31 the grease outside

>31 the grease outside

>snowing like crazy

>extremely windy

>half a mile walk to my gym

do I even go, like, literally? nature is such a gains goblin

Try having a 2 hour walk just to get to work 5 days a week all winter my man

>tfw live in northern canada

wut seriously? this is a meme right you dont seriously walk 2 hours to get to work

That's warm as fuck though. Just put on a hoody and wear some pants. If you're that big of a pussy bundle up.

Half a mile is never far as well.

Just stop being a bitch and appreciate the fact that you survived another year and you now have the privilege of enjoying a stroll outside in the snow. Or buy a truck faggot.

Yeah I can't afford a vehicle so I'm forced to walk to work 5 days a week no matter what the weather is

Not this "I have to walk 25 hours a day to get to work each day" bullshit.

You're either lying or retarded not to get a bike.

I obviously bicycle when there isn't a foot of snow outside, it's kinda impossible to bicycle in deep snow brah

buy some clunker for like a couple canadian dongers dude

I can't man I have no money left each month after rent and food, I'm literally poor

walking is the shit

i purposely walk to a grocery store 3 miles away every day just to walk there and back for dat low intensity cardio

Iktf bro I love just being outside and also dat workout carrying heavy groceries for an hour back from the grocery store gets those traps and forearms burning

Just... quit being poor.
Isn't your socialist government supposed to keep you from being poor?

No they don't do anything of the sort, we dont even have food stamps and there is no better paying jobs where I live

>be down under
>31 the grease C outside
>exit home
>develop sunburn within the quarter hour
never seen a white christmas mate

Lol if you work in canada you get none of those benefits regardless if you work full time and are still poor


Man up man and run that half a mile to your gym.

Iktf bro

>tfw work 45 hours a week and still poor
>tfw live off of ramen,eggs and whatever meat is on sale and potatoes
>tfw will never own a house or vehicle

You might as well just keep walking to a place with better jobs.

I'd have to walk way farther for better jobs