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Health #394
Callus' preventing max gains
I have finally realised that no one gives a fuck about your strength
Tfw too intelligent to lift
Drug Thread
How do I obtain this mode?
Tfw ate steak earlier for the first time in a year
When did you guys realise that deadlifts and squats are not worth the risk of injury?
You guys are stupid as fuck. All you need to do to pick up women is learn to dance...
Max mass vs max strength
Shoulders thread. Post them shoulders boys! Big, broad, strong delts...
What happened to this man?
Fictional goal body thread
Have you guys seen this dude
Post text caps of you making it with grills
My life would be infinitely better if I was 6'3" instead of 5'9"
What is your Veeky Forumssona like?
Low libido for no fucking reason
Sharp pain in my lower back going up from a squat, was able to finish the workout including the rest of the squats
Faces of Veeky Forums. Am I Chad?
/Fraud/ Steroid General
How to get bearmode/thicc look
Can I make it?
Hi /fit I just wanted to thank you all for the manlet memes, as a guy who is 171 cm...
What are Chad features? Germanic?
Gym shit that annoys you
Alcohol general
Brehs I can't stop. Already half way through he container in one sitting
Clarence has spoken
Can we have a beach body thread?
Son is 5 years old
Lifting is useless if you don't have Chad genetics
Why are gymrats so weak?
Shaved head or Long hair? Debating to cut my hair short (Military style) or grow the shit out. Whats /fits hairstyle ?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Black Friday Discount
You are at least 8 inches long, right Veeky Forums?
What age is too old, Veeky Forums?
How does Veeky Forums feel about veganism ?
Supposed natty
That first sip of the day, eh?
Fitness cringe thread
Trust fund baby
Start drinking a gallon of water per day
Walk into gym
Hey, Happy Thanksgiving buddy! Glad you joined us...
Tfw just ate a whole jar of peanut butter again
Veeky Forums, is 5 inches dicklet? Asking for a friend
Nootropics General
What's the deal with clen? Does this stuff fuck up your whole shit or what? I am not into side effects
Tell me, /fit. Why do you [spoiler]lift[/spoiler]?
Tfw eating a can of tuna a day
Someone post scientific proof that the "calories in/calories out" meme actually works
Sport Fags
Body vs face
Cmon user, have an onion ring!
Be me
Jackie Chan's Workout
99% of Veeky Forums calls people manlet
Its 2252
Mental Health Thread
Do any of you have a herniated disc? How has it affected your exercise routines?
Fat Hate Thread/FPS
Hey guys
Hey Veeky Forums, redpill me on yoga...
Guess my height
Holy shit, you still sleep in a bed? Seriously?
Tfw don't know if ugly or just so handsome that I'm intimidating
You know you're motivated
Lower back pain general
I'm looking to start keto...
Is ZMA a meme?
Is the bench press falling out of style? I've noticed less people doing it at the gym...
Anyone know who this is?
How do I attain this sort of mass and thickness?
What's even the point of drinking water...
Official lobbying thread to move all measurements on Veeky Forums to kilograms
I'm a 25 years old skinny fat dude. Is it too late for me to become fit?
When will I finally see some of those gains, idiot...
Whos your favourite Veeky Forums woman youtuber lads?
Donating blood is roughly -450 calories
Should I fuck 7s while building muscle and waiting to meet my 9?
Be 5'5" 27 year old female, weigh 155 pounds
Food thread
Team no calves
Hello Veeky Forums
Wtf is all this no fap shit?
Stop browsing Veeky Forums
Hai /fit been bulking for 3months, now i look fat as fuck DYEL should i cut already or continue bulking?
I think I met a fitizen today, guys
Must be above 5'9 to bang
Running General
/fit for the /fight
Can I get a form check?
Why do I feel sick after leg day?
Tfw squatted 60kg (1 20kg plate on each side + the bar) today
Name one interesting hobby you have other then lifting heavy things and putting them back down
Did you check out the new Conor Murphy video?
