Penis Leaking

My penis leaks a clear, odorless liquid many times throughout the day. There’s normally a lot of liquid in each instance and I often don’t even feel it coming out. My urination does not burn and I haven’t had sex since January and this started around July so I doubt that it’s an STD.

Any ideas?

do you masturbate at all?

you got aids homie

Yeah I do. Once, sometimes twice a week. But it doesn't seem to happen more after I masturbate.

yep sounds like a leaker alright

best get you to the penis doctor, every good gym has one

Excess protein leaving your body. Put that shit in a jar and drink it at the end of the day for extra protein

just go to the fucking doctor

>I haven’t had sex since January and this started around July so I doubt that it’s an STD

who the fuck taught sex ed at your high school?

make an appointment with a urologist. do an STD screening as well.

I only go to my campus's gym. I think my school has someone but I'd probably be deferred to an actual doctor if I see them. Is there a specific kind of doctor I should seek out?

you taking zinc supplements? that stuff is lube/moisturizer, shits awesome
ive noticed while doing nofap and taking zinc that stuff is constantly being pumped out, its pretty nice

Nope I don't take any supplements. I have a pretty regular healthy diet. I started drinking soylent about a month ago but the problem has been going on for way longer than that so I don't see any correlation.

OP, I'm a PA and I'll try to help you as best I can.

Go to a urologist or just a general physician.

It's likely they will test you for gonorrhea and chlamydia as well as order a urinalysis (to screen for Trichomonas) with a reflex to microbial culture (to look for non-STD microbial infection). Chlamydia can be present without painful urination or any symptoms at all so it is possible that it is an STD. Yeast can also cause the discharge you described.

If you are uncircumcised, it may just be inflammation termed "balanitis". If your foreskin is sore or doesn't retract, then this is a possible cause. Balanitis can also be caused by an infection but is not limited to an STD (can be things such as yeast, Staphs/Streps, anaerobic bacteria, etc). It could also be due to a dermatological issue from using a new soap, lotion, etc. If you are using anything topical or you notice plaques, dryness, soreness, open sores, etc. then go to a doctor and try to find the root cause.

To be honest, the most common cause of this kind of situation is a bacterial infection. When you go into the doctors and they make you pee in a cup, make sure you take that little cleaning pad they give you and wipe clean the outside of your penis. The microbiology lab will be plating your urine and if you get any skin bacteria in the sample cup then it can hide the real infection going on. Get a nice mid-stream catch into the cup as you're peeing and you'll be giving a nice specimen to the lab. Candida (a yeast) can cause very similar symptoms to what you're having. It's usually not a major problem as yeast isn't a primary infectious agent, it just is an opportunistic bug that finds a niche and lives in it.

But go to a doctor. Don't rely on Veeky Forums.

I should also note that a penile discharge, in a small population of men, is normal. It has something to do with the prostate and their specific anatomy. It's a little out of the scope of my practice and a urologist would know better.

Sounds like precum. Used to get that too before I started abusing my dick daily.

Thank you so much, man. You have given me more concise and insightful advice than anything else I came across trying to research this stuff. Lots of stuff either asserts the reader have a peace of mind or that it could be any variety of horrible ailments without getting into what the details indicating such ailments even are.

I'll look into finding a urologist as soon as I can. Thanks again, man.


are you on nofap OP? if so then what you described is 100% normal

Nope. Fell off of nofap around January (like a week after having sex) and have been regularly shaking hand with president johnson ever since

>Asking for serious medical advice on a Khazar song writing board

>tfw no precum leaking twink bf

It's just precum bro. Nothing to worry about

Are you taking ZMA?