Is this legit?

Is this legit?

Also, post anime and manga broscience.

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Not to a great degree but I imagine that thinking about a body type while lifting would activate certain hormones in the brain, leading to some sort of effect

This is utter bullshit

>thinking about a body type while lifting would activate certain hormones in the brain, leading to some sort of effect

Are you on crack?

This is advanced retardry

maybe in a self fulfilling prophecy kind of way. If you think about why you're at the gym every second you're there it might push you further than if you didn't. This is just conjecture

Dont be afraid to ask if you need (you). I have plenty of (you). It's no big deal.

This is an inaccurate translation. The author means that if you keep your goal in mind you'll achieve greater results than someone who doesn't. They said using the same training, not the same weight. It's like your friend who gets trashed Thursday through Sunday because that is more important than actually getting lean.



But the context was the MC doing such intense shadow boxing he actually end all beat up by his imaginary opponent.

lmao the only thing that's gonna activate is your almonds

what anime is this

i just finished fighting spirit and need more Veeky Forums approved chinese cartoons

Grappler Baki. But you should rather read the manga and only watch the anime for the part that's untranslated.

Imagining helps me with new PRs. I always expect lifting that weight.

>at the gym doing heavy ass deadlifts
> I mean some tumblrina tier weight
>finish the set
>downtime, time to imagine prime years Arnold
>gotta think big to get big, cmon!
>mind starts to wonder, think about the spiderweb near the roof
>continue with my workout
>later that night had terrible nightmares about spiders
> 8 legs, squats every day
>wake up in the morning, morphed into a horrible half spider half man, skitter my way to the doctor
>first doctor freaks out, kills himself on the spot
>second doctor tells me that my brain released spider hormones and that it's irreversible
>slowly accept my fate, go back to gym
>squat a cool 2000 lbs for reps
>everything went better than expected
>8 legs no dick kinda sucks though
atleast I'm not a manlet

ty familia

It's real. I've done it and seen results.

Muh sieds

Anyone know when the next Danberu nan kiro moteru is due out?

>you become, what you think about

Of course, not to be taken too literal, but you should get what it's about. Even Arnold said that you have to envision the finished product in your mind and then follow suit.

Of course, this is just the philosophical approach but there is lots of truth in it.

I think it's released monthly. Chapter 8 is out.

If you end up trying harder because of your imagination, then yes, you might get better results.
Otherwise, no.

From the same series, the MC runs while imagining he's pulling a weight. I tried it once and ended up extra tired from tightening my upper body, but I don't know if there's much point to it.

try imagining being chased by cannibals

Thanks for namedropping this, user. Looks pretty good.

Or fat girls
They run 5 minute miles yknow


Yes actually. The image exaggerates it, but it's basically the same as the placebo effect. Your body just somehow conforms to your mind's expectations.

he also learnt how to liquify his body for super speedy attacks from imaginary fights with giant cockroaches

>atleast I'm not a manlet
fucking kek




Isn't this hardcore broscience? And the lifting advice in the manga seemed legit so far.

It's kinda iffy, desu. But that's not why I'm reading it.

Screencap worthy.

Probably not, but I do know that it works for form

In any sport you try to capture and replay the feeling in your head of when you did something perfect over and over and over again

It's legit, if youj don't hit your anabolic window you make literally no gains, only like 1% of what you would normally

The human body doesn't build muscle past 30 minutes of a workout ending, which is why I only do 4 working sets instead of 5 but before I leave I quickly do a set of each exercise one after the other and then sprint home as fast as I can

You actually need to begin protein intake within 30 minutes of your first set starting. Otherwise you're not making gains on anything you did early into the workout.

>Baki the Grappler
Ain't this the same anime where the kid restores sight to his severed visual nerves by tying them like shoelaces in the middle of a fight?
I think it's fair that Baki shouldn't be taken as fact.

Visual nerves running through the sides of his neck, while we're at that.