Lower back pain general
I can't be the only one here who injured their back thinking that reading SS was all the preparation I needed for squatting and deadlifting heavy. I swear I've given myself degenerative disk disease.
Lower back pain general
I can't be the only one here who injured their back thinking that reading SS was all the preparation I needed for squatting and deadlifting heavy. I swear I've given myself degenerative disk disease.
What did you do to fuck up your back?
I had some low back pain at some point during SS. I spent a lot of time working on my form and eventually I figure it out. Most likely your back is only temporary.
Where does it hurt?
Squats and DL under the false impression that I knew what I was doing, and with no gymbro to correct me
Just above my tail bone (or whatever you wanna call it). It kinda moves around a bit, and starts to ache if I'm sitting too long.
Me too. Deadlifted heavy for a couple years with no problems thinking I had it down. Then got a sharp pain in my lower back on a DL warmup set last week.
because you are like all the kids i see in gym today who only care about their numbers and disregard form. they think this is a video game and want to increase the numbers as fast as possible.
why would you even continue lifting when the pain started? didn't it occur to you that that's how your body is telling you something is wrong?
take a month off until the pain is gone then start slow and giving special attention to form. record yourself all the time. the moment you see your form is shit deload.
pray to god you didn't fuck up your back permanently doing stupid shit. but hey, at least you can write on this board that you are squatting 3pl8
If you arent stretching and foam rolling 14x/week, you have no right to complain
are you one of those kids that comes in gym and start lifting his max amount right away? saw someone do squats that way today with horrible form. he'll be gone soon.
I have no pain during the workout but the next day in my lower back and it does not feel like muscle ache. Am i fucked ?
[DL: 2 Plates]
no, it's because he fell for the ss meme
has nothing to do with deadlifting
Yep, I was stupid. I was trolled into believing that my numbers would keep increasing linearly until I hit 2plate squat 3plate DL and that if it didn't then I was doing it wrong. So I just kept adding weight to the bar.
I did stop when the pain started. At least, I stopped once I realised the pain wasn't the good kind of pain.
I've started again but if I have a bad session where my form is anything less than perfect, I can feel it in my back for a few days after. Feels horrible.
I can only hope its not permanent.
I think all lifters should use an inversion table every now and then. I don't even squat heavy and I benefited a lot from it.
Could be your si joint acting up. Look for stretches for it. I can pop mine back and keep my lower back pain free nowadays just popping my lower back once everday or every other day. I've lots of nerve pain and shit my lower back hurt so so so much for few years but now I finally figured how to keep it in place. Also fuck deadlifts if you have tendency for back pain. I also hope sometimes I haven't fucked my back up completely but if there is no pain, there most likely isnt that much wrong so Im happy.
>implying foam rolling fixes bad form
did you start doing more deeper squats recently? if you were sedentary before you started lifting it could be that you just pulled a muscle.
is the pain more to the side? if it is that's probably it and not your back. take a rest for 1-2 weeks and stretch a lot, especially this youtube.com
if it's not better go see a doctor. but the most important thing is to stop exercising or risk even bigger injury.
>thinking people like OP are safe on DBs
>doing low reps while deadlifting
NEVER. Just take a 3 week break from anything stressing your back
When I say I stopped I meant I stopped last year. The pain went away after a couple of weeks. I started again a few months ago, but this time around my back feels weaker. Or maybe I'm just much more conscious of it. I think I'm just going to give up on deadlifts completely and just do high reps low weight for squats.
The pain is to the side somewhat, but it moves around.
I started SS two weeks ago, after 6 months of inconsistent lifting. Whay would you guys recommend?
I'm squatting 150 at the moment.
Should I continue the routine, but actually slow the speed in which I add weight to the bar?
Been lifting heavy and raw for 3 years and have never had lower back pain, I've strained my scapula, my lat, my traps, my quads, but never anything serious.
So why are you here? Go away.
I would recommend getting a PT that actually knows what their doing and ironing out the problems with the form before they become an issue. Advise on the internet can only take you so far, and not all of us are lucky enough to be good friends with a powerlifter. Not all PTs are shit. Find a reputable one. It'll be worth the money.
>Should I continue the routine, but actually slow the speed in which I add weight to the bar?
keep adding the weight as long as you have good form and you're pain free. also record yourself and you will immediately see when your form turns to shit.
once that happens drop back to weight where your form was good and just do more sets with that weight then try increasing the weight again on next workout.
never sacrifice form for bigger numbers. it's not worth it.
