How long did it take for the squat to feel "comfortable"?

How long did it take for the squat to feel "comfortable"?

Other urls found in this thread:

>How long did it take for the squat to feel "comfortable"?

Until it gets comfortable

>How long does it take to squat 5 plates

Until you can squat 5 plates


why do the chinese lifters raise their head up 2:37 when coming up from the bottom

How about you stop listening to Rippetoe the father of neckbeard low bar ass munchers?

You're looking at a video of real lifters that have actually accomplished something of note not some fat southern cunt whose greatest claim to fame and achievement is selling books, he copied from Bill Star and self inserted his shitty low bar squats, to the neckbeards on the internet.

Does squat ever feel comfortable? Not for me anyway.

you still haven't answered my question


i stopped squatting/deadlifting after 4 years of lifting

couldn't handle it anymore, still stay just as aesthetic without them anyway

much happier now that i no longer do those lifts, also have more energy outside of the gym

Ive been wondering this myself... Low bar definitely feels better than high though

feels pretty comfortable to me even though i have shit ankle mobility

you must be doing something wrong. where exactly does it feel uncomfortable for you?

Do third world squats to get used to.

It's more comfortable to do low bar with a tight back than high bar with a tight back. Point is, it's not meant to be comfortable-it's meant to be tight.

Not an elite coach, but I believe the idea is similar to why motorbike racers look through the corner rather than where they are currently going - you fixate on where you are looking. If you are looking down (eg Rippletits) when squatting heavy you will likely lean your body foward as that's where your eyes are focused. Leaning forward puts weight on the balls of your feet which isn't a balanced position to continue moving the mass on your back meaning either:
- You can't bail because of back position being near horizontal thanks to tilt forward. Therefore unsafe
- You have shit form and basically put your ass up first then good morning the weight to finish the squat. Bad for back, back gets fucked, you no longer squat, or even walk without pain for that matter

Purpose of looking up essentially makes your body follow keeping that near vertical back position, allows hips/legs to drive bar in efficient path therefore move weight. Any OL lurkers care to offer more insight?

I do it cause it helps keep my torso upright and prevents my hips from shooting up and chest leaning forward

I imagine they do it for the same reason. This is the opposite of what you aim to do in the low bar squat.

First time I squatted 60kg and I was aching really bad.

Second time 60kg felt like nothing, instantly upped it to 80kg and it felt easier than 60kg the first time.

So once.

who is this semen demon

When I did lowbar. Barley had to adjust, go it right almost right away.

A few weeks.


i've been squatting for 6 years and it still feels like shit, such is life when your femurs are longer than your torso

what were your sq/dl numbers before you stopped?

i've been stuck at mid 400s squat for years and i'm considering just ditching it because i'm becoming more interested in just looking good and doing other sports

after six month I felt like I could go ass to grass, but after 1.5 to 2 years I'd say it felt comfortable (it's now one of my most favorite exercises)

Not that guy but I stopped at 315 Squat and 380 DL which are not very impressive at all at 6'4 220lbs.

I stopped because I strained my rhomboid in June whilst squatting only 100kg as I rushed my warm up. Since then Heavy DLs and even moderate squats are out of the question.

I'm probably about 80% recovered now but I'm not gonna jump back into squatting and deadlifting. It's been nice to change up my routine, I've pretty much just been doing Push and Pull workouts and a tiny bit of leg stuff on machines here and there. Seen the most gains in this period than ever.

If it feels comfortable your doing it wrong or you should add more weight

You sound really fun to have at parties.

Comfy mode
>two pairs of compression shorts for support
>knee sleeves
>2" squat shoes
>front squat

If front squats arn't comfy, then you lack the mobility to back squat safely. Back squat can also go crazy wrong even with safety pins and your brain knows its dangerous and stresses out.

it took a day before i stopped falling over if that's what you mean. never felt any discomfort beyond normal muscle activation