Quest Bars
Why are beta men allowed to exist or encouraged to better themselves
Woah there!
What is appropriate Veeky Forums for a girl who has asthma...
How to get rid of babyface?
Tfw body dysmorphia
Do you use a squat sponge, Veeky Forums?
Racist Gym bully
Male Pattern Baldness
How do I stop my balls from sweating
This can of "premium tuna chunks" (looks like pic related) is like $1.50 where i live
How do you get mired by girls?
Why can't I gain weight?
600 calories a day = two subway 6"s (breakfast and dinner)
How do i get as aesthetic as guts?
I've never been able to get a straight answer for this question
Major Cutting mistakes
It this the body women want?
People keep commenting on/teasing me for my traps. What's wrong with me, Veeky Forums?
Vertical Jump
What kind of body do I need for a gf like this?
Can Somebody Explain Gym Wear To Me Please?
I hope you're getting kettlepress in your routine
Veeky Forums girl thread?
SS does ohp, bench, squat, deads
OHP after bench
A legend never dies
I just got banned from my local gym for life for deadlifting too much weight
Decide to look back at old progress pictures
Tfw too old for watching lazy town when It was aired
Was broccoli a mistake?
*makes eye contact with you in mirror*
Show me a Woman with higher natural test than Hannah Stocking
What muscles to train for rough sex? I want to be the guy that does this to a qt
Go to walmart for the first time in 5 years
How often do you wake up with an erection?
Hey you, where do you grip when benching?
What is the best routine/method for building strength in the major compound barbell lifts as a natty lifter?
Enough with the fear of fat | Kelli Jean Drinkwater
How to get veiny arms like this?
Who /gymbully/ here?
Whats your number 1 trigger at the gym
Left: split routine
First time dead lift
Daily reminder that doing sports and eating sportscandy is bad for you
Why do you fear the fat user? It's time to stop
Browsing instagram
Hey guys, is it possible for a classic bodybuilders diet. (Eggs,fish,whey,white meat, veggies...
I'm a new lifter, just getting into it. Formerly a fat fucker, not so much now...
Could someone explain me why making gainz with a relatively low body fat percentage isnt possible?
Weird thing coming out of my nipple
Non shitcunt motivation thread
Bostin btfo
I am the best looking natty on this board. I can't be proven wrong
14 months progress. Rate ? Tips? Be harsh
Need a second gym membership for long work days and of is my only option. Is it really that bad?
Veeky Forumsness journey starts today...
When will we get a real top tier gf? I have gotten past virginity, gotten hookups, gotten gfs...
When doing squats, do you count your body weight too?
The Causes of Physical Beauty and Ugliness
You DO have a gf, don't you Veeky Forums?
This guy slaps your ass in the gym lockeroom
"What does it look like, doc?"
/plg/ - powerlifting general
What's your BMI Veeky Forums? Fatties often use the excuse that BMI isn't a good representation of health...
Post a picture that best describes your life right now
Shoulder to waist ratio
Are there any recommended workouts for police/army?
Is he /ourguy/?
Daily reminder that Scooby is not natty and that his advice should be lumped into the same category of advice given out...
Redpill me on Black Coffee
First sip General
Just do CrossFit...
Enhanced for increased eldritch horror
Soo i bought whey protein isolates, Carnitine and nitric oxide
Has anyone here have overactive bladder problem? How did you cope with it?
Explain why you don't eat meat
I eat 5 eggs a day. Ask me anything!
Any progress?
"Uhh user, why did you bring tupperware with chicken and broccoli to the restaurant"
How much time do you find yourself at the gym working out?
How do I reduce the size of a muscle? Pic related
Is conor murphy meso or ecto? How many years do you think it took him to reach his current body?
Friendly reminder that being smart, handsome, and rich is way...
At the gym
Is she going to make it?
Why bother lifting when it's all about the face and genes?
Can you fix uneven shoulders?