Just be careful.
Make sure you don't egolift, if you can't manage an increase then you can't. Be mindful of every rep and do it properly. If you need to go easy one day because you're just not feeling it, then go easy
Just gonna bump this since no one responded and I think everyone could benefit from it.
Had a lower back injury which persistently acted up when I leaned both forward and back. Must have crushed my discs good for it to hurt both ways. Anyway I got a table and after a few weeks of daily use I'm all good.
Just came to tell you adding a belt when you're weak as fuck is just gonna cripple you
Are there other good routines that do lighter weights and more reps that are 3 times a week?
OP here. I've seen this mentioned in passing a few times as something that helped. Unfortunately I don't really have the money or the floorspace to get something like this. Maybe I should just go outside and hang from some trees.
Why didn't you say it in the first post?
Oh, I know that one - got it diddylifting too heavy. No clue how to get rid of it, though.
Just use common sense. SS routine is good. There is no written rule that you HAVE to increase weights every workout. You can do more low weight/high reps on days when you feel like it to practice your form.
I always do quite a lot of squats with low weight for my warmup and slowly work up to work sets just to practice form and stretch out those muscles.
Ever heard of a doctor?
You'll never get stronger if you don't push your limits, just use common sense and listen to your body.
How long have you had it for?
I fixed my lower back pain by strengthening my core and stretching my hips.
Im also facing a similar problem, my gym routine has always been: (cause i dont have a clue what programme to follow except for 5x5)
Deep squats, Bench Press and DL
Deep Squats, OHP and DL
I enjoy doing these workouts however, after squatting or DL'ing i would suffer sort of a discomfort around my middle back sometimes lower back when im looking down. The problem is so persistent that i restrict myself to sometimes 3 reps when DL'ing. The pain also might hinder me from finishing my 5 sets. (I've tried to increase my 5x5 PR by 2.5kg everytime i visit the gym)
Any advice? (ps im a newbie)
can you elaborate? what exercises did you do for your core and what stretches?
Jesus, stop. Just stop. Don't ignore the pain or try to work around it. Something is wrong, and its about to get a whole lot worse if you don't do something about it now.
Lower the weight, find somebody that knows what they're doing and learn how to do it properly.
>started 2 weeks ago
>"squatting" 150
Why can't you retards ever figure this out. Start with an empty bar. The weight will get plenty heavy enough for you very fast.
weak core. try using belt to see if it fixes it
Got a hernia in my lower back way back in high school from wrestling, not too serious but there. Never healed right. I only started doing DL and squats a couple years ago but sometimes I get back pain for days after too. Doctor said I could lift as long as it doesn't hurt, and it doesn't when I lift, but afterwards hurts pretty bad. Just stretch and keep the weight at a reasonable level.
I worked out inconsistently for the last 6 months. It was enough for me to start with 1pl8 squat on my SS.
>I can pop mine back
Me too bro. Stopped back squatting completely. Only front squat now.
You probably have a slight herniation. talk to a doc or pt about it
Anyone have problems with one side of their lower back? For me, it's the lower left side of my back, just above my left ass cheek. It doesn't hurt when I squat or deadlift. I actually took a break from both for a while (couple of weeks) but I didn't see much progress with it.
I hope not. I don't have any of the symptoms of pain going down my leg or glutes or anything. Its all just in the lower back.
What happened with you?
Go to a chiropractor, not a PT. PT will give you willy nilly exercises you can find on the internet.
A chiropractor will actually assess and correct your spine. Dealing with back and disc injuries is their bread and butter.
I got soreness in my lower back from the diddylift and squats and still do when I start adding weight.
It is always keenly muscle pain though, and it goes away after a day of rest. Your lower back will certainly get worked hard on those lifts. The pain is dull and more of a soreness than sharp or actually painful. Sometimes it feels a bit stiff, but if you are getting sharp pain go to a doctor.
Nice meme science bro.
Go to a fucking sports physio doctor instead.
I had to figure out when I started that I had to start very light. not because my legs were to weak but because all the core and hip muscles that stabilize the lift were weak as fuck. 3 months in and it is all much better.
"Anti chiropractic" is the meme. Don't fall for it.
Fuck off to reddit with your meme-science. Chiropractors are snake oil salesmen.
and stretch your hamstrings
What's more snake oil? Prescribing exercises you should be doing anyway and giving you muscle relaxers?
