Male Pattern Baldness

Is there a reasonable solution? I'm not sure if I can work going bald, is rogaine actually worth it?

inb4 beta nu-male comments

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Finasteride helps slow it, with a small chance of regrowth, small chance of sides.

Rogaine helps slow it, with a small chance of regrowth.

Both are only delaying the problem, and it will "catch up" eventually.

Surgery seems hit or miss, based on cost, location and doctor.

Probably best to become a badass and embrace the shaved head look.

Didn't a bald janitor just deleet the prior thread

Either shave it or grow a ridiculous comb-over for shits and giggles.

Can the zinc supplement I was taking (50mg) be causing my thinning hair.

I stopped taking the zinc as of today now that I know that dose is so fucking high....why do they sell it in such a high dose if it's bad for you?

Are you a male?

If so maybe its time to accept you are going bald.
Visit a derm and discuss possible treatment. Or go the Veeky Forums rout and buy proscar and a pill cutter off the internet.

If you're balding, don't be the guy who tries to maintain his gross patchy hair. Just shave it off, if you can grow a beard do it. You'll look more manly anyways and who knows, you might look better with a shaved head too. It's easier to take care of. I once shaved my head, and it's so simply to deal with.

Id say finasteride is best depending on how advanced the balding is. If he caught in early he can pretty much feel safe for the next 10 or so years

I am a male, and 25yo. None of my grandfathers were bald, my dad isnt, nor my mom; just the men on my dad's side that aren't my dad or his dad. But I've heard that baldness comes from one's mother's side anyway, and those guys weren't bald either.

I just signed up for insurance through my job, and will be going in. I hope to God that quitting zinc will square me away, cos this shit started happening around the same time I started taking zinc supplements: about six months ago.

Think I'm going to take the fin plunge here in a month or two. Hair isn't too noticeably bad so I hope to delay my balding for at least 7-8 more years.
Anyone have success with this? Has anyone tried TWO at once? Like minoxidil you can rub in and fin orally.

>baldness comes from one's mother's side

Thats a myth. Many genes are associated with hair loss. Only one has been identified as being from the mother. Seems like your fathers side has some history though. Bettee safe than sorry. Book a dermatologist and get checked for hair miniaturization. If you're lucky you caught it early. Denial will fuck you over long term.

Fin and mino at the same time is the typical my shit has been fucked please help approach. Fin should be fine if you're just starting.

>Is there a reasonable solution

Yes, it's called shaving.

>just shave it bro

It's literally the only non-cuck option. Everything else will just make you look like a fucking loser who can't handle losing his hair. I mean, it's fucking hair, for fuck's sake. Who gives a shit?

Hell, some guys look better bald, like the Rock or Vin Diesel.

I'm gonna schedule the appointment tomorrow.

Any anons here know how much treatment costs?

>Some guys look better bald
>Like these attractive men who are attractive with or without hair

the only solution is to shave your head. I did a lot of research on hair loss treatments and most of them are bad.

>turned 19 a while back
>thin hair,itching at the temples,high hairline
>want to talk to doctor but it's embarrassing and my insurance is shit tier
fug I just want to have hair well into my 20s

Generic fin is like less than ten bucks a month

So, you're ugly? Hair won't fix that, my chrome-domed friend.

You know what would make them look even better? Hair.

Fuck yeah. And it works? And my peenor will still work correctly?

What are you, a millenial or something? The Rock had hair in the 90s and he looked like shit with it.

Like 3% of people report a sad dick for a month. After a month only 1%

Im not entirely unconvinced they wouldnt have a limp dick either way.

He looks shit now too. The rock isnt conventionally attractive.

>He looks shit now too. The rock isnt conventionally attractive.

Almost anything can cause a limp dick anyway, even me thinking about having a limp dick will make me get one.

1% is worth it. Can you bounce back if you do get ED and quit the hair treatment?

Like immediately.

Pumpkin seed oil, saw palmetto, and nizoral shampoo

>People magazines Sexiest man alive
>Not attractive

Like there are better looking dudes sure, but The Rock is Tall, muscular, good facial structure and very outgoing. Lots of women love the rock.

Cool beans, thanks man.

go to a fucking derm, most of the comments here are horribly mislead and probably read off webmd.

fin has very rare chances of sides. that's all i know, from what my derm has told me. and that's all i use.

Yes of course they do. He's famous, has money, and isn't ugly.

Try dermaroller.

>pic of jason statham literally the only guy who looks good bald
>they still cut the top of his head out of the pics
balding is the fucking worst thing ever

For you guys considering finasteride remember to cut your pills into .5mg or .25 doses, anything higher has minimal effect on lowering DHT and you save money too.

Even a dose as low as 0.04mg a day can be effective, the only thing that varies depending on the dosage is how quickly DHT serum levels in the body are suppressed. So, if you're really worried about side effects, start small so that your body adapts to the fact that you're pretty much declaring war on your hormones.

Also, don't knock FUE transplants, most cases are treatable with fantastic results, ask to see before and after pictures the doc has on his patients. If he doesn't have any, get the fuck out of there.

just get generic minoxidil. i use kirkland minox. it's cheap and definitely works.

>before hair
Beta computer nerd
>after hair
Alpha tech tycoon

People saying hair doesn't matter are delusional.

>who is Jeff Bezos

Some bald faggot

>thin hair
>high hairline
fuck, are you me?

You're choosing to hold onto your insecurity. Confidence beats physical appearance in men. If you weren't going bald you'd find something else to he insecure about.

Keep justifying your genetic flaws to yourself cueball.

Yeah, I'm sure McCounaughey regrets not shaving his thinning hair back in the 90s.

Finasteride was proven not to be linked to permanent sexual sides. go for it my man.


He's a known toupe wearer.

source on all that?

i have a receding front, have been using minoxidil for only two moths and already have a line of tiny hairs coming back out.

anyone who says don't do anything about it is a fool, we live in the god damn future for a reason.

Nah thats a transplant for sure

lol fag, how about you just accept it like a man?

>start going bald

"I-It must be my test levels!"

"Fuck me my thyroid is probably out of whack!"

"I know, it's my zinc supplement!"

Christ, all this coping is so fucking sad. You're losing your hair, accept it and shave like a man or keep grasping at straws like a cuck.

Op this is an old Fraud thread and I advice you look through it


unless you have bulimia it is almost assuredley MPB

fuck me look here

bumperino for other baldin bros

this shit might just be gold, i'll definetely try it.
>tl;dr fraud user takes retarded amounts of pumpkin seeds oil and saw palmetto for hair gains, has studies and annectodal evidence to back everything up
it's worth a try


minoxidil works for me. also, take biotine pills and just eat healhty

zinc raises test and excess test converts to DHT. DHT=balding.

the more u know famalam

also I'd cut zinc down to 10mg

Christ, thats some literal greek god hair. do you have a before pic?