Is his beta
Can you really get such good results from hair transplants or are all of these pictures photoshopped and/or making use...
Is it really too late for me to ever not be an autistic loser virgin?
Forget 2,3,4 you're GOD mode when you're 3,4,5
Music thread
Why does every Midget workout?
What are these called again Veeky Forums?
Career thread
What did I do wrong?
Do you use a pre-workout supplement?
"wow user you're so strong I love your muscles"
I've been bulking and my gf says I look gross and fat. What do
Whats Veeky Forums's routine?
Is it true that in Scandinavian countries police raid gyms, bodybuilding shows etc and drug test anyone that isn't DYEL?
Meat eaters btfo
Hey Veeky Forums how do i last longer in bed? Thanks :)
Veeky Forums Progress thread Post them boys, no matter how terrible
How many sexual partners should a 21 year old male go goes to college have already had in order to not be considered an...
What kind of sports does Veeky Forums practice along with lifting?
Anyone feeling much more aggressive since lifting?
At least you guys aren't this pathetic
What does a squat belt even do??
What are some Books for Improving the Self?
That muscular girl at the gym that I wouldn't mind getting dominated by
Is there any hope for eggman?
Routine general
What does Veeky Forums listen to while working out?
Manlet hate general
What are some of you insecurities, Veeky Forums?
What shoes are you using for gym? I use pic related becuese am too poor for jordans
I'm 5"11 and weigh 250 pounds how long will it take before i die if i dont change my life around now?
Help me get through this nofap
Be me
Come here since I want to look good naked and exercise is so helpful for depression
/CBT/Current Body Thread
Drugs and Alcohol
Go to bodybuilding website
I'm gonna start making my own breakfast in the mornings because when my mum does it I find her fucking hairs in my food...
There is no physique more flawless than Jaco de Bruyn
30 days NOFAP
Is there a name for these guys? beta males, beta plus? they all reek of lack of confidence...
Is this thicc?
What's up lads?
Could Veeky Forums handle this show?
Manual labour people here? Do you still go to the gym after work? Natty or sterons...
What's the most Veeky Forums dota 2 character?
How do you get rid of eye bags?
Tfw i did not know a too low bar is hindering deadlift form
Went barefoot in the gym showers
Beginner's Veeky Forums
Are these Veeky Forums approved?
I look DYEL at 185kg squat, 110kg bench, 190kg deadlift. Granted I've only been working out a little over a year...
How do I make age gains?
How does one get confidence to talk to guys and hit on girls?
Get qt trap gf who lurks Veeky Forums
225 Bench
Is it safe to eat 1kg of red meat and 8 eggs a day? Will I die?
Cheating /fraud/s who sometimes discuss steroids
Veeky Forums anime & manga
How long after I stop roiding can I claim to be natty?
What is your diet, Veeky Forums?
You guys are always whining about having no gf but cheat on your gfs when you finally have one
This thread is for posting bodybuilding pictures. Personally I'm a fan of 90's classic physiques...
Post your last rep face
Stupid fucking nigger working out while I'm at the gym blasting his shit music through his overpriced gym bag...
Which body type do you prefer?
High test thread?
I think I'm barrel chested, should I just kill myself?
Hi Veeky Forums
So, what's up?
Would this actually work in real life?
Is this a realistic goal? We're the same height (5'7", manle,yeah yeah) and he's not exactly huge
Lets get some fighting/mma rants going
Will I ever make it, brahs?
Porn is the root of your sexual health problems
Do you pop your joints a lot, Veeky Forums? Which ones do you pop?
Who /hateseating/ here
Be grill with autism
Progress thread?
I'm skinnyfat but want to cut quickly before bulking for a long time
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting general
Who here has friendzoned a girl after getting Veeky Forums? I felt really bad. I'm just not into fat girls...
Reminder that a nice body means nothing if you don't know how to dress well
While you're in the gym excited about benching 2pl8
Redpill me on Protein power Veeky Forums
If you guys want to lose fat and then gain muscle so badly
Redpill me on sugar, is it really that bad, or is it just a meme?
