to 105 so you can actually be competitive as a powerlifter.

I go to a normie gym
There's 2 strongman guys at my gym
One is 250/180/300 (roids)
Other ohp 110,deadlift 290 (never seen him squat or bench)
3 guys who bench 160, 3-4 more who bench 140+
Another guy I saw squat 220
I'm maybe 5-6 strongest but half the guys at my gym are "farking rig mate, shredz for stereo bruhs" roidaroos
>see pic related

Oh my goodness

I have the strongest deadlift of all the regulars at my gym

yeah seriously

Not the strongest bench though

>strongest deadlift


My commercial gym has 1 other guy that does serious strength training, though doesn't compete in powerlifting. He lifts about 160-130-200 at 95-100kg bw. Apart from him there's one natty bodybuilder with isley-tier proportions that deadlifts around 200kg as well while not really training for it much, but his other lifts are pretty shit. There's also a guy that was doing pretty general training, he came from a martial arts background, but I've been slowly converting him to pure strength training over the past year or so.
Those three guys and myself are the only people lifting heavy(-ish). There's 2-3 more guys that train seriously but they're only focused on bodybuilding and lift far less than you would guess by their size.

The normie gyms in my city only have 20kg plates that are the diameter of 15kg ones. Deads are automatically 1inch+ deficit.
Nice. So many people were cheering you on the nats youtube livestream chat.

Is Sean here?

Yeah what's up I just finished sucking some black cock

Hypothetical question:

Could a 66kg 17year old guy of average ability (who has been training for 8 months) take his bench from 95kgs to 130kgs within 1 year? (Staying in the same weight class)

Asking for a friend.

>work saturday nights at a local grocery store
>loose my faith in humanity
we should really just nuke australia

Dont waste your teenage gains by not eating, its a once in a lifetime chance

eat like a fucking horse and get huge

>loose my faith in humanity
Just tighten it??

but jokes aside, holy fuck I know your feel. Be more patriotic though.

Where are you? I'll come and buy you a drink if you're close

i mean, maybe i would lean towards unlikely but i don't know you

I'd say 120. 130 might be doable if training with 100% dedication and with a good program... and luck

It's way easier if you gain a bit of bodyweight tho :P

The 74s and 83s is fucking stacked though

This user is correct. Fucking feast young man.

As someone who ate big during his teen years. It was a massive meme.
Just try harder.

Currently benching 4x8 (205 lbs) twice a week. How likely is it i will reach 3pl8 by the end of 2017? Kek give me strength. Early success if dubs.

Did that for 5 years bro

This is now my face

i was hoping it would catch on to people and become a meme so i can put it on my resume.
As soon as i find a job related to my degree im outta there. its just depressing knowing that someday i might actually work for one of these assholes

You should just keep bulking, use your teenage gains. If you want to compete 66 just cut after 2-3 years of lifting. You'll have filled out your weight class then with solid muscle

Customer service is better than security

I was replacing my lumia 640 display and first it turned on but the touch didn't work, now the display doesn't work at all pls halp

Microwave it to assure the solder joints havent cracked and lost contact

Great idea but microwaves are banned in my country any other suggestions?

>sudden stabbing pain in the middle of my kneecap on the front
>only lasts 2 seconds
>happens randomly with no trigger

w-whats going on lads...

Use your Nuwave Pro© then

Either pregnant or brain cancer. There are no other possibilities from the symptoms you've described.

Going by his hands I say pregnant.


I go to some trash gym in germany. Half the stuff is broken and it's filthy as fuck cause no one bothers to clean anything.
There are some really ripped people, but almost none of them is strong. The most impressive thing I've seen so far is a 120kg OHP. That dude somehow never came back though.

People usually deadlift around 2 pl8 maybe 3, bench around 2 (only once saw someone bench 3) and absolutely no one squats

A tall one with a wide core and hips.


Today I deadlifted 85kg.
And I somehow have a better deadlift Wilkes score than lith?


>Retropatellar pain can be caused by maltracking of the patella in its femoral groove
I would put my money on your hiking did it. Do you do it often? If not, probably the cause. Gentle exercises and stretches, put your knee sleeve on it keep it warm. Rest it. Maybe ice it.


>I would put my money on your hiking did it.

It started during the hike but continued to when I was at the gym. It's gone now though so I think you're spot on. Thanks a lot bro, that was really helpful. I'll slap my knee sleeve on.

What's lith's deadlift max anyway? How long has he been training for?

no problem buddy

165 at this point. Probably 170 by next wednesday.

2 years

He recently did 150 2x1
He's been training 3 years

dude lith on life support