Or actually finding and addressing the cause of your pain?
Medfag here, for all of those who have a lot of back pain after working out to you I say this:
Your spine is kept together by fibrous discs that allow it to be flexible, if you lift to much you could get a hernia and these disks have the ability to burst and cause severe nerve damage. Please always use a belt and do not bite off more than you can chew.
Listen up faggots i had the EXACT same issues you are having and i solved it.
1. You need to foam roll and stretch, ESPECIALLY your quads, and hamstrings, glutes and hipflexers. My weakest point was my hamstrings and it really showed in my lifts.
2. Get a lacrosse ball for your lower back and spinal erectors. Do NOT foam roll your back unless you know what youre doing, just use it to stretch you lower back at most.
3. Foam roll your glutes and hips, don't roll your IT band you do not need to.
4. Watch as many form videos as you can, practice your form in a mirror with and without heavy weight.
5. Do back extentions
6. If youre hurt STOP LIFTING until you are better
>Or actually finding and addressing the cause of your pain
Spinal manipulation has never EVER been part of scientific research that showed it had any benefits further than placebo.
A sports physio doctor not only went to school for years longer than a chiropractor, they also didn't study absolutely worthless homeopathy tier science.
Maybe when you do serious lifting AKA /ow/ or /pl/ you'll realize chiros are fucking worthless for injuries.
I have it all in my back too. Can't squat anymore. You can have a herneation without the leg/glute pain. I'm fucked for life unfortunately.
I have the exact same thing. I went to the doctor and got an x-ray. He said there's nothing wrong with my spine/discs.
There's a weird bump in there. I'm guessing I tore something and it hasn't healed properly.
When I lie down to sleep at night, it feels slightly uncomfortable (it's like my left side of my lower back and my left glute is overly sensitive), but when I wake up, I don't feel the discomfort.
Somehow fucked up pic related, took a week off and iced the shit out of it. I was doing DLs with what I can only assume was bad form. Thankfully it seemed to be only a pull muscle, but now whenever I'm doing the OHP my back starts acting up and feels stiff as fuck. Anyone else get that?
>been lifting for couple of years
>notice that muscles on my back are unbalanced as fuck, right side is bigger
>oh shit i fucked my back up
>panic and rush to the doctor
>looks at spine
>lol user your back is fine
>but your right leg is shorter than your left, thats why your back muscles are fucked up
What the fuck do i do now? Doc said i can get some special shoes for that, but how can i balance out my back? Is there a way to just train one side?
1. Fix your posture.
2. If it's still completely fucked, do hypertrophy on one side to make it look bigger.
Alright, stay ignorant. Go get some "exercises" and whatever the latest drug the pharma companies are pushing. See if that helps you in the long run.
If you want to actually find and correct the issue that's causing your pain, go to a chiropractor.
There's a reason virtually every pro team has a chiro on staff and a reason why your favorite pro athletes go to the chiro regularly.
Chances are your legs are equal in length. The short leg phenomenon occurs when your pelvis is rotated or "out of alignment."
A rotated pelvis will cause muscles in your lower back to tighten up and that hikes your hip up, giving you the appearance of a short leg.
I agree PT can be a waste of time, but a chiropractor won't find shit. I needed an MRI to find my herneation. A chiropractor won't fix that.
>drop the ohp weight
>use your glutes
>don't arch too much
>you faggot
This is horrible advice. Chiropractors are a joke. If anyone has concerns about their back or any other part of their body please go to a doctor, possibly even one who specializes in sports medicine.
You're really stupid as fuck. Chiros for professional athletes serve as NOTHING MORE than a fucking expensive massage.
Literally every pro team has a phyisio doctor who does all the MRI/x-raying that chiros do for normal people because CHIROS are worthless for actual sports injuries. Weightlifting coaches know a hundred times more about sports injuries than chiros do actually despite usually not even having doctoral training.
You can legitimately find hundreds of peer reviewed articles proving how worthless chiros are for their intended purpose.
Was it a sudden thing or more gradual? How. Much pain? Do you mind just greentexting your whole experience? I really hope I don't have this
I help people with bulges and minor herniations all the time. I've helped many people avoid surgery.
A real bad herniation or prolapsed disc may require surgery, but it's always smart to try the conservative route first.
Are you a doctor? Are you an expert in the mechanics of the spine or the function of the human body?
Then you have no right to your opinion.
I've got 3 herniated and prolapsed discs.