Sexual Health Thread
Oh, you like working out!?
Are these dangerous?
Didn't see a fat hate thread. Check out the latest propaganda from our faggot media
I hate being short having a small penis and being literally functionally disabled and a fucking manlet
Ask Veeky Forums (or any fitness website) for a standard, simple routine that will get anybody fit
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
Alright fitizen you're walking out in the woods alone when you spot pic related charging your way
Two squat racks at local gym
If you've been going to the gym for over a year, why can't you squat 3 plates? Seriously I want to know
Supplements for gains
Hey user how's your routine going
Achievable natty?
Can someone redpill me on calisthenics...
Let's settle this once and for all
Why should you have a right to get mad at women for how they naturally feel?
"One must gorge themselves at the feast in order to amass such an immense frame"
Barbell Spear Attachment
2plt bench or 3plt squat. Which is harder to reach?
Diddlylift and squat almost 2pl8
Is this alpha or beta behaviour?
AMA - Exercise & Nutrition Science (hons) student
Meal Prep Thread: Cook Once A Week Edition
Femanon here
Where the hell is my FPH, Veeky Forums ?
Hi Veeky Forums
God i fucking LOVE being a psycopath
31 the grease outside
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Is it really this easy to talk to girls? This is what you fags are afraid of?
I have dated a stripper
2016 Reebok CrossFit Invitational
Boxer Thread
What good do your muscles do you against a katana?
Alright Veeky Forums, I am legit considering going vegan
I just want to make it
Beta Stories Thread
How to defend oneself from fat open-carry lefties?
You guys notice life is boring?
/sg/ SARMS General
TFW no gf
Fucked up
Swipe card to unlock squat rack
How much does your gym ritual take?
How much do I have to lift for a clingy girlfriend?
Veeky Forums BTFO by Iskra Lawrence on Body Positivity
Is this possible natty?
Eating healthier is cheaper
How the fuck do you deal with normies getting high and mighty about your nutrition choices and making fun of you?
The age old question, Veeky Forums
Are front squats superior to back squats for quad development?
How do I train my butt? I already do deadlifts and squats
Veeky Forums wheels
Any calisthenics experts?
If I get on the pill and put weight on on purpose will that assure the fat goes to good places like hips and butt?
Veeky Forums, do you catch girls/women mirin?
Each muscular man's secret fantasy is getting his ass destroyed by a cute dickgirl
Predicting a spouse's future fitness?
Who's your fitness role model ?
Genetics are the most important thing when it comes to aesthetics
Best and worst Veeky Forums YouTubers
Progress/Weight Loss
My Girlfriend wont let me take steroids
He wastes his time going to the gym and spending thousands for supplements
Fraud: manlet faggot general
Body Goals Thread
Is this type of body achievable natty?
Can a beta become alpha?
Do girls like guys with thicc glutes?
Downloaded Tinder 12 hours ago and got no match so far, should I off myself?
That guy is just talking her and she's already dripping wet. I don't think he even lifts
How you doing?
Is there more a severe case of ILS than in Jason "t-shirt scammer" Genova?
Open snapchat from gf
So he's joking here
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Thoughts on foam rolling? Been trying it for couple of days now and I can suddenly feel blood flowing in my lower back
Your best decision in life, Veeky Forums?
Technically, does anyone have the potential to be as strong as Zydrunas Savickas?
Sips General
You guys were right
A whole gallon you say?
One chance in life
IIT: pictures that resemble how you feel after your workout
Told the qt at the front desk at gym that her new haircut was nice
Is it all worth it to ruin your life in a second?
Alright Veeky Forums time to stop kidding myself and get a second opinion. Is my hair thinning...
Why do you guys lift?
Tapeworm Weightloss
What body fat percentage is this?
This is it brothers. I'm fucking sick of not making gains, fucking goddamn sick of it...
