I wanna workout like Jackie Chan. He is my idol. He gives me motivation to workout. He cured my depression. He made me stand up my fatass and doing some sports. He made me happy. Jackie gave me confidence. Jackie Chan gave me the reason why I still live and not kill myself. youtube.com/watch?v=548XtyHk2PI
How do I workout like him? I got some dumbbells (sadly only 10kg). I do some other 0815 exercises, but I want to have his training guide so bad
why do none of the karate icons have big chests? bruce lee didn't, jackie chan doesn't, all the asians have small chests but are ripped as fuck.
im guessing its because you really dont need a big chest when doing karate. you're not playing football, you're not pushing anything away. and from the fact that the huge chest today is usually some roided out bodybuilder.
Samuel Adams
big pecs don't do a whole for karate. alot of the force of a punch comes from tricep and shoulder muscle along with good technique.
Carson Wright
Look into what ever martial arts he was doing and maybe pick up bodyweight excercises.
Just do something
David Ross
Jackie Chan was a martial artist as well as a stunt man. All of the Asian action stars are part martial artist and part stuntman, Jackie Chan especially. I would imagine his workouts would be very similar to a traditional martial artist, but all the acrobatics come from stunt training
Lincoln Myers
Do bodyweight. Reddit has a good one called the Recommended Routine
Jeremiah Lewis
>Not wanting to be fuckhuge but still a martial artist.
Aiden Russell
am not rly interested getting huge
Cameron Foster
are you in a martial art at least?
Joseph Rodriguez
a little, but I only want to shape a body like him
Cooper Ward
>bruce lee >jackie chan >karate icons
Angel Gomez
bruce lee had a decent chest.
and as for why most of the martial arts guys don't: shoulders and tris are always more valued to them, and there has been a massive stigma against heavy weights since time began. bruce is the only one who actually benched off the top of my head. jackie does now but probably didn't in his youth
Levi Scott
Jackie Chad lol
Joshua Stewart
the chest is a fucking useless vanity muscle
Jordan Wilson
dont really need chest for martial arts as much as other muscles. None of the very serious kickboxers in my gym have big chests. They can rep out 100 push ups though
Henry Davis
Jackie Chan actually got bigger than he's pictured there, but his movies were some of the first to get me motivated to go train. Love his stuff.
Anyways, the secret is to have a taiwanese qt to be your personal trainer while you blast Sum 41 and do ab rollouts:
Legend of the Drunken Master features tons of wrist and forearm work. Forearm strength is the signature of drunken boxing.
Sebastian Clark
>implying they're not
Those two did basically more than anyone inspiring people to get interested in Eastern Martial Arts.
Nathaniel Allen
First of all. It's Kung fucking Fu.
Owen Barnes
Kung fu is a martial art
Jonathan Torres
Yes, but it's not karate.
Josiah Harris
My bad, I assumed you were one of those people implying they weren't actually skilled but we're just actors. I wasn't the original poster you were responding to btw.
Eli Perry
Nothing gets me more hyped than watching a Kung Fu movie
Brandon Lewis
David Nguyen
Gooks eat a lot of dog meat
Kayden Parker
Logan Gonzalez
>karate icons >bruce lee and jackie chan
All aboard the retard train, choo choo
Brody Thomas
>hasn't seen Jackie Chan's Godtier early king fu movies Laughinggirls.jpeg
Bentley Wright
Jackie Chink
Alexander Smith
Ah yes, the good old early kung fu movies, where people did karate