Don't do dumbbell rows. Don't do deadlift. Be very careful with your squats, and prioritize leg press instead.
Carefully make your abs and lumbar muscles stronger by planking.
If you've fucked up your back, you're in for a life of pain. It will never go away, it can only be minimized.
so we are faggots now?
"""""""""""""""peer reviewed articles"""""""""""""""
You don't know what you're talking about.
It was gradual. The pain is a constant 2/10 throughout the day, with some activities (like standing for a long time) spiking it higher, up to 10/10 at times. I'll greentext later
>Are you a doctor?
No, but neither are chiropractors.
>Are you an expert in the mechanics of the spine or the function of the human body?
I'm a better expert than the vast majority of chiropractors considering I've done coached olympic weightlifting for half a decade and intensive powerlifting for 5 years before that.
>No? Then you have no right to your opinion.
Actually yes I do considering I've read nearly a hundred peer-reviewed medical articles from real spinal doctors that do major surgery who claim chiropractors are worthless.
Additionally, go ask in any of the serious generals on this board if you should EVER go to a chiro for a back injury, they will laugh your DYEL ass out of the thread.
>You don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, because your anecdotes and bullshit really shows you do.
How did you get them and what was the symptoms ?
Enjoy your stroke. Spinal manipulation is absolute bullshit and if you get lucky to have a chiro who partially knows what they are doing they will just do the EXACT same shit what sports doctors do.
Planking will exacerbate your injury. Planking flattens out your lower back and "turns off" your multifidus muscle. Most people have weak and atrophied multifidi so this is not a good idea.
Chiropractors are doctors. period.
Any asshole can become a coach and lift weights. That doesn't make you an expert. I'll agree there are some bad chiros out there, but the good ones are great.
>be a surgeon
>make your living off surgery
>pick and choose cases to write about
>write articles that promote surgery
>condemn treatments that can help people avoid surgery
nice critical thinking there pal
nice group think there. I bet you watch CNN too. BAKA
Jesus this thread is really revealing the extend of the SS troll.
sports doctors don't adjust your spine guy.
>Chiropractors are doctors. period.
Yeah, except by training, degree, certification, definition, and basically every other factor that exists.
Get real with your fucking meme science and anecdotes, homeopathy does more than fucking chiropractors.
They don't, because they know it's bullshit.
Doctor is a level of education, not a profession.
an MD is a doctor of medicine, a physician
a DC is a doctor of chiropractic, a chiropractor
It's fine dude, keep your head in the sand.
Greentext pls
Yeah, and a DC receives exponentially less training than a sports MD does yet pretends they know jack shit when they can't even correctly read their own x-rays.
Also DC aren't accepted as doctors in the vast majority of 1st world countries.
>I am not highly qualified and I am extremely biased.
nice article there.
a lot of detractors like to claim that chiros think manipulation "treats" illness.
That line of thinking is silly and it's 100 years old.
That's not how chiropractic works.
medical school is just as long as chiropractic school. About 5000 hours.
>Fuck up back doing retarded rows.
>No longer can squat or DL without shitty pain.
>Sciatica pain all over right leg.
>Go to 3 different PT pretty much all tell me not to lift heavy and do some shitty body weight core exercises when I can squat 440 and DL 525
>Go to chiro 2-3 sessions adjustments back pain gone no tightness, back to 90% in my lifts but just taking it easy.
Go to chiro lads always thought they were scammers or will fuck you up but boy was I wrong.
There's a reason why DCs make an average of 66k a year and MDs legit start at 150k.
>I am not highly qualified and I am extremely biased.
>yet still bothers to cite legitimate sources and bases opinions on medical research
Yeah, that's not how chiropractic works because it doesn't work at all according to anything but anecdotes.
There has never been a single article published by any medical community, doctor, etc that showed the effectiveness of chiropractic beyond placebo.
But great anecdotes you guys got there, truly showing how "useful" your meme science is.
There's a reason why DCs make an average of 66k a year and MDs legit start at 150k.
That's not a really good argument, Dentists make just as much if not more than MDs and yet they work less hours, less work and generally live a comfy job.
you can drown drinking water. what's your point
Fucked up my back doing construction and had to quit DL and squat
got a new bed and its feeling SO much better, starting to DL again at very low weight high rep,emphasis on technique
You're right bro we should also stop benching since even with spotters you can drop bar on your chest and die.
if you believe that then you don't understand the mechanics of the spine.
I gotta go. I have patients.