8.5/10 in mirror
How thicc is your bae?
Am I Autistic Or?
How much does this bar weigh?
Gym regulars
How much does Veeky Forums pay for their gym membership?
What mode is this?
What made you turn your life around Veeky Forums?
Do you Veeky Forums bros work? What do you do?
1-10 facial aesth??
Any of you homo or bi? Can we have a gym&homo stories thread?
What is the minimum weight required to be able to throw devastating knockout punches?
Hey Veeky Forums...
Why do you lift?
Veeky Forums motivation thread
High test thread
How often do you go grocery shopping
That rugby playing girl at the gym who's stronger than me
Who /antigrains/ here?
Not even bodies that you would want to have necessarily, but in your mind the peak of muscularity, conditioning...
Hi Veeky Forums
Is PB really as good a bulking food as everyone says? Should I really be eating a whole jar of it each day?
Always wanted huge shoulders
Do you have a side bae?
Cheating /fraud/s who sometimes discuss steroids
Does /fit like death metal?
If you had to, could you live in a gym. Access to food nearby, locker rooms to keep your clothes, necessities...
Anyone else /gaingoblinfamily?
Sippin' my sip and eating my chicken
/CBT/Current Body Thread
Tfw 20 years old
Fell for the cocoon mode meme
TFW 22 years old loser
Do many women like this type of man?
It's getting cold now and was thinking does wearing tights really do an improvement...
Looking for Protein recipe
Did you make good gains this week?
I've been already two months on a gym, and I see is a waste of time
Since forearms are the most important muscle for looking and actually being strong what do you guys do for forearm day?
One chance in life
What's the point in training anything other than shoulders, chest and arms?
Knife attacks vs muscles
Be me on empty gym
What are your fetishes Veeky Forums?
Sorry, Veeky Forums, your "herbal supplements" are on suicide watch
Can I get something by just doing situps and pushups? Like 500 pushups and 100 situps a day?
So Veeky Forums, does nofap make actual sex better or worse?
Normies consider this big
Whenever you've had a real killer workout where you feel you really gave it your all...
2 years
Saturday Evening Thread
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
That guy who yawns between sets
/plg/ powerlifting general
People you used to think were big before you started lifting
What does Veeky Forums think of hanging leg raises?
I just watched an interview with Trump and they said his 10 year old son Barron is already 5'10
Just joined the Single-Digit Body Fat Club! Feelsgoodman.jpg
It's a I pretend to be natty and look like this despite having the shittiest form possible episode
Started lifting a month ago on a greyskull lp variant and reached my peak
This is why you should train abs
Will People Like Me More If I'm Veeky Forums?
So my doc said i shouldnt continue with overhead pressing and chinup movements because my shoulderjoint shows first...
Thoughts on my heart rate?
Reminder to be nice to fat girls
What the fuck is wrong with this mentally ill fag?
Mark Rippetoe nohomo thread
How do you do HIIT cardio properly?
How does one achieve thicc bearmode physique? What are important things?
Planet Fitness thread
Why does my family do this to me? They know no one but me love these cookies
Will getting Veeky Forums help me improve with women?
ITT: What kind of faces do you make when lifting? Here's mine
Jeeze. How long does it take to lose fat. Just fucking hurry up already. Jesus Christ
H-how do I make voice gains Veeky Forums?
General protein discussion
See that guy in front of us, Sabina? He spends so much time on that fitness board and isn't even looking like he lifts...
Is spartacus LITERALLY the best Veeky Forums series ever made?
Clarence benches 424lbs/192.5kg
What's Veeky Forums's stance on bodyhair?
Tips on intimidation?
It doesn't matter how much metal you can hold while moving up and down
Be 5'11
Mirin traps... what's her routine?
How do I make a girl cum?
Has anyone tried Rich Piana's 5% Nutrition service? Its sorta pricey...
Inb4 people start watching LazyTown ironically
Do you dance, Veeky Forums ?
Is my facial structure model-tier?
