I want to un-JUST my deadlift. If I raise the weight any more than the 2pl8 shown here my back starts to bend, and even here I don't think it's perfect. What am I doing wrong? Note I squat two plate, so I don't think this weight should be an issue.
You don't look like you're setting your core tight at all.
Tyler Bailey
shitty angle but your knees are too far forward, your shins too far away from bar and shoulders look like they are too far back as well. your back also has some weird shape before the pull.
look at alan thralls deadlift video to fix your problems.
when you pull the 2nd time your back starts to round like crazy. no shame in resting a few seconds between pulls and assuming the correct position before you do your next rep.
Justin Reyes
work on your concentric, bar path is retarded look at it
Landon Jones
Widen your feet so your not rasing as much and don't lock your knees.. If you can't practice on working your back straight then you might be better off wearing a belt.. I know that's a shit move but safety first bruh
Jayden Baker
David Sullivan
>don't lock your knees what in the actual fuck?
Ryder Morales
I think he means don't extend your legs straight away, extend your knees and flex your Glutes in one fluid motion
Levi Wilson
Your knees are locking way too early in the lift, your back isn't even remotely straight, and you should hold the weight at the top of the lift for a split second and thrust your pelvis forward, you arent even completing the lift.
Matthew Reyes
Jesus fucking christ OP. You're not really doing much right. pls watch Alan Thrall's how to deadlift video on youtube before you snap your shit up.
Liam Garcia
im a dyel noob but what i see is >starting barbell position is fucked way too far forward, should be over mid foot, and is over toes or even further now
this should fix your knees being too forward and automatically bar path
just a though
probably brace your core harder
Oliver James
Pic related is a deadlift. Look how close the bar is to his body while he lifts it. Look how he's standing tall at the end of the lift with his shoulders back. Compare that to whatever the fuck you're doing.
>neck beard edgy fagot >didly 4plate >looks like total shit
David Lewis
hahaha look at him! look!!!
Bentley Brooks
On the way down you should only start to bend your knees when the bar is below your knees. I think this could fix most problems you have, since you're compensating that bar path with doing other retarded shit.
Luis Morgan
Pull in your shoulder blades Widen your stance Make sure the bar is only traveling in a straight line up and down Don't bend the knees on the way down until the bar is past them Keep your core tight
Joseph Wood
>Two Plates!!!
Sebastian Richardson
Good god op. Stop what you're doing right now and learn the lift. Starting strength. You obviously haven't read it. The bar is supposed to be over your feet. Not far in front of your toes. Push dat ass way further out and try to limit knee extension as well as you can. But what ever you do. Do not keep on doing it this way.
Owen Carter
Tyler Sanders
Did you even research the lift before doing it?
Aaron Morgan
>That filename kek
Ryder Wilson
Dat bacc doe
Jaxson Scott
down is eccentric, concentric is up
Ryder Jackson
Your knees are too far forward, you aren't activating your hamstrings enough. To fix this, get your feet closer to the bar, nearly touching your shins. Your shoulders should be in front of the bar a bit and yours are actually behind it. Once you've got a good position on the bar, you need to get your hips higher. The deadlift isn't a squat. Ideally you should be at the top of the lift when you've stood straight up and then the lockout follows. You're actually lifting a significant amount of the lift with your lower back and thus you have lumbar rounding. So, get closer to the bar, shoulders a tad over the bar, and keep your hips higher.
Ryder Barnes
>Ideally you should be at the top of the lift when you've stood straight up and then the lockout follows What I mean by this is that by the time you've "used" all of your leg power you still aren't at the top of the lift and ready to lockout. You aren't using your hammies enough and are actually shooting your hips up too early making you have to compensate by lifting with your lower back. It sounds counter-intuitive, but that's fixed by actually raising your hips when in the starting position.