100% dyel half a year ago
Just bought my first tub of creatine and I have a few questions. Do you really have to creatine load...
Hey Veeky Forums lately I've been growing more and more paranoid about going bald...
Anyone else in here feel confident that they could take down Floyd Mayweather in a fight?
What are the best exercises for pounding pussy hard?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Fictional Goal Bodies
What lifts are impressive?
TFW you realize if for every hour you spent on Veeky Forums you'd have worked on learning a skill you'd be proficient...
Pretend you're a girl for a second
Is pic related the reason why you guys lift?
Friday night!
Who would Zyzz have voted for?
I'm happy Veeky Forums
I've been practicing semen retention for a while now, and let me tell you, my gains have never been better
Veeky Forums info thread
Cracking open a cold can of sips after a long week of work and/or school. Who else sipping?
Fit area code thread
Fit please help me. dont sugarcoat it, just tell it to me as it is
What's a good way to work your abs other than situps?
How do you be less intimidating once you become a big guy?
So I went to do squats today and my lower back has been hurting but fuck it...
/fitmu/ General
Brain gains
This manlet is currently taking over the world
Where can I get myself a Brazilian gf Veeky Forums? They are literally the most perfect female specimens
Do you all actually enjoy the process of Veeky Forums or is it only about the result?
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
Is the kind of 'pop-punk' girl like pic related attracted to Veeky Forums guys at all?
Is salt really that bad?
192.5kg/424lbs Pause Bench Press
At how much weight should one change to an over under grip?
Vices thread
Protein powder in water
Nu male here
Lets have a stats thread
What are some other Chadly names?
Anybody here use the inner/outer leg squeezing machines?
Tfw already drank 3000 calories of chocolate milk today
Do girls mire you? How often do they mire?
Veeky Forums, what do? You surprisingly give good advice
Push up thread
Reminder that the V CUT or ADONIS BELT is singlehandedly the most aesthetic part of the human male body...
Bulk or cut?!?!? ;)
/CBT/ Current body thread
Friday Night General
Lets get a /back/ thread bros
How many protonz does pussy juice have?
Wake up
Do girls like thicc guys?
Hey guys! Mind if I lift with you?
Fatties Butt-Wrecked Eternally
These legs are squatting over 4pl8
/Fraud/ - Blogposts and something else no one talks about
Is this legit?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
ITT: We post Veeky Forums related cringe
Just saw this video on facebook
What country has the fittest people?
What's Holding You Back?
This guy could kill everyone on Veeky Forums in 10 seconds
Tfw too chinese to lift
Memes that need to die before 2017
Ok Veeky Forums, what is the single BEST tasting supplement from the main producers
Redpill me on BCAAs Veeky Forums
Working out
The only chick board that has ever looked your way is going with the lesbian board...
Legs too big for sex?
Is there anything wrong with a machine-only routine if I only care about aesthetics?
Got degenerative disk is that life altering
ITT: we post what we want to see in SIR's 2017 Veeky Forums new year's comic
Veeky Forums Discord
Hi Veeky Forums so my girlfriend has been doing some leg/hip extentions as well as donkey kicks and her knee hurts like...
Have you ever failed a lift, Veeky Forums?
How many eggs do you eat per week?
Just binge ate a 40kg tub of peanut butter again
Alan Thrall
Fuck Veeky Forums fuck fuck fuck
How do you quit smoking?
Injuries thread
What does Veeky Forums like for hangovers. Craving some strawberry ice cream and lemonade ATM
/FPH/ fat people hate
Too tired to do cardio
Why are liberals so low test and unhealthy looking?
Which one of you did this?
I got kicked out of my gym because I have scabies
Anybody here over the age of 30 and is married?
Lets see em. r8 h8 no masturb8
STOP You are to compete right now! How fucked are you?
What are average guys lifting in your gym?
Well Veeky Forums my life fucking sucks. I am 19 years old. On FOUR separate occasions...
Alright so I've been lifting for 8 years. The most I've squatted is 455lbs
Is it unreal to see a guy deadlift 5 plates in your gym?
ITT: we post our small victories
What does the winky face mean? It makes no sense in this context...Does it mean she wants to have sex?
Am I going bald what can i do to stop it?
Cheat Days
Day 5 of keto
Is there any hope for me Veeky Forums?
How long did it take for the squat to feel "comfortable"?
My gym bro of 3 years just told me was sad that Trump won
Another Feels thread
Hey Veeky Forums
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Why NoFap? Isn't it healthy to get erections?
When your depression meds kick in and all you can think about is killing yourself
How hard is to get this body?
How do you dress outside of the gym?
Protein powder in water
Will running alone make my legs bigger?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Why can't women jump?
Reminder that if you want that 7/10 gf
Why don't you run a 4 minute mile, Veeky Forums?
When will they learn?
How do into Robbie Rotten mode?
/Fraud/ - Blogpost general
How do I herniaproof my core?
Got drunk and binge ate 3 whole pizzas
Why do you nofap?
Friend tells me to watch BroScienceLfe
Trying to make it/before and after/current body thread
Are you Veeky Forums enough to get a bid from pike?
My gf said i could fuck her in the ass and slap her around if i get my body to look like pic related
Why don't girls know how to work out
Just lift bro
Do you need a Gym buddy? Or can you go alone all times?
Music thread
Veeky Forums I cum too fast, how do I fix this or should I just kill my self?
Do you dance at clubs? this is how it goes for me and i hate it
How did he even? It wasn't just propecia. The hair growth was WAY too fast. From season one to the next...
Hey, stupid. Don't forget to bring me some Dr Pepper and Oreos when you get back from the gym
He bought 5kg of banana flavored protein
Meal/Recipe Thread (for Cutting)
Why are brosplits not considered ideal? I was talking with Chad at the gym...
What triggers you when you're at the gym?
Fit tats. This is mine
Improper use of equipment
Explain this shit Veeky Forums
Bigger forearms
13 year olds banging out on qts
ITT - Share your autism Veeky Forums
Long term PPL
Hair loss thread
Dumped Her
What is your daily stack?
Are weightlifting shoes a meme?
Are you a virgin? If so why?
Have you ever had knee pain from squatting? How long did you spend away from the gym?
How do you guys balance Veeky Forumsness and education? I'm in my fifth semester of uni and things are ramping up...
/plg/ - Powerlifting general
Looking for like-minded lifters to share stories, advice and shitpost with? Well look no further...
This is probably what the ancient greek Gods look like
What's the point in lifting for girls when not even Elliot couldn't escape inceldom?
Why does no one understand fitness?
What's your relationship with your father like? Do you talk about lifting with him?
How long it took you to get from 1 pl8 bench to 2 pl8 bench? It feels like I just can't do it...
Goal body thread
How to I become like Fronk? I do not want to become exactly like him, but I'm curious how is he the way he is...
Okey, what kind of fuck is this shit?
If I'm a NEET shut-in and I spend 8 hours a day every day working out will I become Veeky Forums
That one skinny faggot who says he can't gain weight because eating is hard
All the gains mean nothing as soon as i take off my shirt
How beta am I? Did I fuck up?
TFW 22 years old loser
Attainable natty? If so any tips?
26 year old virgin had enough
I want to have a super skinny low muscle mass body, and theoretically, I'm very close to getting there
Gym waifu?
Is there a more sure sign of steroid use than stretch marks?
Does height really matter in the world of fitness?
/fraud/ general
Kryptonite thread
Welcome to /gbg/ - Gym Bully General
Back and booty thread
What is the difference between compression pants and leggings/tights? What do you wear each for?
/plg/ powerlifting general
/dnp/ general
Rate my dinner faggots
Now that the dust has settled, how does everyone feel about Jeff Seid?
I haven't been doing rows
Is this possible? 43% bodyfat at 77kg at 174cm manlet height...
Hello Veeky Forums. I have taken a personal oath to lose weight and lift. I am sick of being a fucking monster...
Is he natty?
Will bike to riding make my butt look better? It's getting saggy and I'm only 20
Lifting for women
I'm so lonely
Tfw just saw some motherfucker squat while pulling his heels 2 inches off the ground at near parallel and then fell...
Roid or not
So I got a trainer now /fit
Scoops Thread
How many
What haircut does Veeky Forums have? Any tryhards out there?
I want to break it down for young women so they understand that you're not just "born" like this
Is ottermode the ideal body for looks and functionality?
/mode thread/
ITT meme exercises
Veeky Forums always has feels threads that are all sad n shit...
That feel when you're the guy who has been hitting the gym three times a week for a year but has never made significant...
I lift just about every other day and i'm really tone down and lean, but i can't bulk...
I have had "Pop Goes The Weasel" stuck in my head for several days now and I can't lift because this giving tune makes...
Have "modest" gf for 5 years since highschool, planning on getting married
Does Veeky Forums have a gym nemesis?
Could being borderline anorexic all your life cause your body and penis to be underdeveloped...
Why am I able to prolapse my navel?
I got called a "faggot" today at the gym
Why don't you train UFC/MMA?
Wake up after 11 hours of sleep
Motivational Veeky Forums pics and stories guys
How do I lose weight without losing my boobs?
I get it, user, you like to work out!
Anyone here /SUPREME HIGH TEST/ here?
How do I get big
Assuming someone the size of Aaron Curtis (what like 210 lbs shredded?) has absolutely no fighting experience...
Can grills be strongfat?
Keto thread
How'd I do for breakfast? >Trying to lose weight
/Plg/ - powerlifting general
If taking steroids shuts down your bodys test production and shrinks your balls...
Do you ever think ugly girls have it worse than guys...
Natty or not?
Post progress thread?
Tfw drunk 3 days out of every week
Just been told to stop working out by my mom
This thread again
ITT Veeky Forums approved literature
“My mind went blank as I soon as I saw him shirtless.”
Reminder that this is what objective attractiveness looks like
How long will it take to go from this to being slim?
Fat Hate Thread
If you aren't a Nu-Male then you're obsolete. This is what girls want
Fictional characters that are literally you Veeky Forums
What's the best way to lose body mass?
Jason genova / lord vader / hit biceps and chest
So for me the PFT is tomorrow so figure might as well strike up a conversation of other /military/ here on their...
Kek power cleaning roughly 2pl8
/Injury general/
Vent Thread
/fraud/ general
If I want to be a sexy, fuckmachine Chad, do I really have to stop posting here?
Symmetric strength progress thread
How has getting Veeky Forums improved your sex life?
Skipping as cardio
Spend years at the gym
Oh vey finally found some good cheap source of protein
That first shit of the day
What does Veeky Forums's leg day look like?
Who /cuttingonwinter/ here?
Push-up thread ROLL PUSSIES
Opinions on a short anavar only cycle?
Goals Thread
For aesthetics
That guy who drinks a protein shake DURING his workout
Do lanklets still believe they are superior to manlets?
Train to look good naked
Help me fix myself
N-no homo rite guys
Thoughts on the glorious son of Odin?
Tfw losing motivation to go to the gym
Grip Strength
Tfw 56% body fat
Is losing hair from creatine a meme or real...
Who else fell for the THICC meme? I was memed by the Veeky Forums community to get a thicc gf. But why?
Does Veeky Forums like Eliott Hulse?
Go on trip to France with my friend who's 6'6
Hey Veeky Forums, got these bad boys thawed out and ready. How should I cook them? I have a shit ton of ingredients...
Has anyone ever made custom gym equipment such as barbells or plates?
Post progress
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Your headphones fall off in the gym, what embarrassing song is blaring at full volume?
Veeky Forums ideals thread
I can't wait for all you fags lifting for women...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games